
5th Sunday of Easter



We are happy to have you worship with us today! If you are a visitor or would like to know more about the life, work, and ministry of Christ Church, please fill out a “Connect Card” in the pew rack. You can drop the completed card in the offering plate or give it to a member of our staff, an usher, or a Vestry member following the service. We are glad you are here!

4/28/2024 Service Video

Signing Diocesan Release:

We are required to have photo release forms signed in order for the diocese to use our photos for the diocesan search profile they are developing. Forms are in the Narthex on the tables or in the Library on the tables. Please sign if you agree to having your photo used. You can leave them on the tables signed or give them to an user or vestry/search committee member. Thanks!

The church will have a RUMMAGE SALE on May 3rd & 4th, 2024. We plan to have a fall rummage sale, so hold winter items until then. All donations can be taken to the church in the mornings Monday thru Thursday and placed by the handicap door on the cart or desk. Set up will be the week of the 29th, and the 29th will be the last day to bring in items. If you need something picked up call Steve 330-770-4763.  

Set up for the Rummage Sale begins Monday April 29, 2024, and runs all week long. We need your help setting up. There is a lot that goes into this sale just to get ready for it. Any help you could give would be much appreciated. If you have any questions, please call Steve Watts. Thank you!

LINCOLN SCHOOL 8th Grade Graduation:

On May 21st, 2024, CEC will welcome 100 Lincoln 8th graders and 15 staff members to a celebratory breakfast to honor their graduation.Volunteers are needed to help welcome, provide table services, decorate and distribute treat bags. If you are interested, please contact Linda Day at 330-395-8818 or lindabday@aol.com. More information to follow.

Search Committee:

If you have thoughts to share with our Rector Search Committee, please write an email and send to: ChristChurchSearch44483@gmail.com. They would love to hear from you!

Next Rector Prayer:

O God, giver of all good gifts, look graciously upon Christ Episcopal Church as we seek our next rector to shepherd our parish family. Send your Holy Spirit to guide the Search Committee and Vestry that they may discern your will. Give them wisdom, patience, and open hearts as they consider candidates. Lead us to a faithful pastor who will preach your Word with truth, care for your people with love, and equip us for the work of ministry. Grant that Christ Church may receive a rector who will serve You and lead us closer to You through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Parish Choir Rehearsals:

The Parish Choir rehearsals are in the choir room on Thursdays at 7:00 PM. New members are always welcome!

A BIBLE STUDY, HEALING AND PRAYER with Holy Eucharist is held each Wednesday at 10 am in the Chapel. All are welcome!


We have learned that Father Bob Linberg is having some health issues and has been put on the list for a kidney transplant. He is asking for prayers for healing and strength. If you are able, please keep him in your prayers. You can also send him cards to let him know you are thinking of him. His address is listed below:

Father Bob Linberg

16 Winch Hill Rd.

Swanzey, NH 03446


The bulletins that we print out for the service each week is for your use. We do not need them back. You can take them home with you and put the announcements for the week on your refrigerator.

International Potluck:

There will be an international potluck on Sunday, May 19, 2024. Lynn Peteritis will do a presentation on her experiences traveling to China and Fr. Tom will give us a Kateri update. It is also Pentecost, so wear your red!

Here is the alphabet breakdown for food:

A-E last names: bring deserts

F-S last names: bring main dish (International favorite would be great!)

T-Z last names: bring veggie or your choice

Drinks will be provided. Let's have some fun and listen to our church family member and leader.

Spiritual Formation for Children:

Spiritual Formation for Children is held each week during the 10 AM worship service. We use the Montessori-based curriculum, Godly Play. Interested children (K-5) are welcome to join in the procession. Children return to the Sanctuary during The Peace so they may join their families for Holy Eucharist.

Christ Epicopal Church's Cub Scout Pack 11


Changes in one week, CEC donations of macaroni and cheese and ramen noodles created a surplus for the first time in ever in my memory.

Two needs were identified - spaghetti cups and pats for both boys and girls.

Clothing needs:

Girls leggings sizes 6 to 14

Boy sweatpants sizes 8 to 14

Future considerations: In 5 weeks school will be out. The kids will no longer have access to breakfast and lunch nor will the food pantry be open daily. Community Liaisons informed me that limited emergency food supplies are available through the school Secretaries who work year around. What can CEC do to support a summer food program? Pleas share your ideas. LInda Day 330-395-8818 or lindabday@aol.com

Once Again Thank You and God Bless you!


We are looking for the person who made the cheese blintzes for the Arts on Atlantic. There are people who want the recipe.They were a huge hit!

Pickleball is canceled on May 4th, 2024, due to the Rummage Sale in the Parish Hall.

 Visit us on the web at www.christchurchwarren.org

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