I am excited to represent Manitoba as your new regional director. I would like to thank my colleagues across the province for this opportunity. It is an honour and I will do my best to represent Manitoba and our profession.
The CGSA hosted the CGCMC in Montreal this past February 27-29. The event was successful with an excellent speaker lineup and a tradeshow that was very well received by exhibitors and attendees alike. There were numerous attendees from Manitoba at this event, as many as can be remembered in recent years.
Is it spring? Can you tell Mother Nature that. As of May 1st there are many courses in the province that have yet to open and a bunch that did get open, well most closed again due to a massive spring storm. Areas just south of Calgary and west towards the Rockies received 12” or more of snow at the end of April. It was already a slow spring to get things melted, as cool temperatures have been the theme, but the recent snow has definitely halted the spring energy towards golf.
It was a mild winter here in Ontario and that trend continued into spring. Golf courses in the province overwintered well with limited to no reports of winter injury. The milder weather allowed many clubs to get an early start on spring projects.
As we enter May and the weather continues to improve, it is going to get busy on golf courses across the province as crew members return to work, wrap up spring projects, and prepare for the season ahead. Most clubs in Southern Ontario are now open and those in Northern Ontario preparing to open later this month.
Some Content you will Find in This Issue:
- Summer Shamble Sponsorship and Registration
- National Tournament Program - RBC Canadian Open
- Toro Renews Multi-Year Platinum Plus Partnership
- CGSA/Envu Superintendent of the Year Nominations
- New Club Membership and Renewal Notices
Consider Sponsoring a Tee Sign
Consider sponsoring a tee sign at the inaugural Summer Shamble June 25, 2024 and have recognition on one or more holes, on all event signage and in GreenMatter. Consider having a staff member on the hole to greet the golfers. Other sponsorship opportunities are available. For details and to register to golf click the link below.
Upcoming National Tournament Program
In support of our Canadian golf industry partners, Golf Canada is pleased to offer all CGSA members one free pass to the RBC Canadian Open at Hamilton Golf and Country Club any day except Friday/Saturday (concert days). You must go through admissions and present your CGSA membership card and ID, and you will be granted access to the grounds. Please note that no additional guest passes are included.
CGSA/Envu Superintendent of the Year Nomination
Nominations for the 2024 CGSA/ENVU Superintendent of the Year Award will be received until June 30, 2024.
The CGSA/ENVU Superintendent of the Year Award is one of CGSA’s most prestigious awards. The title is awarded to a superintendent who has been nominated by either a Provincial Golf Superintendent Association or by a CGSA member as a knowledgeable and competent member of the profession who has been distinguished in the practice of golf course management. The winner of this award is chosen by an anonymous committee of peers.
Please join the CGSA in welcoming the following new members and/or members who re-joined recently.
Phil Lauzon, Ancaster, ON
Sarah Osborne, Guelph, ON
Benjamin Pineau, Calgary, AB
Ken Bruneski – from Oakcreek Golf & Turf Inc. to AGS Superintendent at Fairwinds Golf Club
If we have missed anyone, we apologize and please send us your details to include in another edition of GreenMatter.
Latest Accredited Members
Please join the CGSA in congratulating the following member(s) for receiving or renewing their designations:
Troy Hurl, AGS, Superintendent at Highwood Golf and Country Club has recertified his AGS designation for another five (5) years.
Congratulations to Troy!
For more information on how you can achieve and track your designation, please click here or contact Lori at ext. 27 at the CGSA office.
Membership Renewal Notice Coming May 8
Membership renewal notices were held up a few weeks in order to incorporate our NEW Club Membership Category. We are happy to inform you that CGSA, BCGSA and MGSA members will receive their official renewal notice by email on May 8th . You will be provided with a link and information on how to renew either your National, Provincial and/or both your National & Provincial (including Club Memberships) dues.
It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of 40 year member Blair Rennie, Superintendent, Whitevale Golf Club. Our thoughts are with Blair's family and friends at this difficult time.
The Toro Company Renews Multi-Year Platinum Plus Partnership with CGSA
The Canadian Golf Superintendents Association (CGSA) and The Toro Company are pleased to announce their renewed three-year partnership as a Platinum Plus sponsor, which includes the exclusive sponsorship of the CGSA/Toro Assistant Superintendent of the Year Award, and the Gordon Witteveen Award. In addition, Toro will sponsor the CGSA Fall Field Day Welcome Reception for 2024 – 2026 as well as a Reception at the newly announced Summer Shamble for 2024 – 2026. Toro will also be a contributor to the CGSA Online Auction until 2026.
May 6 - 12 is CMHA’s Mental Health Week! This year’s theme is centered on the healing power of compassion and through our partnership with CMHA and the Not Myself Today program, we encourage everyone to raise awareness and promote understanding about mental health.
CGSA's New Family Assistance Program
Kii by CloudMD CGSA Member and Family Assistance Program
(Formerly HumanaCare)
What is Kii (Formerly HumanaCare)
As a member of the CGSA, you now have the option to add Kii by CloudMD CGSA’s Member and Family Assistance Program to your renewal for the low cost of $50. We provide a wide-range of mental health programs that create a connected, stepped-care approach to mental health from prevention to treatment. Kii is our health & wellness program accessed via our user-friendly platform or 24/7 phone line that can be configured based on the needs of each individual.
Log into your memberperks account to check out all the ways you and your family can have fun and save!!
Lori Micucci, Manager, Member Services ex. 27
Kathryn Wood, Chief Executive Officer ex. 23
Barb Manifold, Events and Administration ex. 25
Jenn Rozek, Communications Manager (jrozek@golfsupers.com)
Guylaine Richard, Education ex. 29
Terri Solodan, (tsolodan@golfsupers.com)
Jeff Calderwood, Strategic Advisor ex. 24
PH: 1-800-387-1056, Fax: 416-626-1958