The burn scar that hangs above South Lake Tahoe is a constant reminder to get prepared for wildfire. 

With Tahoe's snow disappearing fast, now is the perfect time for a refresher course on the things we can do to protect ourselves, our community and Lake Tahoe.
Follow the tips in this video to get fire prepared (aquí en español).
The firefighters who battled the Caldor Fire last summer can attest that the work done by Tahoe property owners helped keep homes safe. Listen as they share lessons from the Caldor Fire, and then put those lessons into action to protect your home and community from the next, inevitable wildfire.
Fire is a threat to Lake Tahoe’s environmental health and its water quality. The League is focused on making Tahoe resilient to wildfire in different ways - see them here.

Our team at the League was honored to help create the wildfire preparedness PSA videos above to support the Tahoe Fire and Fuels Team, who recently won a National Wildfire Mitigation Award. The fuels reduction and fire prevention work led by the 21 members of the TFFT helped save Lake Tahoe homes, businesses and lives from the Caldor Fire.

The danger isn’t going away. Let’s stay vigilant and do what we can to help Tahoe withstand the worst wildfire impacts. Together, we can Keep Tahoe Safe and Blue.
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League to Save Lake Tahoe | 530.541.5388 |
Protecting Lake Tahoe since 1957