Christ the King Church
195A Brandon Road
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

Parish Newsletter
June 30, 2021
Staying Connected
A Letter from our Pastor ~ Fr. Paulson
Dear Friends,

I am happy to inform you that Father Moran, the pastor of St. Isidore, Danville will be retiring to CTK in the month of July, 2021. A native of County Mayo, Ireland, he spent all of his priestly life serving the Diocese of Oakland. He was ordained on June 15, 1971, as the first Irish-born priest ordained specifically for the Diocese of Oakland. After ordination, Father Moran continued his studies at the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, where he received a doctorate in pastoral theology.
He then became associate pastor at Queen of All Saints Church, Concord, followed by St. Cornelius, Richmond, and Christ the King in Pleasant Hill. He counts the seven years he spent at CTK as “the happiest years of his life.” He shared pastoral responsibilities here with Msgr. Wade. They built a new church and had the old church converted into a gymnasium and a parish center. Fr. Moran is coming back to a community that he has served, and we priests are happy to have him with us. Personally, I started my ministry in the diocese of Oakland with Fr. Moran, and so we are not strangers to each other. On behalf of our communities, I would like to welcome Fr. Moran and I wish him many more happy years here at CTK and St. Stephen. I want to congratulate him as he celebrates 50 years of priesthood. 

Starting this weekend, we will move all our masses indoors. Reflecting back on the past year, there are so many beautiful memories of celebrating mass outdoors on the lawn area. We began with small tents and a platform, which soon grew into a larger tent with a beautiful sanctuary. God always blesses when we give him our best. I am so happy to be able to connect again, to see people face-to-face inside the church - because up until now, we’ve been celebrating Masses in the church or outdoors, but only with a camera, masked and distanced from one another. See the photos below showing our journey from the past - through the pandemic - to freedom.

Bishop Barber has announced changes to the Catholic Voice, and will now launch what he calls, The Catholic Voice Magazine. He said, “I am excited to be able to build on Bishop Begin’s vision to bring stories of faith and inspiration to you, the faithful of the diocese, in a new and, we hope, compelling format.” In transitioning to the magazine, Bishop Barber emphasized that the print edition will be mailed to all registered households in the Diocese of Oakland. Please be sure you, your families and friends are registered at your parish. The parish informs the Voice of new parishioners, and subscribers. 
As a pastor, what pleases me most is that there is no charge to the parish for these subscriptions. Many of you have remained unhappy with the Voice for its content in the past. I consider the Catholic Voice an integral part of the diocesan communication effort and we should be open to its message regardless of our own personal opinion. There was a time when the Voice lent support to Catholic Social Teachings, highlighting the need to confront social evils and injustice around the world. I hope and pray that the new magazine will be a champion of faith, justice and service.

I would like to update you on the communion debate. Days after a vote that triggered a tsunami of Catholic debate about Communion and politics, leading U.S. Catholic bishops working on an upcoming document about the sacrament are now de-emphasizing direct confrontation with public figures. I have always emphasized that even on a good day and on my best behavior, I don’t feel worthy of the Eucharist. What appeals to me most is that Jesus is the host of the Eucharistic table and it is He that wants to come to me more than my own desire for Him. Let us continue to pray for our bishops that they will let the Holy Spirit prevail in all matters. We must also uphold our public figures for their openness to truth and justice, humility and service above personal gain. God bless you.
Fr. Paulson
The Journey of our Outdoor Space
During the Pandemic
Mass Changes - Updated
Effective July 4th:

All masses will be in the church and there will be no 12pm mass at this time.

See Mass Schedule below
for all mass times.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
This Friday, July 2nd is our Monthly
First Friday Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament - followed by Mass

Join us in the church
6pm to 7:15pm - Exposition
This will be a time for prayer and meditation.

7:30pm Mass - in the church
Faith Formation News
New! Youth Group and Confirmation Sign Ups
Grades 1-8 - Pre-Register for Classes
Religious Education is looking for Teachers!

The most important task facing parents is passing on the faith to their children. Christ the King Religious Education is your ally and partner in achieving this goal. We are looking forward to resuming in person classes for children in grades 1 through 8, starting in September, and are in need of catechists for all grade levels. Read More
Weekly Church Bulletin
(Click Image)
Parish Offices Closed
Christ the King and St. Stephen Parishes
will be closed on

Monday, July 5th in observance of the
4th of July Holiday.
Over the Weekend
Through the Sacrament of Baptism we welcomed
these precious children on Saturday to our
Christ the King and St. Stephen Family. Congratulations!
Parents: Jobelle & Harold
Baby: Jhared

Parent: Teresa
Children: Mathias Mario & Bella Grace

Backpack Drive 2021
Monument Crisis
Backpack Drive 2021

Containers will be in our church vestibule
July 9 through July 12.
Click here for more information on what is needed.
News From our Diocese
Weekly Reflections on Sunday Readings
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Welcome to our weekly reflections on
the Sunday Scriptures.

Jesus’ audience knew him as a kid. They knew his parents and relatives (brothers and sisters) in Nazareth. How did this wisdom come to him? The truth was they didn’t really know him, any more than we truly know the souls of people living and working
around us. Read More
Mass Schedule
All Masses are Inside the Church

Weekday Masses
9am Mass - Monday - Friday
(9am Masses will be livestreamed)
6pm - Thursdays
(6m Mass will be livestreamed)

Weekend Masses
9am and 4pm

7:30am, 9am, 10:30am and 4pm
(Saturday 4pm and Sunday 10:30am Mass will be livestreamed).
Song Sheet for Mass - July 3/4 Here
Readings for Sunday Mass Here
Links to our services (live or archived) can be found at
or clicking the Facebook or YouTube images below
Ongoing Services:
Drive-Thru Communion, Mass, Holy Rosary, Sacrament of Reconciliation
Holy Communion

Every Sunday
11:30am to 12 noon
In front of the church
Sacrament of Reconciliation

Private Confessions will continue every Saturday from
3pm to 3:30pm

Please meet inside the church.
Thursdays, 6pm - Indoor Mass
Honoring Our Mother of Perpetual Help
Rosary begins at 5:40pm
Worship Aide Here
5:40pm - Holy Rosary
Livestreamed on Facebook

Monday through Friday
St. Stephen Church - Masses
St. Stephen Church
1101 Keaveny Ct.
Walnut Creek 94597

Saturday - Mass 5pm - Indoors/Church
Sunday - Mass at 9:30am - Indoors/Church
Worship Aide: Here

Masses at St. Stephen are now being live-streamed on the St. Stephen Facebook page. If you are unable to attend with us in person, please join us through Facebook. A link is on our web site:
Only the 9:30am mass will be live-streamed.
Thank You for Your Continued Financial Support to CTK and St. Stephen Church
On-Line Giving: (click button below)
We depend upon your contributions!
Offertory Envelopes and
Paper Checks
Can be sent directly to:
Christ the King Church
195A Brandon Rd.
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Offertory Envelopes and
Paper Checks
Can be sent directly to:
St. Stephen Church
1101 Keaveny Ct.
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
A Prayer for Independence Day
God, source of all freedom, this day is bright with the memory of those that declared that life and liberty are your gift to every human being. Help us to continue a good work begun long ago. Make our vision clear and our will strong; that only in human solidarity will we find liberty, and justice only in the honor that belongs to every life on earth. Turn our hearts towards the family of nations: to understand the ways of others, to offer friendship, and to find safety in the common good for all. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.
"To Hear the Gospel and Make a Difference"