"Denial of the
truth leads to de-
struction. Only an hon-
est admission to ourselves
of the reality of our condi-
tion can save us from
our destructive eat-
ing." (Overeaters
Anon., 12 &
12, p. 6)
"Faced with alco-
holic destruction, we
soon became as open-
minded on spiritual mat-
ters as we had tried to be
on other questions. In
this respect alcohol
was a great per-
suader." (The
Big Book,
p. 48)
"No one can
persuade another
to change. Each of us
guards a gate of change
that can only be open-
ed from the inside."
- Marilyn Ferguson (1938 - 2008) U.S. editor/ author / pioneer
*HP - Higher Power - is any power greater than oneself, like Nature, the Cosmos, or even the legal system.