In Memory...
Thanks to all those that have cherished the memory of a loved one by donating in memoriam to the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association. Those recently memorialized were:
- Mr. Tom Cheesebrog - Donor: Leigh Cheesebro
- Mr. Carl Halvorsen - Donors: Holly Kempf, Employees at NeighborWorks Blackhawk Region, Victoria Dickman of Herslof, Inc., Kristy Vogt of Kewaskum Chapter of Commerce, Farmers & Sportsmens Conservation Club
· Mr. Gaston Lopez - Donor: Mark Slater
· Mr. Erich Pitz - Donors: Barb & Don Porath
If you'd like to consider a lasting and meaningful memorial fund contribution for that friend, hunting partner, co-worker or relative with WWA, please contact us. Each contribution will offer:
· A personalized letter to the family of the deceased,
· A letter from WWA sent to the donor confirming contribution for tax purposes (address & individual donation amount must be supplied),
- The option for the donor to designate which WWA program they wish their contributions be put towards, and a listing in this section for the duration of one year