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2022 Newsletter

We're hitting the ground running here moving into February and this edition has lots of updates on our policy program, habitat program partnerships and a wrap-up on the 2021 waterfowl season. Want to learn even more? Join us at our State Meeting this Saturday in Beaver Dam.

Plus, don't miss out on your chance to get tickets for the Glock Model 19 Gen 3 pistol and Taurus 856 38 Spl. Revolver raffles our South Suburban chapter is raffling off at the end of this month and check out the rest of our class A raffles here.

I hope you enjoy our February edition...

Hitting the Ground Running

By Bruce Ross, Executive Director

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With the recent snowfall, I considered making about making a joke about putting on WWA’s snow tires...

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Annual Meeting February 5, 2022

Join us at the Beaver Dam Conservationists Club, starting at 3:00 pm with presentations, break for cocktails, then dinner and we'll conclude the evening with awards and our 6th Annual Hall of Fame induction ceremony. Dinner, cocktails and the cost is only $10 per person!

Learn more...


2022 Is Here

And we need your help! 2021 was an incredibly productive year for WWA and we have lofty goals for 2022.

Read on...

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Partnership with USFWS Nets Good Outcomes for Landowners and Habitat

In the conservation world, partnerships get projects accomplished.

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Sandhill Crane Hunt in WI? Part VI

“What is happening with the sustainable and ethical Sandhill Crane (SHC) hunting season legislation?”, is no doubt a common question for WWA Newsletter readers.

Read on...

Want to Win This Glock Pistol or Taurus Revolver?

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February's featured Class A (WI residents need not be present to win) raffles are for our South Suburban chapter who will be drawing for both this Glock Model 19 Gen 3 9mm Pistol and this Taurus 856 38 Spl. Revolver at their Winter Gun Raffle event on February 26 at Witt's End in Caledonia, WI.

Get your tickets here...

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Hail and Farewell

WWA’s board has some familiar faces departing, some new faces joining, and many faces staying the same.  

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WWA Policy Maker of the Year?

Who would you select as the elected official who advanced WWA’s critical policy issues the most last year? This new WWA program is intended to recognize a single elected official, from either party, who helped us get our policy initiatives “across the finish line”. You may be surprised by our pick! 

Read on...


A Growing Relationship with Vortex® Optics

We could not be more excited about an innovative sponsorship agreement we’ve just inked with Vortex Optics. We have enjoyed a longstanding partnership for years. But this year, Vortex doubled down with WWA...

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Wanted: Wood Duck Box Patron

Don’t you just love the woodies you see in the Spring, and better yet, in the fall? Their colors and accessibility make them one of the most popular duck species in the state. How can we help them?

Read on...

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2021 Season Has Ended. Is There Anything Ducky to Talk About?

Migratory bird work continues year-round - especially if you’re the DNR Migratory Bird Biologist, Taylor Finger. Find out what he, and other DNR waterfowl folks are up to now that hard water is the norm.

Read on...

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Meyer Earns Eagle Scout Badge

Last spring we shared the story of Braden Meyer, who placed five nesting platforms for Black Terns in the Cedarburg Bog. We're excited to share that this project earned Braden his Eagle Scout Badge.

Read on...

Words From the Wardens


By DNR Conservation Warden Tim Otto

Recruiting New Hunters in a Global Pandemic

Have an idea you want the wardens to answer? Let us know!

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One of the most satisfying elements of my career is my involvement with new hunter recruitment programs. You may remember my March 2020 column where I explained my experiences before the pandemic hit. I’m back to tell you how things went during these past two years. Read on...


Elmer H. Garbrecht

A Decoy Corner article by Bruce Urben

Let me tell you the story about a decoy carver, artist, waterfowler and boat builder from the Oshkosh/Omro area of Wisconsin.

Read on...

Thank You to our 2022 Sponsors & Donors

State Level Sponsors:

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State Level Donors:

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In Memory...

Thanks to all those that have cherished the memory of a loved one by donating in memoriam to the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association. Those recently memorialized were:


  • Mr. Tom Cheesebrog - Donor: Leigh Cheesebro
  • Mr. Carl Halvorsen - Donors: Holly Kempf, Employees at NeighborWorks Blackhawk Region, Victoria Dickman of Herslof, Inc., Kristy Vogt of Kewaskum Chapter of Commerce, Farmers & Sportsmens Conservation Club
  • ·   Mr. Gaston Lopez - Donor: Mark Slater
  • ·   Mr. Erich Pitz - Donors: Barb & Don Porath


If you'd like to consider a lasting and meaningful memorial fund contribution for that friend, hunting partner, co-worker or relative with WWA, please contact us. Each contribution will offer:

  • ·   A personalized letter to the family of the deceased,
  • ·   A letter from WWA sent to the donor confirming contribution for tax purposes (address & individual donation amount must be supplied),
  • The option for the donor to designate which WWA program they wish their contributions be put towards, and a listing in this section for the duration of one year


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