June 3, 2022
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NHPA Field Trip to Franklin featuring Kayak Man, public art in downtown Franklin. (SRPC photo) |
I hope everyone is staying warm and dry on this gloomy day. Only 18 days until summer, so I'm getting through today by reminding myself of that! We have lots to look forward to with what I consider the best season in New England (although they are all pretty great - especially if you're a skier or snowboarder!).
Here at SRPC we are revamping our bike and pedestrian count program to be more comprehensive across the region, finalizing updates to our non-discrimination plan, and are working with Rockingham Planning Commission to finalize the "Resilient Land Use Guide for NH: Adapting to Climate Change & Coastal Hazards."
In this issue you will find information on SRPC’s latest videos, a professional development field trip to Franklin with NHPA, how to register for the SRPC Annual Meeting,
planning events of interest; staff news, an update on SRPC's next Resiliency Roundtable, a public input opportunity you may have missed, and community happenings.
Until Next Month,
Shayna Sylvia
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SRPC's Latest Videos
Partner Spotlight: CTAA
SRPC Staffers Attend NHPA's Franklin event
Register For SRPC's Annual Meeting
Planning Events of Interest
Staff News: Congrats to Kyle and Megan!
Save the Date: SRPC Resiliency Roundtable
B2B Challenge Week #2 Update
In Case You Missed It: Bike/Ped Survey
Community Happenings
| Pedestrian counter on a trail at the Casey Road Preserve in Milton. (SRPC Photo) | Franklin Planning and Zoning Director, Seth Creighton shows off new and on-going development in the Three Rivers City during an NHPA professional development workshop. (SRPC photo) | |
May 2022 TAC Meeting
The May 2022 Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting was held on May 6.
Attendees discussed the 2022 Data Snapshot.
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May 2022 Policy Committee Meeting
The May 2022 Policy meeting was held as a dual meeting with the Strafford Economic Development District (EDD) on Friday, May 20.
EDD business included a presentation and discussion of the draft 2022 update to the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS).
Business of the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) included approval of draft minutes, and a discussion on the 2022 Data Snapshot.
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June 2022 TAC Meeting
The June 2022 Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting was held on June 3.
Attendees voted on draft minutes and the most recent draft amendment to the Transportation Improvement Plan, discussed updates to SMPO’s Nondiscrimination Plans, and hosted a roundtable presentation on EV charging.
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During the week of May 30, SRPC communications and outreach planner, Shayna Sylvia and regional planner Autumn Scott met with staff from the Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA) to connect on and discuss the important of equity in outreach and planning. Autumn and Shayna had an insightful and informative discussion with assistant director Chris Zeilinger and transit technologist Marcela Moreno.
As explained on its website, "CTAA and its members believe that mobility is a basic human right. From work and education to life-sustaining health care and human services programs to shopping and visiting with family and friends, mobility directly impacts quality of life."
In addition to hosting important events and providing important resources, "CTAA members are in the business of moving people – efficiently and cost-effectively. CTAA staff, board and state/tribal delegates are dedicated to ensuring that all Americans, regardless of age, ability, geography or income, have access to safe, affordable and reliable transportation."
To highlight some of the important resources CTAA offers, they have created an online training center, which offers courses in areas like volunteer drive safety, and understanding passengers who have experience trauma.
To view this resource, and learn more about CTAA visit their website.
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SRPC Staffers Attend NHPA's Field Trip to Franklin | |
On Thursday, Jun. 2, communications and outreach planner, Shayna Sylvia, and principal regional planner, Kyle Pimental, attended the NHPA's Field Trip to Franklin, a professional development workshop highlighting several revitalization efforts in the Three Rivers City
Over 35 people attended this insightful walking tour led by Steve Whitman of Resilience Planning & Design LLC; Seth Creighton, AICP, planning and zoning director for the City of Franklin; and Marty Parichand of Outdoor New England (ONE).
Attendees learned about the role public-private partnerships have played in the downtown's ongoing revitalization, in addition to the significance of the new whitewater rafting feature built into the Winnipesaukee River. This is the first phase in building out a whitewater rafting park at Mill City Park. When completed, this recreation resource is projected to be a huge economic driver for this former mill town and has even been a factor in procuring developers to build out new housing in the City.
The speakers, including Marty Parichand, also talked about the importance of creating community buy-in and how important it is for citizens to advocate for their city and get involved in making a difference. In addition to owning the community's outdoor outfitter, Marty is also involved with the non-profit Mill City Park at Franklin Falls, whose mission is to, "Let the Winnipesaukee River repower our community." Steve Whitman is also active with this non-profit.
Interest peaked? Learn more about Mill City Park on their website, or visit for yourself at their upcoming Winni River Days event from Jun. 17-19.
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Register For SRPC's 2022 Annual Meeting | |
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NH Gives Special: Innovative Engagement Trategies for Community-Supported Planning - Jun. 7, 4:00 p.m.
Kickoff NH Gives with Plan NH as they host Mark Evans, planner and architect with over 30 years of experience creating transformative plans for vibrant and walkable neighborhoods, villages, and downtowns.
Throughout his presentation on Innovative Engagement Strategies for Community-Supported Planning, Mark will share his insights and strategies on how villages and towns can create effective community engagement for community-supported placemaking. Mark will present examples of in-person and online community engagement techniques to assist towns and villages as they work to enhance their commercial districts and community places. He will highlight examples of community visioning initiatives for walkable places from across New England and the mid-Atlantic region.
Learn more and register on the Plan NH website.
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2022 NHPA Spring Conference - Jun. 15, 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Join NHPA for its first in-person spring conference since 2019!
Keynote speaker, Anthony Poore, will lead an engaging conversation on his work as a community organizer, social capital within minority populations, and affordable housing.
Session topics will include a law update, ending zonings racist legacy, affordable housing, and placemaking, outdoor dining and accessibility.
Learn more and register via the event invitation.
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The Workings of a Planning Board Webinar - June 29, 2022 from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m
Join the NH Municipal Association for its webinar geared towards new planning board members and alternates, as well as seasoned veterans who want a refresher course on planning board basics.
NHMA attorneys will host the session, discussing the specifics of a completed application, the timeline for planning board review, how meetings and public hearings are conducted, the use of third-party consultants, the zoning amendment process, scattered and premature development, off-site exactions, innovative land use controls, driveways, the Right-to-Know Law and more.
This webinar is open to all NHMA members and will benefit not only new Planning Board members, but also governing bodies, and other land use board officials who want to better understand the different roles and responsibilities of various municipal officials in these positions.
Register via Zoom.
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Principal Regional Planner Kyle Pimental Gets Married
On May 4, SRPC principal regional planner Kyle Pimental tied the knot with Megan Moore on the beautiful island of St. John. Their wedding took place at Cinnamon Bay Beach.
Join us in congratulating Kyle and Megan!
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Save the Date for SRPC's Upcoming Resiliency Roundtable on Jun. 20 | |
SRPC's Resiliency Roundtable, originally planned for May 19, has now been rescheduled for Jun. 20, from 9:00 -10:30 a.m.
Join our panelists Jeremy Lougee (SELT) and Allison Leach (UNH Sustainability Institute), as they discuss:
- the ways agriculture can impact the environment,
- solutions for a more resilient food system,
- and the region's agricultural landscape and related assets and challenges.
SRPC has also invited Erin Hale, a Research and Planning Associate with Food Solutions New England to discuss some of the work being done by New England Feeding New England and any engagement opportunities they may have.
This resiliency roundtable topic will be carried out over two different roundtables, the second being planned for later this summer. Part II will include a "boots on the ground" panel of farmers and other related panelists.
More information, including the meeting access url, will be available momentarily. Stay tuned to the SRPC website for more info.
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Share your thoughts on biking and walking in the region! |
Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC) is developing a plan to improve spaces for active transportation, and needs insight from residents who benefit from trails, bike lanes, bike racks, crosswalks and other biking and walking infrastructure and facilities.
Active Transportation includes getting around by foot, bicycle, wheelchair, rollerblades etc. Think human power, not gas power.
With your help, SRPC's active transportation plan will guide development of non-motorized transportation facilities & maximize future investments for a safer and better connected region.
Share your active transportation habits and barriers, favorite places to recreate and ideas for improvements in the Strafford region.
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Cochecho Arts Festival Kickoff
The Children's Museum of NH Play Patio at Upper Henry Law Park
June 7, 2022, 5 - 7 pm
The Greater Dover Chamber of Commerce is pleased and excited to host the Cochecho Arts Festival Kickoff event on June 7 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at upper Henry Law Park and the Children's Museum of New Hampshire's Play Patio.
Along with the announcement of this summer's Cochecho Arts Festival performer lineup, there will be early CAF button sales, food and drink, door prizes, and you can check out the Play Patio where the VIP Dine and Sip events will be taking place for three of the Friday night headliner shows.
The event is catered by The Jook, and adult beverages will be provided by Smuttynose Brewing Co. Don't miss out! Register online.
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Birch Ridge Community Forest
June 25, 1 - 5 pm
Join Licensed Forester Jon Martin for a forestry hiking tour of Birch Ridge Community Forest in New Durham. Learn more about the history of the property, the planning that goes into a timber harvest, why certain trees are selected to be harvested or as crop management, and how the forest will respond in the future.
Southeast Land Trust (SELT) will also discuss future plans for wildlife habitat, forest management, road and trail maintenance, and plans for the property moving forward.
This hiking tour is approximately 5 miles and includes a moderate hike over hilly terrain.
Learn more online.
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Strafford Regional Planning Commission
150 Wakefield Street, Suite 12
Rochester, NH 03867
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