Is Spring your favorite season? It’s my favorite season. I love seeing the trees leaf out, and all the flowering shrubs. If you have never been to Georgia in the spring, I recommend scheduling a visit. The flowering trees and shrubs are spectacular.

Of all the months of the year, May is my favorite. To me, more feels possible during the month of May. The weather is warm but not too hot. Plants are blooming and not drooping from the heat. Plans are made for summer camps, summer travel, and summer fun.

The daylight lasts longer and longer and so does our energy to get things done.

Projects that may have seemed overwhelming or impossible to complete somehow seem more approachable in May.

  • Do you have a project in mind?
  • Maybe it’s one that you started but have yet to finish?
  • Would a little accountability help you to get it done?

For me, knowing that someone is going to ask me about the status of a project is usually enough to get me to do at least something.

How about you?

The other thing to keep in mind is that the organizing you put in place during the winter months lasts through the spring and summer if you have a maintenance plan. 

There are three mantras I often use. You are welcome to adopt them for yourself if you'd like to.

They are:

  1. Don’t put it down, put it away Putting something down, just for now, invites a pile. If you have time go ahead and put it away. If you don’t have time now, schedule time with yourself to get it done.
  2. Later is not a time If you don’t want to do something now remember to schedule a specific day and time to do it. When you tell yourself you’ll do it later, what you’re really saying is that you don’t want to do it.
  3. Close the loop Tasks have a beginning, middle, and end. Close the loop and finish the task. 

Join the virtual organizing group I run with Jonda Beattie to get gentle accountability. The group is called: Clear Space for You. We will help you finish your project – no matter what the project is. 

Keep notes to yourself regarding your projects in My List Simplified. This is an undated planner. Use it to plan your spring cleaning and home maintenance.

Use the Organize Your Home 10 Minutes at a Time organizing activity cards to help you stay on top of maintaining all the different spaces in your home. Do a card a day, or a card a week. Each card only takes 10 minutes to complete. 

I am always available to answer your organizing questions by email.

I offer a free 30-minute phone consultation to anyone interested in working with me either virtually or in-person. Email me to schedule a free consultation.

Want more individualized assistance?

Work with Diane in-person if you live in the Metropolitan Atlanta area or work together virtually.


Benji is a typical, active five-year-old little boy. He loves playing with all his toys in his room and sometimes creates a real mess! When his mother asks him to pick up his room, Benji is overwhelmed and doesn’t know how to begin. Benji’s mother helps him complete the job by breaking the project into small tasks that Benji is able to finish easily. Doing this teaches Benji how to get organized.

Basic principles of organizing included in this story:

  • Break projects down into small steps
  • Sort like with like
  • Cull collections
  • All belongings need a home
  • Reward for completed tasks

Suzie is a typical, active five-year-old little girl. She loves playing with all her toys in her room and sometimes creates a real mess! When her mother asks her to pick up her room, Suzie is overwhelmed and doesn’t know how to begin. Suzie’s mother helps her complete the job by breaking the project into small tasks that Suzie is able to finish easily. Doing this teaches Suzie how to get organized.

Basic principles of organizing included in this story:

  • Break projects down into small steps
  • Sort like with like
  • Cull collections
  • All belongings need a home
  • Reward for completed tasks


Filled Up & Overflowing was written to help you and your family members, friends, spouses, and loved ones find answers to questions and concerns about the safety and comfort of the “stuff” in their space.

Unlike other organizers and organizing books, this book is designed to support individuals who would prefer to work with professionals or loved ones who want to listen to them and discover their needs instead of being overwhelmed by the process – and the individual who genuinely wants to help.


Upcoming Events

Friday, May 3rd: Jonda and I are starting the Triple R 50 Challenge. Every Friday we will tell you which one of the 50 activity cards we are doing. We invite you to do the same card and then share a picture of your progress. Remember each card only takes 10 minutes to complete. Follow Jonda and me on Facebook: 

May 10

The Importance of Regular Household Maintenance

Household Maintenance is important and each household maintenance plan will be unique.

Join us on Friday, May 10th at noon ET and we'll help you create your own household maintenance plan.

You will learn:

• There are some tasks to schedule daily
• Some tasks to schedule weekly or monthly
• Other maintenance tasks to schedule bi-annually
• How to stay in control of all these tasks

You will leave the class with a household maintenance plan created just for you.

This is an interactive one-hour workshop.



May 10, 2024 12:00pm ET

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*I will record the class. If you like the topic but aren’t sure if you can attend live, register anyway. I will send you the recording.

June 25: Jonda Beattie and I have been invited to Granby, Colorado to present a 4-hour workshop titled: “Caring for Seniors? What to do with all their stuff.”

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For more tips check out my blog or email me! if you have a fabulous tip you'd like me to share.

Warm Regards,

Diane N. Quintana, CPO®, CPO-CD®