Quarterly News & Updates
Extended Horizons_Flag
Extended Horizons was the first company to receive a custom marine biodiesel flag in recognition that they have been fueling with Pacific Biodieselʻs B100 longer than any marine customer in the state. Photo courtesy of Extended Horizons.
June 2021
“Powering our vessel with biodiesel, made in Hawaii, aligns with Extended Horizons’ core commitment to create and support environmental sustainability at our local level and up to the global level,” said Extended Horizons owner Captain Erik Stein. “We are so proud to be part of Pacific Biodiesel’s network of businesses leading the way in the 21st Century.”
Extended Horizons Flag
“I remember back in 2001 when we started using biodiesel from Pacific Biodiesel,” recalled Martocci. “It was just such a relief to us to be more carbon neutral. We were traveling over to the island of Lanai and going some of furthest distances any charter boats go, so it really meant a lot to us to reduce our carbon footprint.”

This eco-minded dive company walks the talk of protecting Hawaii’s marine environment in many ways. “It’s part of what we do here at Extended Horizon to be more eco-friendly,” Captain Victoria said. “On all our tours are we asking people to start thinking about sustainability, but also for example (on World Oceans Day) we did a reef clean-up, where we cleaned debris off the coral reefs. We are trying to do our part as well. That’s one of the things I love about Pacific Biodiesel – it’s a really big way to do more for the environment.”
DID YOU KNOW? Biodiesel is biodegradable and less toxic than table salt. With 86% less emissions than petroleum diesel (fossil fuel), biodiesel is a clean fuel that's ideal for marine customers who care about preserving and protecting our ocean environment.
Trilogy Excursions knows. Pacific Biodiesel met Captain Katie Kretzinger and the TRILOGY I crew at Maʻalaea Harbor to hear why they choose to fuel with 100% biodiesel. “It’s important for us to be customers of Pacific Biodiesel because it’s locally made, it’s renewable, it’s better for the environment and it actually extends the life of our engines,” Katie said.
Established in 1973 and recognized as the Sustainable EcoTour Operator of the Year (2017) by the Hawaii Ecotourism Association, Trilogy is passionate about the environment and sustainability. “We were part of pioneering the day-use mooring system here on Maui, led the boating industry in pumping their waste responsibly back on land, eliminated single-use plastics on our tours, and we give back to both the community and our reefs each month with our #BlueAina reef-cleaning program. In addition to sailing as much as possible, our vessel TRILOGY I runs entirely on biodiesel," noted Trilogy’s LiAnne Driessen, Director of Sales and Marketing.
Flag Trilogy
Captain Katie Kretinger shows off the biodiesel marine flag in front of TRILOGY I.
Also recognized on World Oceans Day by Pacific Biodiesel was Pacific Whale Foundation, which uses 100% biodiesel in their Ocean Odyssey and Ocean Guardian vessels out of Ma‘alaea Harbor on Maui.
"We are proud to now have two of our vessels running on Pacific Biodiesel’s fuel! We have had great results and it is a long-term goal of Pacific Whale Foundation/PacWhale Eco-Adventures to have our entire fleet of vessels run on biodiesel. Mahalo to Pacific Biodiesel for being great partners who are transparent and walked us through the entire process," said Blake Moore, Director of Commercial Operations for PacWhale Eco-Adventures.
Pacific Whale Flag
The crew of PacWhale Eco-Aventures shows their support for biodiesel at Maʻalaea Harbor.
Aqua Adventures, offering snuba and snorkeling tours on Maui, was the first Ma‘alaea marine customer to begin fueling with 100% biodiesel when Pacific Biodiesel began delivery to the harbor in 2014. Operated by Excellence Charters, Aqua Adventures has fueled with this locally produced biodiesel ever since.

Captain Glyn McMillen explained why he prefers fueling up with biodiesel, “I like biodiesel because it actually helps the engines. It cleans them up and makes them run far superior to regular diesel. And the smell of the exhaust – it’s much better!”
Aqua Adventures Flag
Captain Glyn McMillen and Captain Darryl Rosario of Aqua Adventures.
“We are grateful to all our marine customers who understand the positive impact they are making for the health of our oceans by continuing to choose clean biodiesel over fossil fuel,” said Pacific Biodiesel Marketing Director Joy Galatro.
Hawaii Island Refinery Achieves Record Production Volume
Following a record-setting year with 5.8 million gallons of biodiesel produced in 2020, Pacific Biodiesel’s Hawaii Island refinery continues to increase operational efficiency.

“We have decreased the number of hours of downtime this year which has enabled us to operate seamlessly through the first two quarters of 2021,” said Operations Director Jenna Long. “Our ever more knowledgeable team has instituted a strict plan of preventative maintenance that has helped us meet our production goals despite operating under Covid restrictions. Based on output to date, we are on track to exceed last year’s record production volume.
Hawaii Island Biodiesel Plant
Pacific Biodieselʻs Hawaii Island refinery is on track to exceed its nameplate production capacity of 5.5 million gallons this year.
Additionally, as an example of the company’s zero waste goals, glycerin – a by-product of the biodiesel production – is now being sold into the global market.

“Today, instead of being composted, the glycerin we produce is being sold for use that displaces the synthetic glycerin traditionally used in wastewater plants around the world,” Long explained. “The biodiesel-produced glycerin improves the wastewater process while adding to the sustainability goals of the companies purchasing it.”

“Pacific Biodiesel’s status as the world’s first certified sustainable biodiesel producer was an important factor to us,” said Jesse Bird, Supply Chain Manager for Environmental Operating Solutions, Inc. (EOSi), the company that’s buying the glycerin. EOSi produces MicroC® bio-based products that provide a petrochemical alternative, nonhazardous, and eco-friendly supplemental carbon source for nutrient removal within wastewater biological treatment systems.
Operating on 100% Biodiesel, Schofield Generating Station Demonstrates Energy Resilience During Inaugural Microgrid Test

Pacific Biodiesel is proud to supply biodiesel to Hawaiian Electric for its Schofield Generating Station, the site of a recent power test on Oahu.

In a press release earlier this month, Hawaiian Electric reported the inaugural test of the Schofield Generating Station’s microgrid capabilities affirmed that if power is lost at Schofield Barracks, Wheeler Army Airfield and Field Station Kunia – all critical lifelines during an emergency – the three installations can be islanded and powered with 100% renewable energy from the Schofield-based power plant. The Hawaiian Electric-U.S. Army effort helps advance energy resilience and security for the Army.

“Schofield Generating Station has been providing 100% renewable, reliable energy to our customers for several years now,” said Jack Shriver, Hawaiian Electric Director of Project Development. “This successful test adds ‘resilient’ to that list. Schofield Generating Station can keep critical infrastructure operating during a major outage, hastening recovery.”
As part of the test, the Army shut off power to the three central Oahu Army installations in the early morning on May 22. In less than an hour, Hawaiian Electric carved a microgrid out of its subtransmission system and restored power to the installations using Schofield Generating Station as the primary source of power, supplemented by the Army’s rooftop PV on the bases. Upon completion of the 36-hour test, the Army again shut down the bases and Hawaiian Electric restored normal grid power.
Schofield Generating Station is powered by 100% biodiesel. Photo courtesy of U.S. Army
Hawaiian Electric’s 50-megawatt Schofield Generating Station came online in 2018 and is on eight acres at Schofield Barracks that the Army is leasing to the company. It is the only power plant on Oahu that is located inland, protected from the potential impact of storms, tsunami and rising sea level. Although capable of operating on biodiesel or diesel, since commissioning it has operated on 100% biodiesel.

In an interview with Biobased Diesel Daily, Pacific Biodiesel President Bob King said the Schofield Generating Station can go from zero to 50 megawatts of power production in two minutes or less. “The beauty of this power plant is that it’s a quick-response plant,” King said. “And with multiple engines, it can come online at full efficiency in 8-megawatt increments.”

Read Hawaiian Electric’s full press release here.
Pacific Biodiesel Founders Expand Focus on Ag & Energy to Grow Hawaii's Economy

The global pandemic underscored the urgent need for Hawaii to diversify its economy and focus on increasing food security and energy security. As Hawaii’s only commercial producer of liquid biofuels, Pacific Biodiesel sees a realistic opportunity for accelerated expansion of sustainable agriculture in Hawaii – farming for food and energy – that builds upon established renewable energy production practices and biofuel farming experience for positive economic and environmental impacts.
Pacific Biodiesel founder Bob King on the combine used to harvest crops at his companyʻs Maui farm.
Demonstrating this model, the company’s founders, Bob and Kelly King, have been sustainably farming sunflowers and other biofuel crops in Hawaii since 2011, at a limited scale. Their company Maiden Hawaii Naturals currently produces culinary oils for consumers, restaurants and foodservice businesses – used cooking oil is later recycled to produce biodiesel at Pacific Biodiesel’s refinery on Hawaii Island. Additionally, meal produced at the Kings’ crushing mill is sold as a food-grade product for flour production and as a protein-rich ingredient for livestock feed.
During his video presentation at the "virtual" 8th Annual Hawaii Energy Conference held online last week, Pacific Biodiesel President Bob King explained that Hawaii’s biodiesel industry can support significant expansion of agriculture and food production in the state, creating many more jobs in farming, renewable energy and food manufacturing that support economic diversity and growth.

"Pacific Biodiesel currently makes more than 5.5 million gallons of biodiesel annually, most sold to utilities for power generation," King said. "The utilities made 80,000 megawatt hours of electricity from the 100% biodiesel that we supplied last year in Hawaii. That's about all we can make now with what we have in Hawaii – so the way we get to the next level is growing more feedstock."

That's where sustainable agriculture comes in. "Solar panels are a mechanical converter of solar energy into electricity. We use the biological path – our sunflowers are a spectacular converter of solar energy into oil, which is then used to produce liquid fuel," he said. "This biological-based path to solar power is good. But we hardly do any of it in Hawaii today, and that's the challenge: how do we stand up this new agriculture base and make sure it's supporting food production as well as energy.
Follow Pacific Biodiesel on Facebook and Instagram where we'll post Bob King's video interview at the Hawaii Energy Conference when it becomes available.
  • Kelly King Featured by Women Farmers Network
Video screen Shot
An informative video produced by Oʻahu Resource Conservation and Development Council for their Women Farmers Network features Pacific Biodiesel Co-Founder Kelly King as a local leader in regenerative agriculture. In this video, Kelly discusses the company's "sustainable agriculture and renewable energy" model that's making a positive impact here in Hawaii.

Oʻahu Resource Conservation and Development Council stated, "In addition to stressing the importance of using renewable energy, equipment to conserve water and improve crop infiltration, and recycling of resources, Kelly is a big advocate for increasing plant and soil biodiversity through cover cropping. She points out how this is a particularly important step towards improving soil health as Hawaii transitions from a predominantly monoculture to a diversified agriculture system. Kelly’s company is recycling used cooking oil into a valuable commodity and supplying restaurants with high-quality culinary oils grown from their sunflower and other crops.”

Click here to watch the video and learn more about Oʻahu Resource Conservation and Development Council and their Women Farmers Network.
  • New Episode of "Cooking Hawaiian Style” Features Maiden Hawaii Naturals Culinary OIls
Celebrity Chef Lanai Tabura and Fairmont Kea Lani Executive Chef Tylun Pang featured Maiden Hawaii Naturals Maui Sunflower Culinary Oil in a segment of “Cooking Hawaiian Style” filmed in April at Kula Country Farms on Maui.

In the series, Chef Lanai celebrates the richness of Hawai'i’s culinary culture with Hawaiian and Hawaiian-style recipes from all ethnicities. As part of its Grown on Maui, Buy Local campaign, Maui County Farm Bureau is the title sponsor for season 15 of “Cooking Hawaiian Style,”which will showcase some of Maui’s best produce, proteins and products.

The 13 new episodes of “Cooking Hawaiian Style” will air on OC16 beginning on July 5th and will run for 26 weeks.
Cooking Hawaiian Style
Host Chef Lanai Tabura and Fairmont Kea Executive Chef Tylun Pang feature Maiden Hawaii Naturals Sunflower Oil on an upcoming episode of Cooking Hawaii Style.
  • Maiden Hawaii Naturals Culinary Oils Offered in the New Season of Pop-Up Mākeke
Returning July 1 for its third season, Pop-Up Mākeke will once again feature local culinary oils from Maiden Hawaii Naturals. 
Established by the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement in response to the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on Hawai’i’s small and micro businesses, Pop-Up Mākeke is a centralized online marketplace that features over 400 Hawai’i businesses and offers over 12,000 unique products shipped to consumers locally, nationally and internationally.
“Pop-Up Mākeke has been a wonderful opportunity to feature our locally grown and bottled culinary oils to a wide audience,” noted Marketing Director Joy Galatro. “Our customers have appreciated this website that offers a wide range of Hawaii-made products with consolidated shipping.”
This year, the opening of the popular on-line marketplace will coincide with the Merrie Monarch Festival that begins its broadcast on July 1. Find the marketplace here and follow @MaidenHawaiiNaturals on social media for updates and special promotions about our culinary oils.
Pacific Biodiesel Receives USDA Funding for Mobile Biodiesel Stations
This year on Earth Day, April 22, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced its investment of more than $18 million dollars in critical energy and biofuel infrastructure for Hawaii, including funding for innovative new fueling stations for Pacific Biodiesel. The goal, as outlined in the USDA press release, is to help communities “build back better and stronger while prioritizing climate-smart solutions and environmental stewardship.”

Pacific Biodiesel is a recipient of USDA infrastructure funding that will be used for the installation of six mobile biodiesel fueling stations in Hawaii – expanding the availability of the company's locally made 100% renewable fuel to customers statewide. More information and locations will be announced soon.

"Thanks to this USDA funding, we're able to serve our customers throughout the state who have been wanting more convenient locations where they can purchase our biodiesel," said Jenna Long, Director of Operations for Pacific Biodiesel.
According to Hawaii/Western Pacific State Acting Director and Business Programs Director Denise Salmeron, the USDA Rural Development investments for our rural island communities are vital. “These projects will support our local farmers, fuel distributors and biofuel producers by providing access to cleaner and more affordable higher blends of fuel as well as increasing our renewable energy capabilities which is a priority for our environment.”
Mobile Biodiesel Station Rendering
Conceptual rendering of Pacific Biodieselʻs mobile B100 fueling station.
Read the full USDA press release here.

If you have suggestions on where you'd like to see a 100% biodiesel fueling station in Hawaii, please email
Pacific Biodiesel Is Hiring!
Hawaii's only commercial biofuel producer is seeking qualified applicants
Ready for a career that helps you make a positive impact in protecting our planet? Founded on Maui in 1995, Pacific Biodiesel created the first retail biodiesel pump in America and today is an internationally respected producer of renewable fuels. Our company has created many clean energy jobs to fuel our local economy and support Hawaii’s shift to 100% renewable energy by 2045. 

We are now seeking qualified applicants for these positions:
  • Centrifuge & Wastewater System Operator (Oahu) – Operates centrifuge and wastewater treatment systems. Coordinates inventory of feedstock and wastewater with shipping and receiving staff to manage inventory. Performs regular cleaning and maintenance of centrifuge and wastewater systems. Tests feedstock and wastewater samples in laboratory.
  • Facilities Technician (Oahu) - Works hands-on to oversee maintenance and repair of all mechanical, electrical, and security systems/components found on company property. Meets target volumes of feedstock recovery & waste recycling/disposal while maintaining the facility and effectively communicating status and support needs to the management team.
  • CDL Driver (All Islands) - Provides quality pumping of used cooking oil and grease trap waste for our restaurant customers. A positive attitude and good customer service skills are needed for this job. CDL B license or higher is required.

With nearly 100 employees statewide, Pacific Biodiesel has been named one of Hawaii’s “Best Places to Work” by Hawaii Business magazine for the past 11 consecutive years. Here's what some of our employees say about why they choose to work with our company:

  • “Our customers really appreciate the services we provide. They want to do what’s right for the environment and know that Pacific Biodiesel is part of the solution. Everyday someone thanks me for recycling their used cooking oil into biodiesel and keeping it out of the landfill.”Dispatch Coordinator

  • “I enjoy learning about renewable fuel and helping our community by keeping our island clean. I started as a driver and have moved up in the company. We have lots of opportunities here. Go Green!”Operations Manager

  • " I chose to work with this company because I get to be part of something that makes a difference in my community and for the world. I enjoy the relaxed and positive work environment I share with hard working people who care." - Bookkeeper

If you share our passion for environmental protection and community-based sustainability, we want to hear from you! For more information or to apply for these specific positions, please email 
Industry Roundup
Biobased diesel outperforms electric vehicles 3-to-1 in California GHG reduction
Biobased Diesel Daily Logo
According to the Diesel Technology Forum, biodiesel and renewable diesel fuel are the biggest carbon-cutting technologies from the transportation sector, edging out ethanol and beating the benefits of electrified cars, trucks and buses by three to one, as reported in this article by Biobased Diesel Daily.
Biobased Diesel Daily now available in print edition
Mag Cover
Veteran renewable energy editor, Ron Kotrba began his new online publication, Biobased Diesel Daily, late last year, providing news, information and perspective on biodiesel, renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel. Now, the first print edition of the Biobased Diesel Biannual is also available.
The report acknowledges the role of agriculture in decarbonizing the transportation sector and stated, “The growth of the U.S. biofuels sector, driven in part by the Renewable Fuels Standard, has reduced GHGs and strengthened the rural economy,” the report states. The Biofuels Digest article can be found here.
Environmental concerns propel research into marine biofuels
Biobased Diesel Daily Logo
“Biofuels turned out to be very good options because they have zero or very, very low sulfur compared to fossil fuels,” said Eric Tan, a senior research engineer at NREL and lead author of a new article published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology.” Read the full article in Biobased Diesel Daily.
Bills aim to extend biodiesel, renewable diesel tax credit
Biodiesel Magazine
Biodiesel Magazine reports that both the House and Senate have introduced bills that would extend the blenders tax credit for biodiesel through 2025, currently due to expire at the end of 2022. Click here to read the article.
Biodiesel fuel station on Thames to help cut river pollution
Biofuels International reports, “A new collaboration between the biggest commercial vessel operator on the Thames and Green Biofuels will see increased usage of biodiesel.” The partnership will help reduce London’s carbon emissions and boost the Thames’ drive to clean up and reduce pollution. Read the full article here.
49% of all US diesel commercial trucks use newest generation of advanced technology
Biobased Diesel Daily Logo
Despite a global pandemic, investment in new advanced technology diesel commercial trucks in the U.S. grew by more than 6 percent between July 2019 and December 2020, and now represents nearly half—49 percent—of all diesel commercial vehicles on the road, according to new research released June 2 from the Diesel Technology Forum. Find the Biobased Diesel Daily article here.
Biobased diesel fuel highlighted as a low-carbon, proven and available climate change solution
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Diesel Technology Forum quotes David Slade, Executive Director, Biofuel Technology and Services - Renewable Energy Group, Inc. “Waiting for the promise of zero-emissions solutions actually makes the problem worse as it does nothing to address cumulative emissions. When it comes to solutions to reduce emissions from the heavy-duty sector, we should rely on biobased diesel fuel to do the most to reduce these emissions today as zero-emissions solutions in some applications are planned for the future.” Read the press release here.
Pacific Biodiesel-fueled generating station powers up microgrid of three US Army installations in Hawaii
Biobased Diesel Daily Logo
The inaugural test of the Schofield Generating Station’s microgrid capabilities, conducted by Hawaiian Electric and the Army, affirmed that if power is lost at Schofield Barracks, Wheeler Army Airfield and Field Station Kunia—all critical lifelines during an emergency—the three installations can be islanded and powered with 100 percent locally and sustainably produced biodiesel that powers the Schofield-based power plant. Read the article as reported in Biobased Diesel Daily here.
Founded in 1995, Pacific Biodiesel is the nation's longest operating and most experienced biodiesel producer, and the only commercial liquid biofuel producer in the state. A Maui-based company with nearly 100 employees statewide, we established the first retail biodiesel pump in America and for more than 25 years we've been an innovative leader in the renewable energy industry. With a nameplate production capacity of 5.5 million gallons annually, our refinery on Hawaii Island utilizes advanced distillation technology to produce the highest-quality biodiesel in the country and in 2016 became the first facility in the world to be certified by the Sustainable Biodiesel Alliance. Our company has always focused on recycling with a zero waste philosophy that incorporates development of value-added co-products. Today, our collaborative, community-based "agriculture and energy" production model demonstrates a full-circle sustainability system designed to fight climate change and help Hawaii achieve a clean, sustainable energy future.
25th Anniversary logo
Founded on Maui in 1995, Pacific Biodiesel is Hawaii's only commercial producer of liquid biofuels.

Our Mission: To promote a clean, sustainable energy future through the community-based production of renewable fuels
Pacific Biodiesel
40 Hobron Avenue, Kahului Hi 96753

Editor: Joy Galatro, Marketing Director
Staff Writer & Layout: Beth Mathias, Marketing Associate

For more information visit our website
or contact Beth Mathias at