TCNA August 2020 Newsletter
Crime and Safety Committee
- Crime Summary TCNA Jan-July 2020 - Crime incidents down
Coronavirus Updates
- Activities in Tuscany-Canterbury
- Useful Websites
- Testing Sites
Events Committee
- Fall Picnic? Feedback Wanted
Calvert School Liaison Committee - School Opening September 2
Streets and Greens Committee
- Bench in Linkwood Park
- Slow Streets Program
- Volunteers and Plants Needed
Neighborhood News
- Book Review: Fifthy Beast, Kirkland Hamill
- You tube: Who Lived in Your House: John Cohen
- Baltimore Heritage Five Minute History: Scottish Rite Temple
Construction & Improvements Around the Neighborhood
- UPDATE: Demolition of Old Carnegie Building
Neighborhood Questions and Comments
- Trash Pick-up
- Census Count
- Residential Permit Parking
- Neighborhood Dumpster Days: September 19, October 17
- BMore Alerts
- Become a Baltimore iMentor
- November Elections (First English Church will not be a Voting Site)
- Johns Hopkins University Opening
Sale Prices of Homes & Condos (July)
Neighborhood Restaurant Updates
Events In and Around Tuscany Canterbury
- TCNA Board Zoom Meeting September 2
- First Friday is Canceled for September
- See Other Events
It's a beautiful time to walk through Tuscany-Canterbury.
Thanks to John Robinson, our neighborhood photographer. If you have pictures that you would like to share, please send them to
TCNA Crime and Safety Committee
Paul and Maria Gallo, co-chairs
Tuscany-Canterbury is one of the safest neighborhoods in Baltimore.
These statistics show that there are only about 2 crimes a month for the 3900 residents who live in 1700 homes, condos, or apartments in Tuscany-Canterbury. Tuscany-Canterbury goes from Charles Street to Linkwood Road and north of University Parkway to just south of Overhill Road. Thank you to all the residents who look out for their neighbors and call 911 when there is a problem and do everything to prevent crime in the neighborhood.
Being visible in the neighborhood is one of best way to prevent crime. Many more neighbors are walking throughout the neighborhood. Hopefully this activity will continue throughout the year.
Special things are happening in Tuscany-Canterbury during the Pandemic. Let us know what you and your neighbors are doing.
Listening to neighbor and celebrity John Wesser and his jazz band -Big Bertha's Rhythm Kings Concert in the alley between Cloverhill & Canterbury.
Marvin Gaye meets Hendrix" Sidewalk Serenade by the Hagan's dear friend Marc Avon Evans and his bandmate Irvin Maddens performing from their porch on Tuscany Court.
Where to get COVID-19 Test
This link has a list of testing sites across the City, with details as to which need a referral, and which are walk-up.
Clifton Park COVID-19 testing site: Requires a physician referral through the CRISP system. It is open Wednesdays and Friday mornings and is located on the parking lot of the Lake Clifton School.
Choice One Urgent Care: Does not require a physician referral. They conduct the COVID-19 test and the anti-body test but not on the same day. For information and to make an appointment click here.
Baltimore Convention Center: No appointment needed, no referral needed
Pimlico Race Course: No appointment needed, no referral needed
Events Committee
Ann Christopher, Chairperson
Rosalyn Mansouri, First Friday Coordinator
A Fall Picnic or Different Event?
The TCNA Board has been discussing whether to have our annual fall picnic in the Stony Run Park. It's been so successful in the past.
The tentative date is Saturday October 10 from 3 pm to 5 pm. Everyone would bring blankets and/or their own table and chairs, also bring your munchies and drinks.
Many areas of the neighborhood have organized successful socially distanced concerts and it was suggested we find a mime and/or a magician to perform for the kids of all ages. We could contact the Creative Alliance or other suggestions for the fun.
Please give us your input and let the board know if you think this is a good idea and if you would participate.
Calvert School
Julia Martin Frazier, Chair of Liaison Committee
Calvert School to open
for in-person learning on September 2nd.
At the time of this writing, on August 21st, Calvert School's plan is to be open for in-person learning on September 2nd. Alternate plans are firmly in place, if needed. Andrew Holmgren, Head of School, has clearly communicated the school's process in coming to this decision, and has laid out the extensive precautions that have been implemented for students, families, faculty and staff, and all school personnel. Mr. Holmgren states that the school has certainly met and exceeded the CDC and Maryland guidelines for reopening.
Families who choose to keep students home will be provided an online platform for remote learning. Those who do come to school will be given a specific drop-off and pick-up time, and will not be permitted to assemble in groups awaiting admittance, or a ride home. Calvert School states that they are following all the latest trends and data, and they are ready to change course, at any time, as needed, for the safety of the community. It is emphasized that the expectation for families to adhere to all guidelines is paramount to the success of on campus learning.
Streets and Greens Committee
Rose Weeks, Chairperson
Greens Subcommittee: Bonnie Boland, Chair
Priorities for enhancing safety, environmental friendliness, and livability
Volunteers who would like to weed or water gardens or portions of gardens to help keep our garden maintenance costs down.
Additional plants for the Tuscany Road garden. This fall, if you are looking to remove some of the plants from your garden, let Bonnie know so we can determine if they would fit in that area.
The gardens at the large Stony Run bridge were created and are maintained by Tuscany-Canterbury Greens Committee.
If you haven't explored the Stony Run, the it's a great time of the year to walk through the Stony Run path. A special thanks to neighbor and landscape designer, Jonna Lazarus who designed the gardens the large bridge to Wyman Park. More information about the Stony Run path is on the TCNA website.
Fall 2018: TCNA used membership dues to transform the entrance to the large bridge on Linkwood over Stony Run.
Summer 2020: Greens Committee maintains the gardens. What a difference!
Baltimore City Slow Streets Program
Last May, the Baltimore City Council passed an ordinance to establish a minimum of 25-miles of Slow Streets in Baltimore City. The Slow Streets program is intended to support safe, essential physical activity by creating more space for social distancing in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Streets must be nominated by residents and supported by the District’s Councilperson. Roads that are chosen will have temporary “Road Closed: Local Traffic Only” soft closure barriers erected, so that people can more comfortably use these low-traffic streets for physically distant walking, wheelchair rolling, jogging, and biking across the city. Slow Streets is a temporary program and will be in effect during the COVID emergency, in accordance to City and State public health requirements. However, there is no specific timeline and its termination will be based on official public health guidelines for reopening.
This program discourages residents and visitors from driving on designated “Slow Streets” unless necessary to reach your final destination. Slow Streets also urges drivers to drive slowly and safely to respectfully share the road with people walking and biking. A typical Slow Street will have barricades set up at each intersection with a “Road Closed: Local Traffic Only” sign. This will deter cut-through traffic, and decrease traffic volume and speeds to meet the program’s safety goals.
The Slow Streets program will not result in any loss of parking. Residents will still have access to “Local Access Only” streets and all normal parking areas. A Slow Streets designation will not impact emergency vehicle access; they will still be able to respond to all emergency situations. The City has opined that the best candidates for Slow Streets are those that access or are near priority areas like parks and food distribution sites. Optimal streets are long segments of residential streets that could provide meaningful connections within and between neighborhoods.
First Round of Slow Streets in the 14th Councilmanic District
The program is designed to allow for more room for walkers, cyclists, and runners to social distance. The legislation for this program limits it to at least 25 miles of Slow Streets city wide, with no district having most of them.
The first round of DOT approved streets in Council District 14 are:
- Ellerslie Avenue between 33rd and 36th Streets
- Pacific Street between Keswick and Chestnut Avenues
- E. 29th Street between Kirk Avenue and Fenwick Avenue
- E. 32nd Street between The Alameda and Harford Road
- Tivoly Avenue between Harford Road and E. 32nd Street
You will start to see road blocks and signs indicating these streets are for local traffic only.
Should Linkwood Road Become a “Slow Street”?
TCNA is seeking input into whether we should nominate Linkwood Road, from W. University Parkway to Tuscany Road, for inclusion into the program. This segment of Linkwood is already frequently used by walkers, bikers, runners, and more, and connects Tuscany-Canterbury with Wyman Park and Roland Park through the bridges to Wyman Park and along the Stoney Run.
For years the broken bench near Stony Run between the Linkwood Apartments entrance and Ridgemede Road has been an eyesore and unsittable. We decided to see if anyone in the neighborhood was carpenter enough to put the bench in usable shape. We advertised in last month’s ENewsletter and found a volunteer! Within a week our volunteer and his 6 year old grandson fixed and painted the bench.
It looks great!
MANY THANKS, Anonymous Carpenter
Before Summer 2020 - the bench has been broken for decades.
JHU demolition project at the
Old Carnegie Building
UPDATE: The demo contractor for the old Carnegie Building will be on site this Saturday, 8/22 starting around 7 AM (same as current weekdays per code) and could go as late as 6PM.
August 2020: With the pandemic JHU had some delays getting their demo permit but as you can see that was resolved, and demo has been underway and progressing well. Approximately ¾ of the building has now been razed, and it is expected the building to be completely down and the site cleared over the next 2-3 weeks. Then the site will be graded, landscaped, and cleaned, with the project completed around the end of September.
Questions or concerns, contact Mike Loester
Neighborhood News or Neighbors Do Things
Tuscany-Canterbury has many awesome neighbors who do creative and significant things. We will begin to feature some of our residents in the TCNA newsletter. If you have someone or something that you would like to be included please let us know.
Neighborhood Book News
Filthy Beasts by Kirkland Hamill
Kirkland Hamill, a resident of Tuscany Road, has written a memoir entitled ‘Filthy Beasts’ published 2020 by Avid Reader Press. The title is a quote from his mother’s before-school shout to Kirk and his two brothers: “Wake up, you filthy beasts!”
Kirk and his husband Dave moved to Tuscany-Canterbury in 2019 and live with their dog, Blue.
His mother, in fact, is the centerpiece of the book: she is charismatic, willful, and torn between mothering her sons – and losing her status in East Coast society due to divorce. Her life of privilege is cast adrift when she and her three sons move back to her native Bermuda.
Kirk, the second of three sons, adores his mother but senses that “she was able to act like a mother only when it wasn’t expected which is the only way I was able to access her – the recipient of reflected rather than direct light.”
An astute observer, Kirk captures in spot-on detail their increasingly impoverished and chaotic life in Bermuda – hilarious one moment – and disturbing the next. As he tracks his mother’s trajectory toward alcohol, he seeks to help her address her demons just as he comes of age and has to cope with his own.
This memoir is a compelling read – because of Kirk’s raw honesty about himself, his brothers and his mother. But his ability to have you understand them and care is the real tribute to his artistry.
A special thanks to Deborah Callard who wrote the Neighborhood Book News about Kirland's book that was just published.
Who Lived in Your House by Josh Cohen
When Josh Cohen was preparing for the centennial of his North Baltimore subdivision, he set out to discover the history of the University Homes on Cloverhill and Canterbury Roads in Tuscany-Canterbury. If you missed Josh's online presentation entitled "Who Lived in Your House," the Baltimore City Historical Society has put it up on their YouTube channel. You can see Josh's presentation here.
The Scottish Rite Temple
Five Minute History Video by Baltimore Heritage Foundation
Baltimore Heritage records "Five Minute Histories" about famous and interesting places in Baltimore. The impressive Scottish Rite Temple and talk about freemasonry in Baltimore was recently featured. .
Neighborhood Questions and Comments
If you have a neighborhood question, comment, or
issue that you cannot resolve (by calling 311 or checking the TCNA website), please email and we will try to answer your question or help resolve the issue.
How do I complete the 2020 Census?
Still Time for the 2020 Census!
The extended deadline has now been cut short, so NOW IS THE TIME to fill out your Census Form that you should have received in the mail. If you don't have the form you can do it online or by phone.
Baltimore needs every person in Tuscany Canterbury to be counted, and the City needs every dollar: the Census determines federal dollars, congressional representation, and so much more. For each person uncounted, Baltimore loses $18,000 in federal resources over the next ten years.
It takes less than 10 minutes to respond to the 2020 census from home — either online, by phone or by mail.
call 1-844-330-2020.
What do we do if the trash is not collected?
Council-member Mary Pat Clarke responded
Baltimore City is facing a challenge with recycling and trash pick-up due to COVID-19. Trash volume has increased with everyone being home cleaning and so the routes take longer to collect and a number of the workers have been sick. T Right now, trash pick up has been made a high priority, and DPW will pick up missed recycling routes as soon as they can.
DPW is working extremely hard to keep up with the demand. DPW has created a page on its website that will update the information about each day's collection showing routes that were not completed the day before, and what routes likely won't be reached each day. This information will be updated at least twice per day around 9:30 am and 4:00pm.
Call 311 and let them know that your trash has not been collected.
How will I be able to vote in November?
Delegate Maggie McIntosh responded.
The upcoming November 3rd Election is one of the most important of our lifetime, and there are important facts you need to know. The Maryland State Board of Elections and the governor have made significant changes to the way the coming election will be handled. Please note carefully:
YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A BALLOT AUTOMATICALLY IN THE MAIL, as we all did for the June primary election. You must request a mail-in (absentee) ballot.
Absentee ballots APPLICATIONS will be mailed out on August 27th to all registered voters. You can also request one. This is this link to request a mail-in ballot request if you do not get one in the mail next week.
If you do not want to risk going to the polls to vote in person, you must request a mail-in ballot by mail, phone, or online. DO IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
There will only be 360 polling sites in the entire state, primarily public high schools and large venues. However, you will be able to vote in any polling site in the city, for both the Early Voting period and Election Day.
Delegate McIntosh will keep the most up-to-date voting information on her website.
What is happening with Residential Permit Parking(RPP)?
Residential Parking enforcement etarts September 1.
Starting on September 1, residential parking permits will be in effect and enforced. For the past five months, residential parking permits have not been enforced. Here is what you need to know:
For more details click here.
If you recently moved to an RPP area or purchased a new vehicle, please apply for your permit here. Your permit will be mailed to you. There is no community pick up.
If you have a residential parking permit that expired after March 1, 2020, you do NOT need to renew at this time. The permits from thlast cycle will be honored for now.
Become an Online Baltimore Mentor
i Mentor, is a non-profit that matches 11th and 12th grade students at their partner with two Baltimore City schools (Baltimore Design School and Academy of Career and College Exploration - ACCE) with professionals in a 1:1 mentoring relationship. They want to identify community members who may be looking for a long-term, hands-on volunteer opportunity.
They are specifically looking for college-educated volunteers who may be interested in serving as mentors to a student. They welcome all volunteers and are particularly in need of male volunteers. They provide mentors with a guided curriculum and an online communication platform where mentors and mentees write each other once a week during the academic school year
How do you sign up for BMORE EMERGENCY ALERTS?
BMORE ALERT is an emergency notification system used by the City of Baltimore to send emergency, community and other important alerts to residents. Once you create an account, you will be able to enter you contact information. Depending on the emergency, you may receive phone calls, text messages, and/or emails from the City of Baltimore. BMORE ALERT calls arrive from 866-419-5000 or 855 969 4636.
- Severe weather, including winter storms and hurricanes
- Extensive flooding
- Hazardous chemical releases
- Infectious disease outbreaks
- Criminal activity
- Evacuations
- And more
When are the Fall dumpster days?
TCNA has arranged with the City for Fall dates for residents to use.
Between 9:00 and 12:00
. at Canterbury at Tuscany
at Tuscany at Linkwood
What is happening with Johns Hopkins University opening?
President Ron Daniels sent the neighborhood this letter.
Dear Johns Hopkins Community:
We write today to share the deeply disappointing news that we will not be able to come back together on our campuses this fall as we had planned. We will instead offer the fall 2020 semester online for all undergraduates and online with minimal exceptions for graduate students...
Go on-line to see rest of letter and details about the opening CLICK HERE
Sale Prices of Homes & Condos
July 2020
Thanks to board member and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information for each newsletter.
Address and Sale Price:
- 103 39th Street W #1 $83,000
- 221 Ridgemede Rd #204 $86,000
- 220 Stony Run Ln #A3. $122,500
- 4100 N Charles St #811 $162,500
- 4000 N Charles St #1209 $170,151
- 101 W 39th St #C1 $189,900
- 3801 Canterbury Rd #403. $215,000
- 3801 Canterbury Rd #807 $207,000
- 4100 N Charles St #815 $239,000
- 3911 Canterbury Rd $351,775
- 202 Ridgemede Rd $480,000
- 3704 N Charles St #703. $615,000
Note: This data represents real estate activity from June 20, 2020 to August 1, 2020 in the Tuscany-Canterbury neighborhood. The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.
Source; This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, 4800 Roland Ave, Baltimore, MD 21210 Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email:
Neighborhood Restaurants Updates
Support Our Neighborhood Restaurants
Thanks to Ann Bond who updates restaurant information monthly.
Reopening August 15th
Hours daily
Breakfast 7 - 11
Dinner 5 - 9
1 443 449 6200
Enjoy a meal in our newly renovated open concept American bistro.
Menu features classic American selections for easy dining and comfort
Outdoor Dining
Door Dash, Grubhub, Uber Eats
Authentic Indian restaurant menu, including Rice Specialties, Tandoori Entrees, Seafood Entrees, Chicken & Vegetable Specialties and much more.
Hours: 5 PM - 9 PM
Closed Monday
Open for brunch Saturday and Sunday
Outside Dining and Patio with social distancing
Curbside PickUp
Delivery Orders
Now Offering
in a lovely setting
5 PM Wednesday to Sunday
See staff inside to place an order
and get assigned a table
Also Available
For online orders...
take out...and curbside orders
Indoor Dining Available
Please call for more information about indoor dining.
410 366-6603
10% Off In-Store Purchases for TCNA Members (Except for Tobacco Products)
Liquor Sold on Sundays
On-Line Ordering for Pick up
11AM - 9:30 PM
(410) 235-5777
100 W University Parkway
Indoor Dining
Outside Dining
Curbside Pickup
Wednesday - Friday 10-6
Saturday 9-6
Sunday 9-5
Events Happening In and Around
Artscape Online
Artists' Market
August 21 to August 30
The Artscape Online Artists’ Market features an online directory of up to 75 artists showcasing, promoting and selling their artistry (featuring visual arts, performing arts, literary arts and culinary arts). Participating artists (selected by a jury of professionals in the fields of craft, fine art, fashion and design) will be announced soon. Click here for more information.
Household Hazardous Waste
Drop Off at 2840 Sisson Street
September 4 and 5, 9:00 -7;00
October 2 and 3, 9:00-5:00
Wear a face mask and stay inside your car.
BMA Outdoor Sculpture Garden
Every Tuesday through Saturday 10am - 5pm weather permitting
Admission Free
Capacity in the sculpture gardens is limited to 77 people and groups are limited to five people or fewer to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Visitors are strongly encouraged to wear masks and maintain a six-foot social distance. For more information about the sculpture gardens and safety protocols, please click here.
If you know of other events or information that you think should be included in the Tuscany-Canterbury E-newsletter, please send them to the Newsletter Coordinator.
Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association
Tuscany-Canterbury is a treasure of a neighborhood. If you are not a member of the TCNA, we hope you will join. If you know someone who is not a member, send them this newsletter and ask them to join.
Officers and Board Members for July 2020 to June 2021
Co-Presidents: Andrew and Luciene Parsley (Tuscany Road)
Vice President: Garth Thompson (Ridgemede Road)
Past Presidents: Anne Perkins and Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road)
Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
Secretary: Alison Moliterno (Cloverhill Road)
Board Members:
- Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road)
- Ann Christopher (Tuscany Court)
- Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road)
- Paul and Maria Gallo (Tuscany Court)
- Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford Condo, Stony Run Lane)
- Hannah Mazo (Ridgemede Condo, Ridgemede Road)
- Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House, Charles Street )
- Amy and Patrick Mutch (Tuscany Road
- Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James, Charles Street)
- Brian ten Siethoff (Cloverhill Road)
- Rose and Brian Weeks (Cloverhill Road)