Dear friends,
Howard County is home to more than 10,000 businesses. 86% of our businesses have fewer than 10 employees, and those small businesses were often the hardest hit. Since July 2020, we’ve provided multiple rounds of grants, totaling $20 million to nearly 2,000 small businesses, farms, restaurants, hotels, live venues, business associations and childcare providers.
In the last few months, I have visited dozens of restaurants where the owners say they are beginning to recover from the losses suffered during the pandemic. By allowing them to continue to offer outdoor seating, I hope they will be able to rebound even more quickly.
I am optimistic the County Council will vote to approve the extension by the end of this month.
COVID-19 Status Update
To date in Howard County, we’ve had 19,636 cases of COVID-19 and 252 deaths. As of 9:00am today, our 7-day average positivity rate is 1.62% and our 7-day average case rate per 100,000 of our population is at 3.16. There are currently 2 COVID-19 patients in both ICU and Acute Care units.
Case rates are increasing in Howard County, and the vast majority of new cases are among unvaccinated persons. At this point in time, the predominant strain of virus is the delta variant which is more contagious than other variants and causing more infections. As expected, there are some cases in fully vaccinated persons, currently around 40% of cases. Most of these infections are mild and do not result in hospitalizations nor death. Most hospitalizations are among the unvaccinated.
According to the Maryland Department of Health, 84.8% of Howard County residents 12+ have received at least one dose and 79.8% are fully vaccinated. Howard County continues to lead the state with our vaccination progress, but we are still working to ensure everyone who wants a vaccine can receive one.
If you haven't already received your shot - now's the time. During the month of June, the only COVID-19 deaths in Maryland were among the unvaccinated. Encourage your family and friends to visit to find a clinic nearby. Let’s protect ourselves and our loved ones and put this pandemic behind us.
Upcoming Vaccine Clinics
While Howard County continues to lead the State in our vaccine efforts, it's important that we continue to ensure all eligible residents are vaccinated as safely and efficiently as possible.
The Howard County Health Department is offering vaccine clinics across our county. For more information, and to register for an appointment, please click here.
Additionally, Howard County General Hospital is also offering vaccine clinics to residents. For more information on their efforts, please click here.
Celebrating Equality and Accessibility
31 years ago, the Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law to protect the rights of all people with disabilities. This act protects against discrimination on the basis of disability and ensures that every American has public accommodation, regardless of ability. In Howard County, we stand with the disabled community and will ensure everyone has access to their rights under the ADA.
As we recognize this important day, we also want to recognize the Howard County Department of Community Resources and Services, Office of ADA Coordination for its continuous efforts to promote the spirit and intent of the ADA and all our disability rights laws. By working together, we will continue to create and promote an environment where all people, of all abilities, can live their best lives and thrive.
Remembering Firefighter Nate Flynn
Last week, we came together to remember Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services firefighter Nathan “Nate” Flynn, who lost his life fighting a house fire in Clarksville three years ago.
A firm believer that excellent firefighters are made, not born, Lieutenant Flynn worked every day to strengthen his skills. He was a beloved colleague and is missed every day. Please keep his wife, Celeste, and their five children in your thoughts. Nate’s service and sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Celebrating Our History!
In 2022, we will be celebrating the 250th Anniversary of the founding of Ellicott City. This Sestercentennial will be a yearlong celebration and feature various activities and educational opportunities. It was my honor to join the EC250 Board, Honorary Committee, Steering Committee and community to present them with $100,000 check as they continue to plan this joyous celebration.
A special thank you to The ClayGround Studio & Gallery which was also announced as EC250’s title sponsor. We are so grateful for your commitment to Ellicott City. Join us as we continue to rediscover the charm that is Historic Ellicott City.
To learn more and help celebrate Ellicott City’s 250th Anniversary with us please click here.
Making our cOMmunity proud!
Congratulations to Judson Lincoln IV of Oakland Mills High School for being named Howard County Times/Columbia Flier Boys Outdoor Track and Field Athlete of the Year. Lincoln managed to sweep the sprint events at the county championships, did it again at regionals, and medaled in all three at states. Go Scorpions!
Read more about him here.
Let's Test for Antibodies
Howard County and researchers from the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) are looking for Howard County residents to help us understand how COVID‐19 has impacted our community.
It has been difficult for researchers to fully understand the impact of the virus on our community since some people had COVID-19 but didn’t show any symptoms. Even if residents didn’t show any symptoms, their bodies made antibodies in response to a COVID-19 infection.
In coordination with Johns Hopkins University, we are conducting a Serology study to determine if antibodies are present in Howard County Residents. This study will look for antibodies in the general population's saliva to better understand the scope of the virus in Howard County.
Those interested in being a part of the study must be a Howard County Resident. For more information please visit our website here.
Best Place to Rent in Maryland!
Where do renters get the most bang for their buck in Maryland?
Right here in Howard County!
WalletHub compared more than 180 rental markets based on 22 key measures of rental attractiveness and quality of life.
To see how Columbia stacks up against the competition, please click here.
Looking for Feedback
Have you had the chance to browse through the new Howard County website?
We’re always looking for ways to make the online experience better and we’re interested in hearing your feedback. Use this online form to provide feedback on the new website as we work to improve our features.
Home to Maryland's Largest Solar Power Purchase Agreement!
Recently, we held a historic groundbreaking on the first of 11 transformational solar projects as part of Howard County’s Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). The agreement will generate a monumental 44,000,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) a year which will cover more than 50% of the County’s energy usage and is the equivalent of taking 6,781 cars off the road.
The Howard County Power Purchase Agreement is the largest of its kind in the state. Through the PPA, CI Renewables will, at no cost to the County, construct, operate, and maintain the solar panels and associated solar energy generation equipment at its sole expense. These solar arrays will be throughout our community on both public and private land.
From rooftops to carports to ground mounts, we’re maximizing our ability to capture solar energy at our libraries, firehouses, police stations, our new circuit courthouse and more. Read more here.
Take a Tour of Coastal Sunbelt
Howard County is home to thriving businesses large and small. You’ve probably seen trucks on the road with the name “Coastal Sunbelt Produce.” Did you know the company is headquartered on Whiskey Bottom Road in Laurel and employs 2,000 people?
Coastal Sunbelt has been sourcing and delivering local produce in the Mid-Atlantic for more 20 years and is the leading food service distributor of produce and dairy in the Mid-Atlantic. Come with me for a tour as we continue to celebrate Business Appreciation Month.
Celebrating our Mustangs!
Congratulations to Marriotts Ridge High School's girls lacrosse team for winning their first state title since 2014! After a challenging past year, this victory is even sweeter knowing all that this team has worked to overcome. Go Mustangs!
Celebrating Boy Scout Troop 2010
I was honored to meet four outstanding young people from Scout Troop 2010 who achieved significant milestones in their scouting journeys. Please join me in congratulating Dan Espinosa and Tomas Federico Bonilla Arnold on earning the rank of Eagle Scout, and Yesilth Montserrath Soto and Alejandra Maria Torres who achieved the Summit rank.
As a former Scout, I know the hard work and dedication required to reach these lofty goals. These four are outstanding representatives of scouting and superb ambassadors for our community.
Non-profit grants - APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN!
Our non-profit community has worked tirelessly during this pandemic to support our most vulnerable, and we need to help the helpers. If we want to be successful on our road to recovery, we must lift up our non-profits and our community that wakes up everyday asking themselves, ‘how can we help?’
non-profits can now apply for our HoCo RISE Grants. These grants will ensure that our nonprofits have the resources, funding, and operations to continue their important daily work to support our residents.
Learn more and apply here.
Federal Child Tax Credit
Did you know? The federal Child Tax Credit has been extended, and families are able to still sign up to receive payments. This program will provide $250 to $300 per child each month to working families.
If you’ve filed tax returns for 2019 or 2020, or if you signed up with the Non-Filer tool last year to receive a stimulus check, you will automatically receive the monthly Child Tax Credit. If you aren’t already signed up, I encourage you to do so as soon as possible. Please note, benefits will not be lost upon enrollment.
For more information and to sign up, please click here.
Vaccinating Residents 12+
Howard County continues to lead the state with our vaccination progress, but we will continue to reach out to those who have not yet received a vaccine. Howard County leads the State with 84.8% of eligible residents 12+ who have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and 79.8% are fully vaccinated, according to the Maryland Department of Health.
The spread of variants continues to concern health experts. Please, if you haven’t been vaccinated, I strongly encourage you to do so. Vaccinations are widely available and free. Encourage your family and friends to visit to find a clinic nearby.
HoCo Higher; Accelerating Business
Small businesses are the economic engine that pushes Howard County forward and helps our community thrive. I’m proud to announce HoCo Higher, an exciting, new Accelerator Businesses program in partnership with the Howard County Economic Development Authority and M&T Bank. Top business mentors, coaches and subject matter experts will lead the intensive 10-week bootcamp, which will meet every Wednesday at no cost to participants.
HoCo Higher will help entrepreneurs, especially those who are traditionally underserved, reach new heights and access important resources and support structures. I encourage small business owners to apply for this unique and exciting opportunity to learn best practices and set their business up for success.
Office of Cable Administration
Howard County Internet Usage Survey Arriving in a Mailbox Near You
In case you missed it, in an effort to expand internet accessibility across the county, our Office of Cable Administration is seeking the public’s help. Residents throughout the county have or will be receiving a Howard County Internet Usage Survey in their mailbox. The purpose of this survey is to help the County better understand and determine internet affordability and infrastructure, as well as digital literacy competency, across Howard County. If you receive the survey, please fill it out. Survey responses will assist our Office of Cable Administration in applying for the necessary grants to further promote and expand internet access to county residents.
If you have any questions about the survey and/or wish to speak to someone further, please feel free to contact our Office of Cable Administration at 410-313-3021 or email
Department of Community Resources and Services
Join our 50+ Centers!
Howard County has six 50+ Centers spread across different parts of the County. The types of programming offered at the 50+ Centers includes exercise and fitness classes, educational opportunities, social and recreational activities, volunteer opportunities, congregate meals (lunch), and kindred Spirits Social Club. Membership in the 50+ Centers is free, but registration is required. A single registration is good for all Centers. To register, residents can either visit a Center near you or download and complete a registration packet. Learn more here.
Senior Housing
Are you or a loved one looking for age specific housing? Older adult housing options are numerous, and include independent living communities, assisted living facilities, and nursing homes. MAP can assist you in navigating all the housing options available and determine those that are most appropriate for you or your loved one. Visit MAP here.
Taking Care of our Mental Health
The Office on Aging and Independence provides emotional wellness and mental health programs as well as specialized peer group programs that cover topics like relationships, depression, and emotional well-being. Geared toward older adults, these programs are offered in 50+ Centers and other community locations.
For more information about mental health programs, please contact Karen Hull via Maryland Access Point of Howard County (MAP) at 410-313-1234 (voice/relay) or email, or simply dial 2-1-1 to find available resources.
Governor’s Moratorium on Residential Evictions Set to Expire August 15th
Our Department of Community Resources and Services’ Office of Consumer Protection (OCP) is reminding residents that the Governor’s Executive Order prohibiting residential evictions for non-payment of rent is set to expire August 15, 2021. At that time, Maryland courts will be able to order evictions in cases filed since the temporary prohibition was ordered in March 2020, even if the residential tenant has suffered a significant loss of income due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
OCP is reminding tenants that eviction is a legal procedure. A landlord cannot just tell tenants they must move, change the locks, cut off the utilities or put belongings out on the street. A landlord can however file a failure to pay rent action in court as soon as the rent due date has passed, and the tenant has not paid all of the rent. Currently, the landlord does not have to give advance notice of unpaid rent to the tenant before filing a failure to pay rent eviction. For more
information about residential evictions in Maryland, including the CDC eviction moratorium that expires July 31, 2021, click HERE.
If you are currently behind on their rent, you may qualify for rental assistance. Howard County residents impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic may be eligible for assistance to pay up to 15 months of past due rent, utility bills and mortgage payments to prevent eviction or foreclosure. Household income limits for rental and mortgage assistance programs vary. For more information and a list of resources for Howard County tenants in need of assistance, view the Howard County COVID-19 Relief Rental and Utility Assistance fact sheet.
Tenants may also be able to obtain legal help once a failure to pay rent action is filed. To inquire
about free and low-cost legal help, please contact the Maryland Legal Aid – Howard County Office at 410-972-2700 to or visit to apply for services.
Howard County Health Department
Request COVID-19 Vaccination Records
Misplaced your COVID-19 Vaccination Card? Never fear! You can easily request your vaccination records the Maryland Department of Health’s “Maryland MyIR” website. Maryland MyIR is a free website service that allows residents to view and print copies of their official vaccination records directly from ImmuNet, Maryland's immunization information system. ImmuNet is used by healthcare providers to securely maintain vaccination records for Maryland residents of all ages.
Department of Housing and Community Development
Applications Now Being Accepted for July MIHU Open Enrollment
This is your FINAL week to submit your application for our Department of Housing and Community Development Moderate Income Housing Unit (MIHU) program July open enrollment period. For many, purchasing one’s first home can feel out of reach; however, through our MIHU program, this incredible program can help turn your homeownership dreams into a reality. MIHU is an inclusionary zoning program that offers quality new homes at reduced sale prices and rents to income eligible families. If you are looking to call Howard County home, I encourage you to apply today as applications are due by this coming Saturday, July 31st.
For more information, to request a paper application and/or to schedule an appointment to drop-off your completed application, contact DHCD’s Housing Opportunities Programs Division at 410-313-6318 and select option two, email
Office of Emergency Management
Excessive Heat Watch Versus Warning
Do you know the difference between an Excessive Heat Watch and Warning? Our Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is reminding residents that, like any other extreme weather event, a “Watch” means it’s time to get ready, whereas a “Warning” means it’s time to take action!
Heat watches are issued when conditions are favorable for an excessive heat event in the next 24 to 72 hours. A Watch is used when the risk of a heat wave has increased but its occurrence and timing is still uncertain. When a Watch is issued, it’s important to make sure you have on hand/purchase extra water and foods with a higher water content (e.g. watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe, peaches and oranges, to name a few) and consider changing your outdoor plans.
An Excessive Heat Warning is issued within 12 hours of the onset of extremely dangerous heat conditions. The general rule of thumb for this Warning is when the maximum heat index temperature is expected to be 105 degrees or higher for at least two days and night time air temperatures will not drop below 75 degrees; however, these criteria vary across the country, especially for areas not used to extreme heat conditions. If you do not take precautions immediately when conditions are extreme, you risk becoming seriously ill or even potentially death. When a Warning is issued, it’s important that individuals follow the recommended water intake for their activity level, dress appropriately and as always, NEVER leave a child or pet alone in a car.
The Warning Signs to Watch Out for When it Comes to Heat-Related Illnesses
Our Office of Emergency Management is reminding residents, if you must be outside on those extreme heat summer days, please remember these warning signs of heat-related illness: light-headedness, headaches, muscle cramps, mild nausea or confusion, fatigue or profuse sweating and rapid breathing. As with any other emergency, please call 9-1-1 if you encounter a heat related emergency.
For more safety tips and precautions to take when it’s extremely hot out, visit
Department of Fire and Rescue Services and Police Department
Preventing Heat Related Deaths
As summer carries, on, our Department of Fire and Rescue Services (DFRS) and Police Department (HCPD) are REMINDING residents to ALWAYS look before you lock and NEVER leave a child or pet alone in a car, not even for a minute.
According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the number of children dying in hot cars, either because they were left or became trapped, has gotten worse, not better. In 2018 and 2019, a record 53 children died of vehicular heatstroke each year. The United States regrettably saw its first vehicular heatstroke car death this year in April, when a five-month old baby in North Carolina lost her life after being left alone in a hot car … it was only 70 degrees outside that day. Even with the windows cracked an inch or two or rolled down or the air conditioning on, the temperature inside a vehicle can quickly rise. Also, shady spots offer little protection on hot days as the shade moves with the sun. On an 85-degree day, it only takes 10 minutes for the inside of your car to reach 102 degrees. A child's body temperature rises three to five times faster than an adult's, and a body temperature of 107 degrees is fatal.
To break it down, the majority of hot car deaths (53 percent) happen because someone forgets a child in a car, the second leading cause (25 percent) is when a child unknowingly gets into an unattended vehicle and the third leading cause is due to an individual knowingly leaving a child unattended in a vehicle.
As for your pets, they too should NEVER be left alone in a vehicle. Young, overweight and elderly animals, or those with short muzzles or thick or dark-colored coats are most at risk for overheating.
In order to prevent a tragedy from happening, DFRS and HCPD recommend adopting a plan to use each time you exit your vehicle.
- Start a “look before you leave routine.” Be sure that all occupants have exited the vehicle and check for sleeping babies.
- Place your purse, wallet or cell phone on the back seat as a reminder you have a child in the vehicle.
- Set a computer calendar program to ask if a child was taken to daycare.
- Have a plan that your childcare provider will call you if your child does not arrive for daycare.
- ook into new child reminder technologies that connect wireless car seat alarms to key rings. When you walk too far away from the car, the alarm rings; reminding you the harness is still connected.
- Do not allow children to play in vehicles.
Finally, if you see a child alone in car or animal alone in car in distress, please call 911. One call could save a life.
Designated “Transaction Safe Place” Parking Spots for Your Online Sales and Purchases
Earlier this month on National Give Something Away Day, Howard County Police Department (HCPD) reminded residents of its "Transaction Safe Place" designated parking spaces located outside its Northern District Station (3410 Court House Drive, Ellicott City), Southern District Station (11226 Scaggsville Road, Laurel) and Community Outreach (10741 Little Patuxent Parkway, Columbia). Whether you are participating via freecycle or a buy nothing group, or if you are buying or selling via Facebook Marketplace or similar, HCPD encourages you to always choose a safe place to handle any transaction arranged online. HCPD's "Transaction Safe Place" designated parking spaces are video recorded 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. If a buyer or seller does refuse to meet at a police station, HCPD advises you may want to reconsider the transaction.
National Night Out 2021 Set for August 3rd
Mark your calendars and join Howard County Police Department (HCPD), your neighbors and the thousands of communities across America on August 3rd for the 38th annual National Night Out. This annual community-building campaign promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie in an effort to make our neighborhoods safer, better places to live.
Participating is easy. Either stop by one of the neighborhood events (list to come) or simply turn on your outside lights and spend at least one hour in front of your home on the evening of the 3rd, if able, to help send a message to criminals that our communities are banding together to fight crime.
Department of Public Works Construction Report
To learn about DPW projects currently underway, visit Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s (SHA) “Project Portal” website.
Maryland State Highway Administration
Improvements to MD 108/Centennial Lane/Beaverbrook Road Intersection Begin
Two weeks ago,, the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) began an improvement project at the MD 108/Centennial Lane/Beaverbrook Road intersection. This State project will include:
- Widening both directions of MD 108 approaching Centennial Lane/Beaverbrook Road to accommodate new turning lanes at the intersection and new bicycle lanes;
- Constructing a new, second left-turn lane from eastbound MD 108 to Centennial Lane;
- Extending the right-turn lane on westbound MD 108 by approximately 350 feet;
- Widening Centennial Lane to accommodate the new double left-turn lanes;
- Upgrading the pedestrian signal and crosswalk;
- Improving area drainage systems; and
- Installing a new traffic signal for the new turn lanes.
Electronic message boards, signs, cones and flagging operations are in place to alert motorists of the work, as occasional single-lane closures can be expected Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Additionally, while intersection pedestrian access will be maintained throughout construction, the trail entrance to Howard County Recreation and Parks' Centennial Park located at the MD 108 intersection up to the trail split (approximately 400 feet) will be closed during the project's duration. There will also be no parking permitted along the Centennial Lane shoulders to ensure safety inside the work zone. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed in fall 2022.
SHA works hard to maintain safe traffic mobility in work zones for our crews as well as our customers. Motorists are reminded to stay alert, focus on driving and look for reduced speed limits, as well as other driving pattern changes. Remember to drive like you work here and slow down in construction zones.
For questions, concerns and/more information about this project, click HERE or contact SHA at 410-545-0303.
Department of Recreation and Parks
Fall Activity Guide NOW Available Online!
Our Department of Recreation & Parks’ 2021 Fall Activity Guide is NOW AVAILABLE online; residents will find hard copies of the guide in their mailboxes in the coming weeks. From sports, dance and cooking classes, and take home and online programs, to what to do when school's out, there is something for everyone in this fall guide.
Please note, online registration for Howard County residents begins Wednesday, August 4th at 6:00 p.m., followed by registration for non-county residents on August 11th at 6:00 p.m. We hope you will join us this fall!
July is Park and Recreation Month!
This is your last week to join our Department of Recreation & Parks’ in the fun as it celebrates the National Recreation and Park Association’s (NRPA) “Park and Recreation Month. All month long, Recreation & Parks has been offering a variety of fun activities, including its Once Upon a Park Story Scavenger Hunt! To play, simply head on over to the main entrance of the North Laurel Community Center and start your search for word clues revealed via unique QR code videos. Fill in the blanks on our Park and Recreation Month story and be sure to submit your answers for your chance to win cool prizes. Click HERE to learn more!
And a special congratulations to Recreation & Parks’ first Once Upon a Park winners, Jaime and Ben Munford! They successfully filled in the blanks on our story scavenger hunt after visiting three County parks.
Temporary Closure Information
Here is a list of temporary park playground, bridge and trail closures for our Department of Recreation & Parks:
- The Cedar Lane Park East bridge is currently closed as crews begin demolition of the existing structure to make way for a new bridge. Weather permitting, the new bridge is expected to be completed by early August.
- The playground area at Savage Park is currently closed as crews remove the old playground equipment to make way for a new playground. Construction of the new playground is expected to begin early August and weather permitting, will be completed in September.
- The access pathway connecting Dunloggin Middle School and Northfield Elementary School – i.e. the connecting pathway from the end of Macalpine Road to the bridge access over the stream directly north of the middle school, will be temporarily closed for streambank stabilization. Weather permitting, Recreation & Parks expects the first phase to be complete this month; however, additional work at the site is expected to begin in August.
- The trail entrance to Centennial Park located at the MD 108/Centennial Lane intersection up to the trail split (approximately 400 feet), will be closed during SHA’s intersection improvement project. Weather permitting, this State project is expected to be completed in fall 2022.
Howard County Recreation & Parks Summer Camps
Are you looking for a last-minute exciting, educational and enriching activities for your child before the start of the school year? If yes, it’s not too late to sign up for one of Recreation & Parks’ summer camps. From sports and science to art and drama, Recreation & Parks offers something for every interest. To learn more about available camps and/or to register, visit
Truck or Treat Save the Date
SAVE THE DATE, our Department of Recreation & Parks has announced it will hold its annual Truck or Treat this year on Saturday, October 30th. This fan favorite event is once again bringing the family friendly spook and "wheely fun" day back to the County’s Gary J. Arthur Community Center to celebrate Halloween. Come dressed in your favorite costume to trick-or-treat at all of the trucks, tractors, emergency vehicles and more, while meeting some of your hometown heroes. Take pictures, participate in an "I Spy" scavenger hunt and more!
A limited number of tickets for the event will go on sale online starting at 9:00 a.m. on August 4th. For the latest updates, be sure to check and stay tuned to Recreation & Park’s event Facebook page.
Holiday Mart 2021 Vendors Wanted
Calling all crafters! Recreation & Parks is seeking crafters and artisans for its 2021 Holiday Mart juried arts & crafts show, set to take place on Saturday, December 4th. This year’s event will be back in person at our Gary J. Arthur Community Center and tickets to the event will be available for purchase beginning August 4th. To learn more and/or to submit a jurying application for this year’s event, click HERE.
Recreation & Parks is Hiring!
Recreation & Parks is now hiring the following positions:
Recreational Licensed Childcare Before and After School Care Program positions at Howard County elementary schools. To apply, visit
Facility Leaders at the Gary J. Arthur Community Center. Evening and weekend shifts are currently available. To apply, email Justin Rutledge at
Every Kid Sports Vouchers
Every kid deserves the chance to play sports. That is why I am pleased to thank the Dick’s Sporting Goods Foundation’s for its generous support of Every Kid Sports, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, assisting qualifying families cover their child’s player registration fees for by a youth sports organization, such as our Recreation & Parks sports programs. To learn more about this program, for eligibility requirements and/or to apply, visit Applications are taken throughout the year and approved applications are granted on average, within seven to 14 days.