Via Staff Member Changed Lives During Long Career
After 31 years of service as an instructor in Via’s Prevocational Workshop, Ana Morganello retired on June 21st. Her last day was spent celebrating with coworkers and participants. In addition, she received a special visit from Aurea E. Ortiz of Representative Steve Samuelson’s office. Aurea congratulated Ana and presented her with PA House and Senate proclamations recognizing and celebrating the positive impact she made on so many people with developmental and intellectual disabilities. Ana truly changed lives during her many years of service.

If you are looking for a rewarding career where you can change lives as Ana did, join our team!
If You Need Great Employees, Via Can Help
Barry worked with staff from Via’s Community Employment Services to discover what he wanted to do and learned how to prepare for and attain a job. He got his dream job at Dunkin’ and enjoys being a part of the Dunkin’ team. Barry is a great worker and has several duties including bringing in supplies, washing dishes and making baked goods, like Dunkin's delicious muffins! Watch this TikTok to see Barry in action.

Via’s Community Employment Services deliver bottom-line value to businesses and can strengthen and diversify your labor force. If you are looking for great employees like Barry, Via can help. To learn more, visit: Become an Employment Partner.
Thank You for Ensuring Via Participants Reach Their Full Potential
Thank you to everyone who responded to our Spring Appeal featuring the Martinez family. You are changing lives and helping people with intellectual and developmental disabilities reach their full potential. Because of you, Allen and Matthew Martinez receive essential services and their father, Pastor George Martinez, has peace of mind. Pastor Martinez said, “Via is an outstanding organization. Because of Via, I know my children can go somewhere safe where they will be cared for and taught, they are important."

Thank you so much. If you haven’t donated yet, please click here to donate now. 
Via of the Lehigh Valley |