As summer rolls in, JFS is still going strong in many directions.
One issue with distributing food to those with food insecurity, can be the dearth of healthy, yummy fresh fruits and vegetables. It is much less expensive and easier to produce, procure, store and distribute packaged items. JFS is combating this problem in two ways. We share a community garden at the JCC growing fresh vegetables to distribute. Also, Dogwood Farms, a generous community partner/supporter, donates produce. This harvest is then distributed by JFS to those who need it.
On the Covid front, as our nation continues (God willing) to recover from the pandemic and our response to it, JFS is trying to return our operations to a more normal mode. Hopefully, we can all take the good things we’ve learned and the useful infrastructure we’ve developed and carry it with us as we return to more in person interactions serving our community.
At this time, I personally want to take this opportunity to wish everyone reading a great summer. But I also want to take this opportunity to thank all of our supporters: individuals and businesses. Without your help, we could not do what we do!

Alex Marcus