July 2022
Waterville UMC Ambassador
You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” – Galatians 5:13-14
What do you think of when you think of the 4th of July? Is it fireworks, barbeques or just a time to have a good time with friends and family? These are all great, yet we mustn’t forget the reason why we celebrate this holiday.
The signing of the Declaration of Independence was a way our forefathers proclaimed their faith. For them it no longer meant they were submitting to Great Britain, but rather they were submitting to the Lord. It was no longer controlled by the power of man and they were able to serve Christ.
We too, are called to serve Christ and Christ alone, and what a blessing that we live in a country where we have the freedom to do so. Yet, sometimes, the enemy can distract us from fulfilling our duties as Christians, and we can get caught up or controlled by the world.
American liberty is a blessing from God. Because of our freedom, we can express our faith and boldly share it with others. In many other parts of the world, this is not possible. The cost of following Christ is much greater for our brothers and sisters around the world.
So, this fourth of July, let us not lose sight of why we celebrate Independence Day. Spend some time to reflect on the ways God has blessed you in your life and make it a goal to not take the freedom we have for granted. As you spend the day with family and friends, let us all celebrate the blessing of freedom that was given to us by Jesus.
Lord, thank you for this country. Help us as individuals and as a nation to embrace and give thanks for the freedom for ourselves and others. May we love on our brothers and sisters the way God loves on each of us. Have a happy, safe, and blessed fourth of July!
Pastor Teresa
The Bible is filled with hundreds of references to transitions that were great successes. God often used transitions to adjust to new situations and times, or to expand His kingdom to a new level. Since transitions are a part of life, we need to be able to work through them by letting go inwardly of what was in order to take hold of what is becoming and recognize that it is just another chapter in the story of our life. Join us as we explore some key transitions in the Word of God.
Blessings, Pastor Teresa
Praises to the Lord!
10:30 AM
Opportunities to worship and praise the Lord with WUMC:
- In Sanctuary
Park in car near the church and tune to FM 90.5.
Live Stream via You Tube at www.watervilleumc.org
Watch the recording of the worship service on-line when available at www.watervilleumc.org
A time for Tranistions and New Beginnings at WUMC!
We said goodbye to our beloved Pastor Mike and Pam, as well as music director, Andrea!
We are excited to have Pastor Teresa join our church family and look forward to many years of praise and worship with her!
The office staff was able to find some pictures from Pastor Mike's welcome cake and first children's moment!
Pastor Mike's Last Service and Reception
We wish Andrea all the best in her new adventures as the music director for Pleasant Run Middle School!
The former church garage sale the beginning of June was a huge success with a profit of over $1,400. Thank you to the crews who did the sorting out and final clean up under the guidance of Tom Wiggins and Jim Page. A special thanks to Adam and Stephanie Shelton for cleaning out the Education Wing. The garage sale crews to set up included Terry and Ted Myers, Paul Matla, Mary Williams, and Donna Martin. The faithful garage sale workers were Yvonne Lammon (3 shifts!), Ann McVicker, Char Pritchett, Pam Cook (2 shifts!), Delores Young (3 shifts!), Cherl Matla, Edith Sobecki (can't start them too young), Yvonne's grandson, Glen Lammon, Cindy Box, Jim Page, Connie Kirkman, Carrie and Sydney HIll, and Ethel Wronkowicz. A special thank you to each of you! Also, thanks to everyone for supporting in other ways including 'shopping' before, during, and after. Praise the Lord for all the hard work, now special prayers to sell the building in the near future!
Showers of blessings,
Cherl Matla
Bible Studies on Hold for the Summer: Delores', M&Ms, and Pastor's.
Sunday Mornings:
AVL / ProPresenter:
AVL operators,
Backup Presentation Creator
Church Council:
Finance Chair,
We are looking for a Volunteer (or two) to be our unofficial church photographer!
No fancy cameras needed! Cell phone pictures are fine!
We want to make sure that we have pictures commemorating those special events at our wonderful new church building!
Finance & Stewardship
Facts, Figures, FYI’s
Thank You: Pastor Mike and your Church Council would like to thank you for your generosity and willingness to share your financial resources, especially during this critical time as we deal with all the issues created by the Coronavirus pandemic. May God continue to bless each of you and this congregation, as we work together doing His work of sharing the good news with others.
Quarterly Statements: Your 2nd Quarter Giving Statements will be emailed the week of July 4th. For those who receive hardcopies, they will also be sent via US Mail the week of July 4th.
Contribution Options: Many of you have placed your tithes and offerings in the Offering Boxes along the back row of the sanctuary, dropped them at the church office or sent them via the US Mail. Thank you! If you are interested, this may be the time for you to consider an alternate method for your giving, especially if you make payments through electronic banking. Here are two options currently being used and may be of interest to you.
(Option #1) WUMC Direct Deposit Program: A specified amount is automatically transferred from your checking account to the church’s checking account electronically on the 15th or the last business day of each month or on both if you choose. Details are available on our website www.watervilleumc.org or at the church office.
(Option #2) Bank Electronic Payment: You set up WUMC as a payee on your on-line bank checking or savings account. You enter the amount, follow the procedures and a check will be mailed to the church. See your bank or financial institution for details. NOTE: If you choose this option, please list all designation(s) for your giving on the memo line, such as: General Fund, Capital Fund, Mission, etc.
Congregational Information & Updates: If you are not aware, The Ambassador monthly newsletter and a weekly church news update, affectionately known as the “Friday Blaster” are both sent via email. If you currently do not receive these and would like to, please contact the church office with your email address at watervilleumc@watervilleumc.org.
“Loving Provider, help us to save and spend wisely so we can give generously, as You give to us each day. AMEN” Upper Room, January 2012
Are you an Amazon Prime User? Excited for the upcoming Prime Days? Be sure to set WUMC as your Amazon Smile charity!
Amazon Smile by using Amazon Smile and listing our church as the charity, your purchase automatically designates 5% of the purchases to our church. That 5% costs you (the buyer) nothing. Make sure you are using Smile.Amazon.Com and designate Waterville United Methodist Church your charity in your account profile.
Missions Committee Focus for July and August 2022
Feel free to donate items for either kit during these two months.
In the face of natural disasters, violence, and grinding poverty, Hygiene Kits can mean the difference between sickness and health for struggling families. When people are forced to abruptly leave their homes, they may not have time to pack the things they use on a daily basis, like toothbrushes or soap. After a few days without these items, they definitely miss them. Your Hygiene Kits offer a refreshing daily boost for someone when supplies are hard to come by.
School Kits can give children in these impoverished communities and refugee camps some of the basic tools for learning. Starting a new school year is exciting….but for children who don’t have supplies, it can also be terrifying. That’s where these kits – and your compassion – come in! Plus, the fabric bag is a great keepsake that kids can carry all year long.
Your support makes a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people both here at home and around the world. Each kit represents a person whose life will be changed because of the simple items contained within.
Please donate only items from the lists below. Church World Service is very particular that items be the same in each kit.
- One hand towel measuring approximately 15″ x 28″ to 16″ x 32″ (no fingertip, bath, dish towel or micro-fiber)
- One washcloth
- One wide-tooth comb
- Must be sturdy with at least 6 inches of teeth
- No pocket combs or picks
- One fingernail or toenail clipper
- One bath-size bar of soap in the original package
- One toothbrush in the original package
- Ten standard size Band-Aids
- One pair of blunt scissors (rounded tip, only)
- Three 70-count bound notebooks or notebooks totaling 200-210 pages (no loose-leaf or filler paper)
- One 30-centimeter / 12” ruler
- One hand-held pencil sharpener
- One large eraser (no pencil cap erasers)
- Six new, unsharpened pencils with erasers
- One box of 24 crayons (only 24)
The Missions Jar will be available each week for members convenience. The fourth Sunday will still emphasis the monthly mission.
”Not all of us can do great things, but we can all do small things with great love”. Mother Teresa
June 5: 116
June 12: 111
June 19: 212
June 26: 233
July Card Ministry Liaison is Terry Myers
Please reach out to her at
if you know of someone who needs encouraging words through a card.
Words of love can change a moment and often a life's direction.
Char Monroe July 10
Thomas Quinn July 10
Emerson Colyer July 11
Lisa Galton July 13
Christie Wielgopolski July 20
Bill Gregory, Jr. July 23
Jane Schwind July 23
Amy Hankins July 24
Carolyn Myerholtz July 24
Lou Peyton July 25
Isaiah Wittenmyer July 27
Happy Birthday!
(If you have a Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office so we can add you to our birthday list!)
Independent Bible Study and Activities
There are also apps through Bible Gateway and You Version to help guide you through this experience.
Choose the one that works for you!
The July HomeTouch is another source of reading the Bible. Start today! There are also fun word games that we share in the weekly blast.
Click on HomeTouch picture to open. OR...check the bulletin board, we post copies each month...OR if you know someone who may enjoy receiving the monthly HomeTouch in the mail, we do have a mailing list we can add them to.
If you have an immediate need or a Pastoral need, please call Pastor Teresa Wenrick at 937-726-3758 or pastorteresa@watervilleumc.org .
Office hours are generally Monday through Thursday 9 AM to Noon, but may vary. Please call ahead at 419-878-3645 if you need to visit the office.
Follow us on Twitter
Follow the church and youth on our Twitter pages:
Waterville UMC | 419.878.3645| Email Us |