It’s hard to believe there are only 10 days of school left. This year has just flown by! If your family is anything like mine, May has been busy, busy. This time last year we didn’t get to have the end of a school year, in-person graduation, field day or end-of-year awards. This year, I think I have something on my calendar every day for the next few weeks!
The busyness of May is a signal of a fun summer ahead. This year we are doing a bit of a hybrid Vacation Bible School. While we won't be fully in-person, we still plan to have a lot of fun and grow in our walk with God! Join us in June for Discovery on Adventure Island! We will learn how we can be a beacon of God’s light to others, by shining with faith, hope, and love.

On Sunday, June 6 at 4:00 p.m. we will gather for an in-person VBS kick-off event in the Sanctuary where we will sing, dance, and learn about the theme for the week. Families will have the opportunity to pick up their take-home kits for the week at that time as well. Monday – Thursday (June 7 - June 10) will be a virtual/at-home VBS. Registration will run until May 26. We hope you will be able to join us! Sign up here!
Calling all 3rd – 5th graders!! Come join us Thursday, June 24 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the Gym for our 3rd-5th grade Fun Night! We will have pizza, games, and activities. It is sure to be FUN and we hope to see you there! Sign up here!
I look forward to seeing you all in June!


Jean Irving
Children's Director at First Methodist Conroe