Volume 27 Issue 12
December 2021 News & Updates
Upcoming Events:
The Latest Chapter Happenings
Dr. David Flanigan, an employee at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory , will discuss how the world has had to adapt to different work and life practices during the pandemic over the last two years. As we continue to operate, a few perspectives are shared on systems engineering activities as we look at the coming year with an emphasis on the Chesapeake Chapter.
Did you miss out last month?
Dr. Mark W. Maier, a Technical Fellow at The Aerospace Corporation, will discuss major lessons learned from conducting a large scale study of its next generation weather satellite constellation architecture. Among the topics discussed will be the selection and primacy of value models, the concept of architectures as classes of system alternative, and variance as a measure of significance.
This After Action Report includes the speakers slides and a link to a recorded Video

The INCOSE-CC Website is filled with musingsbook reports, and after-action reports for all our events. Explore and discover a wealth of information and articles at
Welcome, all new members to our Chapter. Thank you for being part of the INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter!

Consider advertising your openings by being part of an email campaign as well as a website announcement. We have over 1200 contacts on our mailing list. Contact us at

The Chesapeake Chapter is always looking for volunteers to speak at our upcoming meetings! Please contact our Programs Director if you would like the opportunity to speak or can recommend someone.
INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter Events are now on Eventbrite - check us out at
This is the monthly newsletter for INCOSE Chesapeake, a local chapter of INCOSE International. We are a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing a forum for professionals practicing the art and science of Systems Engineering in the Northern & Central Maryland & Southern Pennsylvania area
The Chesapeake Chapter of INCOSE is proud to recognize the following organizations for sponsoring our endeavors to expand the understanding and appreciation of Systems Engineering in the local area:
Keep up with the latest news and events. Find out about our new Board of Directors. Explore our extensive library of previous lectures from our Monthly Dinner Meetings. Learn of the Benefits of Joining INCOSE. Check out Systems Engineering education in the local area. All this and more awaits you at our INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter Website.

For any comments or suggestions about this newsletter please e-mail our Communications Officer. We value your feedback.
2021 Board of Director Officers (read more at website)
  • President: Jeff Berlet, ESEP
  • Past President: Mark Evans, ASEP
  • President-Elect: Dr. David Flanigan, CSEP
  • Treasurer:  John Boccio, ESEP
  • Secretary: Jim DeCamp, ASEP
  • Communications: Mike. Anderson, CSEP
  • Programs: Clinton Hilliard, CSEP
  • Membership: Mark Kaczmarek, ASEP