Kelly Smith, IT Director, shares his experience
implementing AI software
Our team was looking for a way to support providers with patient care notes, decrease the time it took them to complete this task, and increase the time available for care communication with patients. We had heard about neighboring clinics using AI to assist with dictation during patient visits, so we started researching AI tools to assist our providers with their dictation responsibilities. We reviewed several different AI dictation solutions only to discover that they were cost prohibitive. Fortunately, a provider located in our building referred us to Athelas Scribe and was able to attest to the affordability and the time savings he experienced as a result of using the software.
Essentially, Athelas is an ambient listening AI that will listen to the visit and translate the notes from the visit by understanding the doctor's voice versus the patient’s voice and filtering out small talk or pieces of the conversation that are not related to the visit. It has a very high compliance rate in documenting what was said correctly during the visit. It will automatically create a standard SOAP note, or you can customize how the note is compiled by adding certain rules to align with your specific EMR requirements. You can also have it integrated directly with the EMR.
Athelas Scribe works on any Windows or Mac device and runs entirely inside Chrome, so there is no need for any extensive software installs or constant updates. The software also offers a straight dictation platform if the provider needs to record notes post-surgery or dictate a letter. It even has a mobile app if the provider wants to use their cell phone or a separate mobile device like a tablet or iPad. Also, there is no fear of data being stored on those devices directly because all of the dictations are compiled and processed in the cloud.
Since implementing this AI solution, we have seen major improvements in timely charting and less time spent by providers post-visit/post-procedure trying to complete all of their patient documentation.