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August Telehealth News

*The Utah Telehealth Network Advisory Council Welcomes Tiffany Vickers and Sami Bushnell

*Deborah LaMarche Telehealth Excellence Award Call for Nominations

*Member Spotlight: Blue Mountain Hospital Adopts AI

*Rural Health Association of Utah Conference

The Utah Telehealth Network Advisory Council 

Welcomes Tiffany Vickers and Sami Bushnell! 

“My research focuses on areas critical to public health, including stress management, maternal self-efficacy, chronic disease management, and the use of technology to enhance healthcare outcomes. This highlights my dedication to solving pressing health and societal challenges.” 

— Dr. Tiffany Vickers

Dr. Vickers, Assistant Professor and Program Director of Population Health at Utah Tech University, has dedicated her career to transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and advocacy. As a seasoned researcher and educator, she empowers families and students to live their best lives. Beyond academia, Vickers engages in initiatives to improve health outcomes for marginalized populations. Her journey is fueled by the belief that every challenge is an opportunity to learn, grow, and make a lasting impact.

I am excited to be part of the Utah Telehealth Network Advisory Council and help connect school nurses with telehealth services.

— Sami Bushnell

Sami Bushnell, State School Nurse Consultant for the Utah Department of Health and Human Services, has over 16 years of experience in pediatric healthcare and a robust background in promoting excellence in nursing services, advocating for student health needs, and developing health programs. As Utahs new State School Nurse Consultant, Sami is focused on making sure school health programs meet state standards. When she’s not working, Sami loves traveling with her family and using her travel hacking skills to explore new places.

The Utah Telehealth Network (UTN) Advisory Council provides guidance to UTN in support of its mission and operations. Its responsibilities include strategic planning, review and approval of budgets and fee structures, adoption and approval of policies, development of services for network members, strategic planning, and government relations.

UTN's Advisory Council is made up of 15 members selected to reflect Utah’s diverse healthcare community, including representation from rural Utah; member hospitals, clinics and health departments; other organizations; the University of Utah, research and education; and at-large members. To learn more about the UTN Advisory Council, its members, and open positions, please visit here. 


Member Spotlight: Blue Mountain Hospital

Kelly Smith, IT Director, shares his experience

implementing AI software

Our team was looking for a way to support providers with patient care notes, decrease the time it took them to complete this task, and increase the time available for care communication with patients. We had heard about neighboring clinics using AI to assist with dictation during patient visits, so we started researching AI tools to assist our providers with their dictation responsibilities. We reviewed several different AI dictation solutions only to discover that they were cost prohibitive. Fortunately, a provider located in our building referred us to Athelas Scribe and was able to attest to the affordability and the time savings he experienced as a result of using the software.

Essentially, Athelas is an ambient listening AI that will listen to the visit and translate the notes from the visit by understanding the doctor's voice versus the patients voice and filtering out small talk or pieces of the conversation that are not related to the visit. It has a very high compliance rate in documenting what was said correctly during the visit. It will automatically create a standard SOAP note, or you can customize how the note is compiled by adding certain rules to align with your specific EMR requirements. You can also have it integrated directly with the EMR.

Athelas Scribe works on any Windows or Mac device and runs entirely inside Chrome, so there is no need for any extensive software installs or constant updates. The software also offers a straight dictation platform if the provider needs to record notes post-surgery or dictate a letter. It even has a mobile app if the provider wants to use their cell phone or a separate mobile device like a tablet or iPad. Also, there is no fear of data being stored on those devices directly because all of the dictations are compiled and processed in the cloud. 

Since implementing this AI solution, we have seen major improvements in timely charting and less time spent by providers post-visit/post-procedure trying to complete all of their patient documentation.  

Telehealth Excellence Award Call for Nominations

Open Until August 30!

The Deborah LaMarche Telehealth Excellence Award is presented annually to an individual or organization in Utah that has accomplished outstanding work in the field of telehealth, including the areas of policy development, innovative programs and activities, technology, patient and/or provider support, education, and training.

The first award was given to Deborah LaMarche for her 25 years of tireless service in assisting individuals and organizations in Utah and across the nation in developing successful telehealth programs.

Recognizing the importance of IT development and innovative technologies in the success of telehealth programs, the 2024 Deborah LaMarche Telehealth Excellence Award will honor a provider in Utah who has accomplished outstanding work in the IT sector. 

Nominees should demonstrate work related to the application of innovative technologies and how these technologies have increased service delivery and access to healthcare in rural or underserved urban communities for diverse patient populations.

Nominations will be accepted until August 30. To submit a nomination, please complete this form. Nominations will be scored by UTN staff and advisory council members

The announcement of the recipient and the award ceremony will take place in November at the Rural Health Association of Utah’s 2024 Conference (see below).

Early Bird Registration Open Until September 13!

2024 Rural Health Association of Utah

Annual Conference

Rural health Association of Utah Conference logo

November 13 14

Dixie Convention Center, St. George, Utah

The 2024 Annual Rural Health Association of Utah Conference will take place on November 13 and 14 in St. George, Utah. The annual conference is dedicated to promoting and improving rural healthcare in Utah. Join us for two days of insightful discussions, networking opportunities, and knowledge sharing. 

The theme of this years conference is Cultivating Healthier Lives in Rural Utah. Breakout sessions will cover healthcare trends, resources, and rural health issues, including presentations from several innovators in the rural Utah healthcare community. 

Don’t Miss the Third Annual Rural Health Association of Utah

Scholarship Golf Tournament!

The tournament will take place 10 a.m. 3 p.m. on Wednesday, November 13 at the Sunbrook Golf Club, rated by Golf Digest as the best golf course in Utah! 

All proceeds from the tournament will go towards scholarships for college students from rural Utah who are pursuing healthcare careers through the Utah Health Scholars pre-health program at Southern Utah University and Utah Tech University.

Come support our future healthcare providers and enjoy excellent company and a beautiful afternoon with a spectacular view of Snow Canyon! Registration for the tournament will open later this month; for more information about the tournament visit here

The mission of the Rural Health Association of Utah is to provide a unified voice to promote and enhance the quality of rural health through leadership, coalition building, and education.

Learn More About the RHAU Conference