AHB News Update
(July through August)
American Heritage Bank is implementing a new way to give back to those in need & struggling in our community. We are calling it the "Community Chest!"
How it works...

  • We will be collecting donations in our "Community Chest," to bless a struggling community member facing financial hardship.

  • A new family or person will be chosen every two months! If you know of someone struggling due to unforeseen circumstances, let us know.

  • Each donation will be a complete surprise to the person or family.

  • American Heritage Bank will pledge a matching donation up to $1,000 for each two month period.
July & August
We're collecting for a local community member that recently lost his father and his wife. He has also sustained a workplace injury, and can no longer work to pay bills.

Please help AHB bless this man and help him get back on his feet!
If you would like to contribute, please ask about the "Community Chest" at our branches in Clovis & Melrose.

If you know of a community member in dire need because of unforeseen circumstances, please let us know.