The FUUSN Chime

Weekly Newsletter of the

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

May 29, 2024

Share Joys and Sorrows

Worship Service

Candidating Week: Our Co-Ministerial Candidates

Sunday, June 2, 2024 at 10:15am

Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner and Rev. Joel Miller

Come hear our co-ministerial candidates preach, then stay after service for our ministerial vote.

Join us in person or on Zoom:

Religious Exploration This Week

All Together Sunday: End-of-Year Crafting

The Ministers are HERE!!!

Rev. Debra Haffner and Rev. Joel Miller, our Candidates for Co-Ministery, finally got to meet many in our FUUSN community this past weekend at Sandy Island. They were greeted at their cabin by decorations lovingly done by members of our community. It was all the Ministerial Search Committee could do to get the Ministers to their worship rehearsal on time. These are a couple of extroverts that were eager to meet and greet as many as they could as soon as they arrived on the island. It was a lovely start to their Candidating Week at FUUSN!

The rest of the time at Sandy Island was filled with a thoughtful and touching Memorial Day Remembrance (thank you, Nancy Mattei and Bob MacWilliams!), lots of conversation with the Ministers, snacks, meals and, of course, a talent show.  

As we are now in Candidating Week at FUUSN, we encourage all who are able to attend the Candidating Week events. There are great opportunities to get to know Rev. Debra and Rev. Joel. Make sure to check the schedule of events. We will also send along daily reminders for upcoming events. We are so excited that our beloved FUUSN community finally gets to meet these special Ministers. 


Our Special Meeting, the Vote to Call, will occur in the Sanctuary on June 2nd immediately after the morning worship service ends, and the search committee strongly recommends members attend in person. While people attending by Zoom will be given the opportunity to vote by email during the meeting, it is preferable that we be together as a community for this important decision and likely subsequent celebration (there will be cake). If you need a ride to the service/ meeting, please reach out to the Ministerial Search Committee at as soon as possible. 

A woman with curly blonde hair wearing glasses and a red-and-white flower print dress stands at a podium and speaks into a microphone
A gray-haired man wearing glasses, a pink, long-sleeved shirt, a flower-print tie, and a red stole stands at a podium and speaks into a microphone

You can find the full schedule of Candidating Week events in the following locations:

Warrants for Upcoming Congregational Meetings

Warrants for the upcoming congregational meetings can be found here:

Over 60s Zoom Group Forming

As the Over 60s, we have long been trying to figure out a way to make it easier for those members who have a difficult time getting to church - whether it’s transportation, health and mobility issues, or distance - to get together. Age not a requirement!! 

The time, date, frequency and content to be determined by members, with set-up and on-going help by the Over 60s. We see this potential group as a way to stay connected with others at FUUSN and keep up with what’s going on, bring inquiries, maybe have staff as guests, whatever! when attending church is not so easy.

Would you have interest in such a group? If so, please email Ruth at If we have enough interest, we will get back to you and begin planning! 

In Memoriam

The FUUSN Community sends our love and support to the Dusett family (Bill, Leah, and Miles) as they mourn the loss of their son, Julian Dusett, on Monday, May 27. Info on visits with the family and a Celebration of Life will follow.

Upcoming Events This Week

Wednesday, May 29

6:30-7:30pm: Candidating Week Discussion: Spiritual Development and Unitarian Universalism, Open to All - Alliance Room

Thursday, May 30

10:30-11:30am: Candidating Week: Meet the Candidates Drop-in, Open to All - Alliance Room

12:30-1:30pm: Candidating Week: Long-term Congregants Lunch at Cabot Park Village (by invitation)

2:30-3:30pm: Candidating Week: Meet the Candidates on Zoom, Open to All - online

4:30-5:30pm: Candidating Week Discussion: Social Action, Open to All - online

6-7pm: Candidating Week: Potluck Dinner and Meeting with Ops, Finance, and Annual Pledge Drive Steering Committee - Alliance Room

6:30-8:30pm: Climate Action Task Force - BERDO Education Forum - Parish Hall

Friday, May 31

6:30-8pm: Candidating Week: Pizza Party with Youth Group - Parish Hall

Saturday, June 1

3:00-5:00pm: Candidating Week: Family-Friendly Ice Cream Social, Open to All - Parish Hall

Sunday, June 2

A man with gray hair wearing glasses and a blue hoodie holds hands with a woman with shoulder-length blonde hair wearing glasses, a pink shirt, and a black cardigan sweater. They stand in front of a glass-paned door decorated with daisy chains and a Welcome sign decorated with sunflowers.

Congregational Meeting and Vote - 11:30am

We will vote to call Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner and Rev. Joel Miller as settled co-ministers of the First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton.

In the Sanctuary and on Zoom

Monday, June 3

2:30-3:30pm: Member Services Committee: Sunday Morning to First Year Meeting - online

7:30-9pm: Soul Matters Small Group Ministry - online

Tuesday, June 4

1:30-3:30pm: Over 60s meeting

Recurring Events

Wed., 6:30pm: Tai Chi Class

Wed., 7:30pm: Choir Practice

Thurs., 4:30pm: CreationDance

Fri., 11am: Over 60s Walking Group - Cutler Park

Volunteer Opportunities

Serve Scoops and Meet the Co-Ministers at our Family-Friendly Ice Cream Social - June 1, 2024, 3-5pm

Ice Cream sundaes provided by FUUSN. Vegan option available. Enjoy an ice cream sundae as you mingle with Fuusnites and talk with the co-ministerial candidates in the Parish Hall. Volunteers needed for light set up and ice cream scooping.

Sign Up Here

A hand with a blue wristwatch hold up an ice cream cone wrapped in a napkin with two scoops of ice cream

Community Lunch Helpers Wanted!

The Community BBQ Lunch is scheduled for June 9, 2024 to coincide with the Annual Meeting. Volunteer to help cook, set up, or clean up!

For these and ALL other volunteer opportunities, visit the Volunteer page on our website. Have a volunteer opportunity to add? Contact Jenise.

Save the Date

An umbrella showing rainbow colors and the text, "Join FUUSN's Rainbow Umbrella team at Pride - Pride 2024, 06 08 24 - Boston pride for the people Festival and Parade, June 8 2024 -"


Before COVID, FUUSN participated in the Pride Parade for decades - someone must know how long - and we're going back on Saturday, June 8th!

We have a registered team, at least 20 interested folx, and are figuring out logistics. Some will meet at Arlington Street Church at 8:45am for pre-parade worship, or go in together on the train. Some will carpool or ride-share from FUUSN or from someone's home and meet at Copley Square at 9:00. We will carry a banner and dance in the streets with bubbles and percussion (maybe). Looking for fun ideas!

It's only 1.7 miles from Copley Square to Boston Common.

Please read more at before you ask any questions, and respond to Jacki Rohan at with a firm commitment and number of family and friends. The first 25 folx will automatically be on the team. After that we need additional team captains to be trained; our absolute maximum is 75 humans.

What about you, Dragonfly?

A Haiku Retreat: Thursday, June 20, 10:00AM-2:00 PM. In the Alliance Rm. 

Facilitator: Jeannie Martin, haiku poet, teacher and retreat leader

Haiku: a short poem that connects nature and human nature. A poem of the immediate, present moment that opens our awareness of the everyday. We will learn about haiku: its origins, form and structure, and read many spring and summer haiku. The special focus of our day together is how we can more directly relate to the living things that share our spaces, from plants to animals, to seashells, sand dollars and geese overhead. We will learn to better use our five senses to write haiku that help us overcome the sense of species loneliness we often feel. All you have to do is walk out your front door to be inspired by haiku awareness that brings you closer to the other living things of this earth. 

We will be using Jeannie's latest book, the length of one breath: haiku now, as our reference throughout the day. Each participant will receive a copy of the book, for which there is no charge, but donations will be gratefully accepted.

Jeannie Martin's haiku appears regularly in a number of poetry journals and anthologies. The author of 14 books of haiku, Jeannie teaches at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education as well as other venues. She is a Newton resident and member of our 0ver-60's group.

Registration is required as numbers are limited. Please contact Jeannie to register.

Summer Services Schedule is Now Available!

Trying to plan your summer but don't want to miss that fantastic service? Check out our Summer Services schedule! View on our website or download the flyer.

Kudos Corner

Thanks to everyone who helped make Sandy Island a fantastic success and introducton to our congregation for Revs. Debra and Joel. Special thanks to Denise Bousquet, Emily Gelbert, and all the Sandy Island staff.

Thanks to the many people who helped make our sermon double-header flow (almost) seamlessly last Sunday: Darius Silva and Gordon Moriarty for running Zoom at FUUSN and Erin O'Donnell and Neal Klinman for running Zoom at Sandy Island. Our apologies for the lack of sound during the music portion of the Sandy Island service.

Adults and children perform on a small, wood-paneled stage
Two seated men: on the left, a man with short gray hair wearing a olive t-shirt and blue jeans plays the guitar, and on the right, a man with gray hair and beard wearing glasses, a black t-shirt, and black jeans prepares to sing into a microphone

Congratulations to our UU Plant-Based Eating Club, who were recently featured in Fig City News for their journeys to veganism. Read the article here.

Thank you to Over 60s for creating and setting up a successful, energizing community venture which the Art Fest proved to be!!!  Please view the Feedback Report on the Over 60's 2023-2024 coffee hour Art Fest. Do let the Over 60s continue to know new ideas and critiques you may have!!

Congratulations to Melissa Kogut, who participated in a multi-year dialogue during the 90's with pro-choice and pro-life leaders as a way to de-escalate polarization. This project is the focus of a new documentary called Public Enemies, Private Friends, airing on GBH Thursday 5/30 and Friday 5/31 at 9pm and is featured in a Boston Globe article.

Submit News and Events

Have a news item you want to share? Want to schedule a FUUSN Event? Please use our web forms! Note that any event using physical space at FUUSN must be approved by Fran, and until you receive confirmation from her, that event will not be scheduled or added to our Events calendar.

Submissions to the newsletter must be sent in by the previous Tuesday at 9am. Submissions to the Order of Service must be sent in by the previous Thursday at 9am.

Submit News
Submit an Event

FUUSN Contacts

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton | 617-527-3203

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