July 3, 2022
A message from Deacon Rev. Natalie Hill
Siblings in Christ,

This isn't the letter I thought I would be writing this week. I'm looking forward to worshiping with you this coming Sunday, sharing a message and an invitation inspired by my work in campus ministry. I had planned to write this newsletter on a similar theme. Then the Supreme Court began to release its 2022 decisions. Ever since, my heart keeps returning to a favorite movie from my late teens, "The Cider House Rules" (the book is pretty good, too). 

The story is about Homer, a boy growing up in a Maine orphanage around 1925-1945. The orphanage director, Dr. Larch, trains Homer in obstetrics. Eventually, Homer learns that, when requested, Dr. Larch performs (illegal) abortions. As an unwanted child himself, Homer is strongly opposed to abortion, believing everyone deserves a shot at life. He decides to leave the orphanage and set out on his own, rather than continuing his training. 

Years later, upon Dr. Larch's death, Homer ends up returning to take over as the orphanage's director. He also continues Dr. Larch's practice of performing abortions for those who seek them. His mind has been changed through life experiences that help him see that pregnancy is often not the result of consensual actions, and that the absence of safe and legal abortion increases mortality for both mothers and children. 

As a pastor and a therapist, I am acutely aware of both the sanctity of life, and the devastating cost of banning abortion on the lives of those who become pregnant. Banning abortion will lead to medical complications and maternal mortality. The trauma of forced pregnancy will be devastating for the spiritual and emotional health of parents and children. The cumulative costs this decision will have are unimaginable.

This is not a simple or straightforward issue for us to encounter as Christians. I encourage you to read the statement issued by the UMC Council of Bishops, and to continue to pray and discern where we can collectively ease the added burden this ruling will have, locally, regionally, and nationally. 

Central to our faith is a Christ who came that we might have abundant life (John 10:10). I hope for the abundance of personal freedom, in all its forms, in this life and the next. May we dream it. May we build it.

In solidarity,

Pastors Mitch and Barb are out of the office June 20 - July 5; pastoral coverage will be provided by Rev. Cynthia Good, pastor at Calvary UMC in Arlington. Please contact the HEUMC office (office@harvardepworthchurch.org) or the Calvary UMC office (office@calvaryarlington.org) as needed.

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United Methodist Bishops' Statement on Supreme Court Decision
In a statement issued last Saturday, June 25--the day after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision that legalized abortion--the UMC's Council of Bishops called all Methodists to "a time of deep reflection, prayer, and mobilization."

COB President Bishop Thomas J. Bickerton decried how the decision denies the sacred worth of women who face “the tragic conflicts of life with life that may justify abortion." The bishops said the decision serves to create a further divide between persons of privilege who have the means to seek necessary health care and those who lack this privilege due to their current economic condition, their disproportionately affected lives, or the color of their skin. "The church," Bickerton wrote, must "rise above the fray to offer words of support and hope in the midst of emptiness and despair and to advocate for women who are unjustly affected and unfairly harmed." Click here to read the entire statement. (The image to the left is of the UMC office in Washington, DC.)
Summer Worship Schedule
During the summer months, worship on Sunday mornings will be at 10:00 a.m. (no early communion service); Sunday School and Adult Forum will both take a break until next fall. The 10:00 a.m. service will be in person and livestreamed; coffee hour will continue after worship.  
Soul Friends Collective Pizza Night
On Tuesday, July 12, the Soul Friends Collective (a.k.a. “Not-quite-young-adults” group) will meet at the parsonage at 27 Avon Hill St at 6:00 p.m. for wood-fired pizza and discussion. Please feel free to bring your favorite pizza topping, a side dish or dessert to share; it’s also fine to just come and enjoy the food and conversation. RSVP to pastor.mitch@harvardepworthchurch.org. 
Church Picnic: Mark Your Calendars!
On Sunday, July 17, join us after worship for a summer picnic! The church will provide chicken and ice cream; please feel free to bring side dishes to share.
Volunteer Opportunity with Harvard Square Homeless Shelter
The Harvard Square Homeless Shelter and Y2Y Youth Shelter will be running over this upcoming Summer (6/15-8/10), and have asked us and their other neighbors to help keep them open. They write: "If you will be in the Cambridge-Boston area over this Summer, we would love to have you join our team, and we ask you to please sign up using this application for HSHS and this application for Y2Y . In addition, for information about our volunteer policies, please find out more by reading our volunteer handbooks for HSHS and Y2Y! Thank you so much for your support, and please reach out to hsss.volunteer@gmail.com or volunteer@y2yharvardsquare.org with any questions."
Events and Groups for University Students and Young Adults
Life Groups – Every Sunday at 7pm
Life groups meet weekly on Sunday nights to offer a space for young adults and students to share how they’re doing, prayer requests, and stay accountable with one another on our commitment to live ethical and faithful lives. Each month we practice a new form of prayer together to encourage one another's spiritual growth. Life groups are open to anyone who wants to join, just send me (Sarah Harbaugh, sarah@harvardepworthchurch.org) an email so I can share the Zoom link with you.
Ukraine Relief Update from the Missions Committee
Church members have raised more than $8,000 for aid and relief for Ukrainians since the Russians invaded the country on Feb. 24. Our donations were sent last week to the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) and the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE), where Ukrainian native and church member Bogdan Savych graduated. Thanks to all who joined us for the Adult Forum “Reflections on Ukraine” led by Bogdan and Gwen Savych. If you'd like to watch the recording of this session, click here for a Zoom link and enter the Access Passcode: Jf&2k!8C.

UMCOR donations will be used for refugee assistance relief as well as for direct aid for those still in areas under attack. KSE is buying and distributing medical kits, such as those shown in the photo. In a weekend Facebook post, school president Tymofiy Mylovanov said the kits are being delivered to Kharkiv and other cities, "the front lines where people suffer the most." To all donors, he said, "Thank you for your support. These kits stop blood loss and save lives. One life at a time."

The Missions Committee continues to collect donations for UMCOR and KSE, either through checks (made out to HEUMC) brought to worship or mailed to the church, or online at www.harvardepworthchurch.org by clicking the "Give Now" button, then choosing "Ukraine Relief" in the drop-down menu. Donations will be sent to these organizations.
Contribute to Sunday Altar Flowers
For the summer season, we welcome flower donations for the Sunday morning altar. Please feel free to bring flowers from your garden or from a florist. If you wish to have a dedication printed in the worship bulletin, contact the office at office@harvardepworthchurch.org or 617-354-0837 by Thursday morning. We will resume weekly flower arrangements by Coady Florist in September. Thank you in advance for bringing beauty to our worship! 
Seeking Lodging
One of HEUMC’s former attendees, Ian Talbot, is returning to the area this fall for a term at Harvard University. He is seeking a one- or two-bedroom apartment for the fall term. If you have lodging suggestions, please contact the church office at office@harvardepworthchurch.org.
Friday Cafe
The Friday Cafe, at First Church in Cambridge at 11 Garden St, provides a nutritious lunch and a welcoming community to over 100 homeless and at-risk neighbors every Friday afternoon. Harvard-Epworth provide volunteers on the third Friday of each month (next on Friday, July 15), from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Volunteers may work in the kitchen, buffet line, donations table, or work other positions. COVID-19 vaccination is required of volunteers. You may sign up at the new Onsite Volunteer sign up link: https://signup.com/go/FxPZwPZ If you wish to volunteer on the third Friday, please contact the Harvard-Epworth office at office@harvardepworthchurch.org or 617.354.0837 so that we can connect you with the team. 
Kate Layzer, the Director of Friday Cafe, sends this message:

We are almost at the finish line! June 24 marks our last Friday of the 2021–2022 season serving hot food to go. And what a year it has been. Over the past 10 months (with a few weeks' break in the middle during that severe Omicron surge), we have served close to 4,000 nutritious home-cooked meals. What an amazing testimony to the power of a community coming together. 

In July, the Friday Café will switch to a simpler format: bag lunches to go. If you would like to sign up to make 10 bag lunches (sandwich or boxed entrée, fruit, snack or sweet treat) for 1 or more of the 5 Fridays in July, please visit https://signup.com/go/bSeTuCR. We would be grateful for your help.

In August, we will simplify still further, and serve restaurant meals purchased by the City of Cambridge as part of its ongoing pandemic response. This gives us a chance to rest and get ready for the 2022–2023 season. What will the fall bring? We don't yet know! We hope to return to indoor seating, but so far COVID surges have kept that goal out of reach. All we know is that we'll be there, sharing food and caring. We hope you'll join us.

Thank you all. Wishing you a safe and happy rest of your summer.

Outdoor Church Sandwich Ministry
On the third Saturday of every month (next on Saturday, July 16), a volunteer team from Harvard Epworth brings sandwiches to homeless neighbors in Harvard and Central Squares.

Interested in bringing sandwiches? Thank you -- 20 is a good number. The homeless like meat (roast beef, ham and turkey), as well as chicken, egg and tuna salad. White, oat and whole wheat breads are all good. You can add a bit of mustard and lettuce for the meats. We avoid mayonnaise for safety reasons, but it's okay for the salads.

Interested in joining the sandwich distribution? We gather at the church at 2:30 on the third Saturday of the month. For more details, email Lane at jamaicaplainlane@gmail.com.
Join us for Coffee Hour
Please join us after worship for coffee hour refreshments and fellowship, outdoors whenever possible and in the Vestry in the case of inclement weather. We ask that masks continue to be worn except when eating/drinking, while inside (please see below for a note on mask requirements). 

We'd love your help filling the table on this date and going forward. Please sign up at this link (https://signup.com/go/vLAxKUQ) or contact Sarah Bailey (sarahbailey202@gmail.com or 917 439 1103) if you would like to contribute. 

At all indoor activities, Harvard-Epworth continues to require persons to wear KN94 or N95 masks (supplied at church, as needed) and to maintain a safe social distance; we ask those attending to be fully vaccinated and boosted as allowed.
We are the Church: Voices of Harvard Epworth
During the "online reality" that we find ourselves in, it is difficult for new people to get a sense of who we are as a church. Therefore, the Welcome and Evangelism committee is inviting people to submit a video (30 seconds or less) that introduces themselves and says what they find special about our church. We are hoping to put together a number of these short videos and release them in the coming weeks and months. This will be a great way for people to get a sense of this ministry we share in together. Please consider recording a short video and emailing it to Erin Lee, our Welcome & Evangelism Chair, at erinism614@gmail.com. Thank you in advance for being a part of this important opportunity of welcome! 
Connect with Us Electronically
Harvard Epworth Church Member Online Directory
Remember that we have a Harvard Epworth Church Member Online Directory.  You can log in to the directory by going to directory.harvardepworthchurch.org by clicking on the link in the menu on the church website (it's next to the live stream link).

Current users can reset their password with the "Need a password" button on the directory login. If you don't have a directory account or access to it, email office@harvardepworthchurch.org  and we will be in touch with login information for you.
Sermon Podcast Update: If you would enjoy listening to the Sunday sermon during the week they can now be found on Apple, Google, and Spotify by searching for Harvard-Epworth Church podcast. You can also still find them on the front page of our church website at www.harvardepworthchurch.org
Help Harvard-Epworth While You Shop: Our Amazon Smile link shares some of the profits from any Amazon purchases with the church: If you shop via this link, a percentage of what you spend is automatically donated to the church.
Prayer Ministry: Each Wednesday morning (from 7:45am to 8am), some of the Harvard-Epworth congregation gather by phone for meditation and prayer. This gathering is a wonderful way to begin the day and to hold the concerns of our congregation in prayer. We would love to have you join us! To join in, dial +1 (605) 468-8016 and type in our access code: 658031#.
Looking Ahead...

  • Sunday, July 3:
  • 10:00am: Worship Service
  • 11:15am: Coffee Hour
  • 7:00pm: Young Adult Life Groups
  • Wednesday, July 6: Prayer Call (7:45am)
  • Tuesday, July 12: Soul Friends Pizza Night (6:00pm)
  • Friday, July 15: Friday Cafe (11:00am)
  • Saturday, July 16: Outdoor Church Sandwich Ministry (2:30pm)
  • Sunday, July 17: Church Summer Picnic
  • Thursday, July 21: Third Thursdays Dave Bryant and Friends Jazz Series (8:00pm)
Harvard-Epworth United Methodist Church | office@ harvardepworthchurch.org