Community Newsletter
May 2021 Edition
The past several weeks have been a challenging time for Lakewood residents. Safety is always a focus of our time and energy, but there has been much discussion about how to approach safety in Lakewood. In response to this, I would like to discuss some of my efforts concerning recent advocacy work.
The City of Lakewood has been calling on our elected officials at the county, state, and federal levels for support on a variety of Lakewood-specific issues. In response to our own recent gun-related activity, we have reached out to our representatives and have urged them to support legislation that provides increased gun-safety measures. Unfortunately, rising gun violence is a problem everywhere across Ohio and the United States. The good news is that there are already groups of mayors and community activists coalescing into movements for gun reform and our state and federal governments are responding.
I have also been meeting with our representatives to discuss these crucial issues and to advocate on Lakewood’s behalf. Just this past week, I had a very productive meeting with the White House’s Office of Intergovernmental Affairs where we discussed some of Lakewood’s challenges and successes over the past year. Topics we discussed include: Lakewood’s infrastructure and sewer projects, our COVID response efforts, racial equity, our need for a Community Health Needs Assessment and Climate Change Action Plan, and our police response to recent gun violence. The White House’s representatives were eager to discuss our efforts and offer their guidance for steps we should take moving forward.
I have advocated to our state legislators for our community center project, which received a grant of $250,000 and I supported the American Rescue Plan that will deliver $50 million to Lakewood. Lakewood has seen its fair share of challenges this year, but I am confident these advocacy efforts will help to move Lakewood forward. I look forward to a prosperous and productive May and want to thank every Lakewoodite for their support.
Mayor Meghan F. George
Kauffman Park Improvement Project
Kauffman Park has seen incremental improvements over the years and this year a new playground and picnic area are being designed according to the community's input.
Last month, we were excited to announce that Kauffman Park was the recipient of a $50,000 Community Supplemental Grant from Cuyahoga County! The grant will cover a portion of the planned park improvements for this year.
Construction will begin this summer! Visit here to learn more about the planned upgrades based on the community's input.
Building Department Updates, News, & Reminders
The warmer weather is here and it is officially busy season for our Housing and Building department. If you are looking to get work done this year, we are here to help make sure it is done safely!
In addition to gearing up for busy season, May is also the 41st annual Building Safety Month and the Lakewood Housing and Building Department will participate in the worldwide campaign. This year’s campaign, “Prevent, Prepare, Protect. Building Codes Save,” will be held virtually this year, raising awareness about the importance of building codes in ensuring safety in the spaces in which we live, work and learn.
The department also wished long-time Building Commissioner Joseph Meyers congratulations on his retirement. Commissioner Meyers had been with the department for 20 years. As of May 1st, Christopher Parmelee was promoted from Assistant Building Commissioner to Building Commissioner.
For other reminders, permit applications, and general information, visit the Housing and Building page on our website!
The Division of Aging continues to work with community partners and volunteers to achieve some amazing accomplishments!
Since March 2020, the Division of Aging has delivered over 45,896 meals to Lakewood residents over the age of 60 and distributed over 38,100 pounds of fresh produce and shelf-stable food in a partnership with the Greater Cleveland Foodbank and with a large amount of help from volunteers.
In their adjustment to Covid-19, much of the programming of the Division of Aging was moved to a virtual format, including crafting, informational, and cooking content published on their Facebook page. In large thanks to a recent partnership with PC’s for People, computers were delivered to seniors that qualified at no cost, in order to increase senior connectivity during the pandemic. Additionally, Social Work staff have connected with over 700 senior residents, made over 5,000 well-checks to make sure that they are doing well, and to provide any support or services that might be needed. Some of these services include the 3,300 non-emergency medical trips provided through a partnership with Senior Transportation Connection.
As COVID-19 vaccines became available, the Division of Aging coordinated with Neighborhood Family Practice and Lakewood City Schools to vaccinate 200 individuals, along with 50 individuals in Lakewood senior housing. Visit here for information on how to get connected with the department.
The City Partners with NOPEC for 100% Renewable Energy
The City is proud to announce that as of May 31st, all 77 of the of the City's energy accounts will be deemed 100% green and renewable through NOPEC's new Preferred Pricing Green Energy Program. Visit here to learn more about the City's steps towards a cleaner future!
Did you know that many city gardens are maintained by volunteers?
When residents visit the parks, they are often greeted by beautiful, planted beds filled with blooming flowers. These beautiful installations are the result of our dedicated Lakewood Garden Club members in conjunction with city staff. The Garden Club works with the city to design the plantings and the Club donates all the plants and materials. Club members then donate their time to install the plants in areas designated by the city. Before the plantings are installed, the Garden Club helps to find responsible volunteers who will care for the gardens once completed.
Keep Lakewood Beautiful is the umbrella organization which runs our city’s Adopt-a-Spot program. Volunteers come from all walks of life, they share a love of community and gardening. Adopt-a Spot Volunteers can be a nearby business, a local non-profit, a girl scout troop, or any person who can commit to long-term care weeding and watering the beds.
Many thanks to all of our generous volunteers for donating countless hours to the beautification of our city. See if you can find the butterfly enjoying the pollinator garden at Cove Park in the pictures below! To learn more about the Adopt-a-Spot program and the 27 locations throughout the city click here.
Visit here to learn more about the Lakewood Garden Club.
Public Safety Updates
Did you miss the Public Safety Committee meeting on April 19? Don't worry! You can watch the full meeting here.
Check out our Police Department page on our website. You can find press releases related to recent crime and many other resources.
The City and the Lakewood City Schools have issued a statement regarding resources available to help our community members cope with the trauma that follows events like the recent gun violence at Madison Park that shake our sense of security. Visit here for the full statement and learn more about available resources.
Taste of Lakewood - Restaurant Week
Mark your calendars for June 13-20. Taste of Lakewood will feature a restaurant week, highlighting virtual cocktail hour, special menus, takeout options and merchant raffles. The Lakewood Chamber of Commerce and their sponsors were determined to find a new (and safe) way to promote Lakewood’s amazing restaurants and merchants in lieu of their traditional event. Visit here to learn more!
LakewoodAlive's Front Porch Concert Series
LakewoodAlive announced its 2021 Virtual Front Porch Concert Series. It features live musical performances hosted virtually via LakewoodAlive's Facebook page for nine consecutive Friday evenings from June 4 through July 30. Visit here to see the line up for the summer!