Ma Chadash?Bites
20 Teves l Parshas Shemos l Dec 24
Shemos- Character
For this year of Parsha Lesson, I will be focusing on one area of character growth, to think about in the week ahead and the benefits that a person would have from becoming better in that area. 

In this week’s parsha we learn about Moshe’s birth, unique upbringing (he was raised by the daughter of Pharoah in the palace), and subsequent happenings until he came back to Mitzrayim (Egypt) to begin the process of the redemption.
An important event during the early years of Moshe’s life was when he killed an Egyptian officer who was beating and oppressing a Jewish man in a particularly vicious way. Moshe killed the officer and hid him in the sand. News of this reached Pharoah and Pharoah gave orders to capture and execute Moshe. Upon seeing this, Moshe escaped from Mitzrayim and ended up in Midyan where he met his wife and settled down.
Rabbeinu Yonah comments that because Moshe had an amazing level of ‘zrizus’ (alacrity, swiftness) that is why he escaped from Mitzrayim. 
How does this show that Moshe was ‘perfected’ in the character trait of zrizus? There was a bounty on his head from the extremely powerful and overbearing ruler of the country- his life was in tremendous jeopardy! How does this show that Moshe was himself a ‘zariz’? Maybe he was spurred to act as one because of the tremendous danger?
To put it differently: how did Moshe escaping from Mitzrayim give us any indication as to whether or not Moshe would behave in day to day life with alacrity and zeal in going about his dealings?
R’ Henoch Leibowitz z”l answered that Rabbeinu Yonah here is teaching us a great lesson: a person is held captive by their character traits. If Moshe was not on the high level of zrezus that he was on, he would not have escaped and saved his life. Perhaps he would have tried to hide, he would have tried many different things- but he would not have been able to actually escape from Mitzrayim, despite the mortal danger of remaining there.
The Ramchal in his sefer (book) Mesillas Yesharim echoes the same idea. The Ramchal writes in the 9th chapter, when discussing the things which make it difficult for a person to attain the character trait of zrezus, ‘that someone who accustoms himself to these things, he is not the master of himself to do differently when he wants. This person’s will is chained up in the chains of habit which have become a second nature’
How important it is for a person to constantly be engaged in perfecting their character! Character flaws, bad habits, undeveloped good habits and character will make it so difficult for a person to be successful. One’s character flaws will be a constant impediment to success. A person can have all sorts of conviction, ideas, etc. but this person will not be able to actually be successful without the proper character that is necessary for success.
Benefits of this…
When someone is constantly engaged in character development a person is always setting themselves up for success, to capitalize on opportunities that come one’s way. A person never knows when they will be called upon to perform and when they will need to tap into their character strengths, which is why it is important to always be as prepared as one can be.
None of us should ever be faced with a life or death situation which will be determined by our strength of character, like Moshe was, yet we never do know when and if we will be challenged. But more important than ensuring our safety with a properly developed character, is to ensure that we have the strength of character to maximize the gift of life. 

Wishing everyone a wonderful Shabbos!

What's happening...

Judaic Studies

Rabbi Yehuda Friedman- 5th/6th Grade Boys
The fifth and sixth grade boys are coming in strong to the break! In Mishnayos, we have just completed the first two perakim of Sukkah and we know it by heart too! You don't believe us? Just try us! In Chumash we have also just completed our second Perek and are heading into the final Makka that will have Pharaoh running to chase us out of Egypt. Looking forward to refreshing ourselves over the break and coming out even stronger!

General Studies

Mrs. Aimee Friedell- 1st Grade
We are completing our first big writing unit of the year and first grade authors are preparing to publish their personal narrative stories. A personal narrative is a story that is about personal experiences and our writing folders are full of amazing stories that we have written.  When we publish a writing piece, we make it ready to share with others.  

In order to publish a writing piece, we choose one of the stories in our folder and add to it, so that it has a detailed beginning, middle, and end. Right now, we are in the planning stage, as we write our rough drafts. When we are done planning, we will edit and revise our work to make sure our stories contain all of the details necessary to make them very interesting to read. We will create illustrations to match our words. We will check our grammar and spelling carefully. Our complete writing pieces will have a cover, an “About the Author” page, and a dedication page.  

When our writing pieces are complete, we will be ready to share our books with each other and have an Authors Celebration Day!


Morah Shuly Amsel- Torah Tots
With the wind blowing and the weather turning colder, the leaves have fallen off the trees, leaving them bare. Most people ask the question, what to do with all of these leaves? In Torah Tots we decided the best thing to do is take our parachute outside and play with them.

The children used buckets, shovels, a big dump truck toy, and their hands to gather a huge pile of leaves on the parachute. After they had collected so many leaves you could barely see the parachute’s bright colors, they thought it would be fun to roll around in the piles. They rolled this way and that way spreading leaves everywhere. When they were done rolling around we danced in the piles and marched around listening to their musical crunch each time we stepped.

Now it was time to play with parachute games. Each child grabbed a handle as we sang “Ring Around the Rosie” and “All the Leaves Are Falling Down” while pulling the parachute full of leaves with us. When we were done singing we shook the parachutes handles until we created a gigantic pile of leaves in the middle. We counted 1,2,3 and lifted the parachute as high as we could and sent all of the leaves flying through the air. It looked like they were once again falling from the trees. We had such a fun time! We hope we get to do it again before the leaves are all gone.

Join us on Motzai Shabbos, January 8th for
our Annual Mother-Daughter Melava Malka!

All women are invited!

Come join us every Motzai Shabbos
for Mother-Daughter GEM!!

Come join us every Motzai Shabbos for
Father- Son learning!


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for some delicious refreshments
AND some meaningful Torah!
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