Dear Members and Partners:

During the past nine months PON has engaged with parents, students, school staff, and researchers to deepen our understanding about English Learners (ELs) and English Language Development (ELD). Our goal was to better support families and provide more meaningful input to school district's Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAPs) around ELs.

We have learned that:
  • ELs have been greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and are faring the worst of all students in several academic and socioemotional indicators.
  • California's ELD standards, tests, and guidance have changed a lot in the past decade. Parents, teachers, and community advocates supporting families are still catching up to fully understand these changes.
  • Providing services and measuring progress and success of ELs is very nuanced. When done right, services for students such as ELD programs, instruction adaptations, and interventions are tailored by: EL typology (i.e., English Learners on Track, Newcomers, Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education, Potential and Long-Term English Learners, English Learners with Disabilities, English Learners Identified as Gifted), students’ grade levels, English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) levels, and the domain(s) where students need support (i.e., listening, speaking, reading, writing).  
  • Districts with more successful ELD programs tend to have a strong district team with specialists supporting teachers, parents, and students to monitor progress.

To support parents to better understand ELD programs we compiled resources and co-designed tools with parents and teachers that are now available on our website.

Please help us share these resources broadly with others. Thank you!