Presentation: "Psychopharmacology 101 for ASD"

Wednesday, March 15

6:30pm - 7:30pm

The Lurie Center for Autism invites you to join Chris Keary, MD, for a presentation and discussion on the role of medications for behavioral concerns and mental health diagnoses in kids, teens and adults with autism. Topics covered will include the most common issues that might improve with the use of a medication, how such medications work, and Dr. Keary will briefly review the research showing benefit and most common side effects. Time will be left for questions.

Featured Speakers

Chris Keary, MD


Lurie Center for Autism

Register Online

Registration for Coffee Convo events is now online. Follow the link below to confirm your information for the March event. Event meeting links will be sent to registered participants the day before each event.


Coffee Convo presentations are offered monthly. View our 2022-2023 schedule here or register for the entire series.  All events are conducted virtually, free of charge, and are open to the general public.