August 9th, 2021
Community Updates
COVID-19 Status Update

To date in Howard County, we’ve had 20,028 cases of COVID-19 and 253 deaths. As of 9:00am today, our 7-day average positivity rate is 2.8% and our 7-day average case rate per 100,000 of our population is at 9.17. There are currently 6 COVID-19 patients in both ICU and Acute Care units.  
Case rates are increasing in Howard County, and the vast majority of new cases are among unvaccinated persons. At this point in time, the predominant strain of virus is the delta variant which is more contagious than other variants and causing more infections. As expected, there are some cases in people who are fully vaccinated. Last week approximately 20% of new cases were among those who are fully vaccinated. Most of these infections are mild and do not result in hospitalizations nor death. Most hospitalizations are among the unvaccinated. If you are unvaccinated, public health officials advise wearing masks when indoors and when unable to physically distance.

According to the Maryland Department of Health, 86.1% of Howard County residents 12+ have received at least one dose and 80.8% are fully vaccinated. Howard County continues to lead the state with our vaccination progress, but we are still working to ensure everyone who wants a vaccine can receive one. Getting vaccinated is the single most effective way to prevent hospitalization or death from COVID-19.

If you haven't already received your shot - now's the time. During the month of June, the only COVID-19 deaths in Maryland were among the unvaccinated. Encourage your family and friends to visit to find a clinic nearby. Let’s protect ourselves and our loved ones and put this pandemic behind 
Upcoming Vaccine Clinics

While we have surpassed 80% of eligible Howard County Residents fully vaccinated per the Maryland Department of Health, we are still continuing our work to ensure everyone eligible has the opportunity to get vaccinated. With the delta variant being more prominent, it’s vital that all residents get vaccinated as soon as possible. Let’s continue to protect one another.

The Howard County Health Department is offering vaccine clinics across our county. For more information, and to register for an appointment, please click here.

Additionally, Howard County General Hospital is also offering vaccine clinics to residents. For more information on their efforts, please click here.
It's Maryland Tax Free Week!

Through August 14th, shoppers are exempt from paying the 6% sales tax on any qualified article of clothing and footwear costing less than $100, regardless of how many items are purchased in a single transaction. The exemption does not apply to accessory items, even if they are priced at $100 or less.

As you shop this week, please support some of our many small and local businesses.
The Howard County Fair is Underway

My family and I were so honored to walk in the opening parade and visit many of the incredible booths and stalls. Special thank you to the Howard County Fair Association for their continued dedication to bringing this enjoyable attraction, with safety measures in place.

The fair runs until Saturday, August 14th. I encourage you, your family, and friends to come out to enjoy good food, great rides, and overall fun. Learn more here.
A Bright Place in Howard County

Sunflowers of Lisbon in Maple Lawn is now open! This field of beautiful, yellow blooms is the perfect place to visit with family and friends for a fun photoshoot or to simply enjoy some time with nature. With four different varieties, these tall and brightly colored flowers have an abundant source of nectar for our pollinators. Special thank you to Derek and Jenny for bringing this sunny attraction to Maple Lawn and for bringing a bright smile for all. 

As part of their opening celebration, Blowfish Poke will be there at noon, along with many other fun vendors and attractions. I encourage residents to visit this sunny farm before the season ends! Find out more information here.
Celebrating Black Business Month

August is National Black Business Month, and a time for us to come together to recognize our local, black owned businesses. To help kick off this month-long celebration, I visited Anegada Delights Caribbean Cuisine in Columbia. They serve a delicious Caribbean Cuisine and are committed to including local, farm fresh produce in their meals. 

Throughout the month, please continue to support our small, local owned businesses across the county. Learn more about Anegada Delights here.
Are you Interested in testing for COVID-19 Antibodies?

COVID-19 has killed over 250 Howard County residents and infected more than 19,000 people in our community. We want to understand the effects of the disease on Howard County residents. Howard County and researchers from the Johns Hopkins University - Applied Physics Laboratory are looking for Howard County residents to help us understand how COVID‐19 has impacted our community. 

Those interested in partaking in this study can visit our team TODAY, August 9th, at the Blandair Park Pavilion between 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. or tomorrow, August 10th at the Dancel Y between 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Results from the test will be mailed to participants within 4-6 weeks. Residents of all ages are eligible to participate. 

Find more FAQS and information regarding this study here.
Welcome Bryant Woods Manor

I was so thrilled to celebrate the grand opening of Bryant Woods Manor, an assisted living and memory care facility. The past 18 months have been tough on our residents, especially our families that have loved ones in need of extra care. 

As we navigate our path to recovery, it is great to see new businesses opening to serve our community. Bryant Woods Manor will play an important role in providing quality care for loved ones in a home-like setting.

Learn more about the Manor here.
Housing Assistance, by the numbers

We’re tackling the housing and eviction issue from all sides, as the federal eviction moratorium will end eventually. To date, we have distributed $4 million in rental assistance funding to residents and landlords, keeping 1,259 residents from eviction. In addition, 120 households were assisted through mortgage funding, preventing 42 foreclosures. 

Assistance is still available. Learn more here.
Oh, Lots to Celebrate!

I was so happy to visit Marci at Oh, What A Cake! to celebrate National Black Business Month and National Cookie Day. A Wilde Lake Graduate, Marci brings her passion for baking to our community and offers delicious custom-made cupcakes, wedding cakes, brownies, cake pops, cookies, and more! 

Please continue to support all our local businesses through this challenging time. Learn more about Oh What a Cake here.
Thank you, Millie!

Vivian “Millie” Bailey has been a constant pillar of support for our community, and I was so honored to join Howard County General Hospital and former County Executives Liz Bobo, Allan Kittleman, and Jim Robey to recognize her as the longest serving Board of Trustees member and a tremendous philanthropic supporter. To recognize her support, HCGH is naming their illustrious cafeteria after her, which has now reopened following the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Getting through difficult times like these are made a little bit easier with each act of kindness, act of selflessness, or generosity. Special thank you to Millie for her generous gift and for always being willing to help.
Providing Assistance

Our residents still have significant needs as they manage utility bills and rent payments during this challenging time. We’re tackling this issue from all sides, eventually the federal eviction moratorium will end, and we want our residents to know support is available. 

We have available rental assistance for residents and landlords, and we need your help in getting the word out to those possibly facing eviction. Please, spread the word to family, friends, and neighbors who may be in need. 

For more information, please click here.
Vaccinating Residents 12+

Howard County remains the only jurisdiction in the state to surpass 80% of eligible residents fully vaccinated. In July alone approximately 15,000 doses were administered to Howard County residents. We continue to lead with 86.1% of eligible residents 12+ who have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and 80.8% are fully vaccinated, according to the Maryland Department of Health.

The single most effective way to reduce your chance of hospitalization or death from COVID-19 is to get vaccinated. Vaccinations are widely available and free. Encourage your family and friends to visit to find a clinic nearby.
Government Updates
Department of Community Resources and Services
School Supply Giveaway
Howard County students in need of school supplies for this coming school year and invited to join our Department of Community Resources and Services (DCRS) on Saturday, August 21st for its school supply giveaway event. This grab ‘n go event will take place from 10:00 a.m. to noon outside at the following locations:

  • Elkridge 50+ Center, 6540 Washington Boulevard in Elkridge
  • Howard Crossing Apartment Homes, 8732 Town & Country Boulevard in Ellicott City
  • Long Reach Village Center, 8775 Cloud Leap Court in Columbia
  • MultiService Center 9900 Washington Boulevard in Laurel
Please note, advance registration is required. To register, visit; the registration deadline is 5:00 p.m., Friday, August 13th. Families may register up to four children to reserve a bag of school supplies (one per child). When registering, please choose the same pickup location for each child (ticket) as there will be a limited quantity available at each location. When selecting your pick-up time, keep in mind, supplies not collected within 30 minutes of scheduled pick-up time will be forfeited.
If you have any additional questions and/or seek more information about this year’s event, please call 410-313-6325 (English) or 410-313-2273 (Spanish) or email
Artículos Escolares Gratuitos
Los estudiantes del condado de Howard que necesitan artículos escolares para el próximo año escolar y están invitados a unirse a nuestro Departamento de Recursos y Servicios Comunitarios (DCRS) el sábado 21 de agosto para su evento de obsequio de artículos escolares. Este evento de asistencia alimentarios se llevará a cabo desde las 10:00 a.m. hasta el mediodía al aire libre en las siguientes ubicaciones:

  • Elkridge 50+ Center, 6540 Washington Boulevard en Elkridge
  • Howard Crossing Apartment Homes, 8732 Town & Country Boulevard en Ellicott City
  • Long Reach Village Center, 8775 Cloud Leap Court en Columbia
  • Centro de servicios múltiples 9900 Washington Boulevard en Laurel
Tenga en cuenta que es necesario registrarse con anticipación. Para registrarse, visite; la fecha límite de inscripción es el viernes 13 de agosto a las 5:00 p.m. Las familias pueden registrar hasta cuatro niños para reservar una bolsa de artículos escolares (uno por niño). Al registrarse, elija el mismo lugar de recogida para cada niño (boleto), ya que habrá una cantidad limitada disponible en cada lugar. Al seleccionar su hora de recogida, tenga en cuenta que los suministros que no se recojan dentro de los 30 minutos de la hora de recogida programada se perderán.
Si tiene preguntas adicionales y / o busca más información sobre el evento de este año, llame al 410-313-6325 (inglés) o al 410-313-2273 (español) o envíe un correo electrónico a
Applicants Sought for Commission on Disabilities
Here in Howard County, we remain committed to addressing the needs of persons with disabilities, to ensure they are able to thrive in all facets of life in our community. That is why I am seeking applicants, specifically those who have a disability, are relatives of a person with a disability, members of the general public or are board or staff members of an agency providing services to persons with disabilities, to serve on the County’s Commission on Disabilities. Comprised of 15 members, this Commission plays a vital role working towards this goal, addressing challenges with housing, transit, recreation, and more so that people of all ages and abilities feel welcome and empowered in Howard County. If you are interested in serving on this Commission, I encourage you to click HERE today to learn more about the eligibility requirements and details on how to apply. Please note, the DEADLINE to apply is Friday, August 27th.
Office of Community Sustainability
Plumtree Branch Stream Restoration Project Public Meeting
Our Office of Community Sustainability (OCS) will hold a virtual public meeting on Tuesday, August 24th starting at 6:30 p.m., to discuss plans for a stream restoration project in Ellicott City. The County plans to stabilize a portion of a significantly eroded stream located behind Dunloggin Middle School at 9129 Northfield Road, using wood and rock structures and bio-engineering planting to re-establish a more natural stream, reduce instream erosion and improve water quality. Upon the completion of the project, the area disturbed by the construction will be replanted. The project is expected to begin in November 2021.
The informal meeting will include an overview of the design, followed by an open discussion. County staff and the project’s design consultant will also be on hand to answer any questions and gather public comments. To participate in the meeting by computer, go to and click “join;” the meeting number is 1572 91 3859, and “Stormwater” is the password. To participate by phone, call 1-650-479-3207 (note, fees may apply) and enter the access code 1572 91 3859.
Those unable to participate in the virtual meeting who would like to view the plans and/or have questions, should contact Ms. Lindsay DeMarzo with the OCS at 410-313-4374 or email
Office of Emergency Management
Preparedness Begins with Knowledge: Knowing What to do During an Earthquake
In response to this past Wednesday’s early morning earthquake, our Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is reminding residents that preparedness begins with knowledge. Earthquakes are one of the most frightening and devastating phenomena of nature and are just one of the natural hazards that pose a threat to Howard County and Maryland. They are unpredictable and can strike at any time. That is why it is important that you and your family know what to do should another one shake our area. If you are inside a building and an earthquake strikes, move no more than a few steps before you "Drop, Cover, and Hold On," i.e. DROP to the ground, TAKE COVER by getting under a sturdy desk or table or crouching against an interior wall and HOLD ON to it until the shaking stops. Practicing now how to respond to an earthquake can keep you safe in the future.
To learn more about what to do before, during and after an earthquake, I encourage you to check out FEMA’s website at
The Warning Signs to Watch Out for When it Comes to Heat-Related Illnesses
With the potential for excessive heat in the forecast early this week, OEM is reminding residents, if you must be outside on those extreme heat summer days, please remember these warning signs of heat-related illness: light-headedness, headaches, muscle cramps, mild nausea or confusion, fatigue or profuse sweating and rapid breathing. As with any other emergency, please call 9-1-1 if you encounter a heat related emergency.
For more safety tips and precautions to take when it’s extremely hot out, visit
Department of Fire and Rescue Services and Police Department
Save the Date for September 11th Remembrance Ceremony
I invite all of Howard County to join me, my fellow elected officials and command members from our Police and Fire Departments and Howard County Sheriff’s Office, as we honor and pay tribute to all who lost their lives during the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, including the four victims from Howard County, with a remembrance wreath laying ceremony on Saturday, September 11th. The ceremony will begin promptly at 8:46 a.m., marking the time the first plane hit the North Tower of the World Trade Center, and will take place in the Garden of Hope, located across from the white outdoor amphitheater at Centennial Park, South.
ALWAYS Look Before You Lock and NEVER Leave a Child or Pet Alone in a Car
Whether it’s 50 degrees out or 90, our Department of Fire and Rescue Services (DFRS) and Police Department (HCPD) are REMINDING residents to ALWAYS look before you lock and NEVER leave a child or pet alone in a car, not even for a minute.
According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the number of children dying in hot cars, either because they were left or became trapped, has gotten worse, not better. In 2018 and 2019, a record 53 children died of vehicular heatstroke each year. The United States regrettably saw its first vehicular heatstroke car death this year in April, when a five-month old baby in North Carolina lost her life after being left alone in a hot car … it was only 70 degrees outside that day. Even with the windows cracked an inch or two or rolled down or the air conditioning on, the temperature inside a vehicle can quickly rise. Also, shady spots offer little protection on hot days as the shade moves with the sun. On an 85-degree day, it only takes 10 minutes for the inside of your car to reach 102 degrees. A child's body temperature rises three to five times faster than an adult's, and a body temperature of 107 degrees is fatal.
To break it down, the majority of hot car deaths (53 percent) happen because someone forgets a child in a car, the second leading cause (25 percent) is when a child unknowingly gets into an unattended vehicle and the third leading cause is due to an individual knowingly leaving a child unattended in a vehicle.
As for your pets, they too should NEVER be left alone in a vehicle. Young, overweight and elderly animals, or those with short muzzles or thick or dark-colored coats are most at risk for overheating.
In order to prevent a tragedy from happening, DFRS and HCPD recommend adopting a plan to use each time you exit your vehicle.
  1. Start a “look before you leave routine.” Be sure that all occupants have exited the vehicle and check for sleeping babies.
  2. Place your purse, wallet or cell phone on the back seat as a reminder you have a child in the vehicle.
  3. Set a computer calendar program to ask if a child was taken to daycare.
  4. Have a plan that your childcare provider will call you if your child does not arrive for daycare.
  5. Look into new child reminder technologies that connect wireless car seat alarms to key rings. When you walk too far away from the car, the alarm rings; reminding you the harness is still connected.
  6. Do not allow children to play in vehicles.
Finally, if you see a child alone in car or animal alone in car in distress, please call 911. One call could save a life.
Howard County Health Department
Request COVID-19 Vaccination Records
Misplaced you COVID-19 Vaccination Card? Never fear! You can easily request your vaccination records the Maryland Department of Health’s “Maryland MyIR” website. Maryland MyIR is a free website service that allows residents to view and print copies of their official vaccination records directly from ImmuNet, Maryland's immunization information system. ImmuNet is used by healthcare providers to securely maintain vaccination records for Maryland residents of all ages.
Office of Human Rights and Equity
Pop-Up Food Pantry
If you are in need of food, our Office of Human Rights and Equity (OHRE), together with the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission and The Harriet Tubman Foundation, will be hosting a Pop-Up Food Pantry on Friday, August 20th from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Ridgely’s Run Community Center at 8400 Mission Road in Jessup. All are welcome.
Despensa de Alimentos Emergente
Si necesita alimentos, nuestra Oficina de Derechos Humanos y Equidad, junto con la Comisión de Feriado de Martin Luther King, Jr. y la Fundación Harriet Tubman, organizarán una despensa de alimentos emergente el viernes 20 de agosto. de 11:00 am a 12:30 pm en el Centro de la Comunidad de Ridgely's Run en 8400 Mission Road en Jessup. Todos son bienvenidos.
Share Your Voice for Community Equity Audit
Your voice matters! This month, our OHRE Equity and Restorative Practices Unit is conducting a community equity audit to help us identify institutional and structural practices that produce inequities in services, policies and access. Focused on three key areas: (1) racial and social equity, (2) opportunity and (3) quality of life, this audit matters because every resident – child, youth, family, individual – in Howard County matters. To participate and share your voice with OHRE, click HERE today to complete the audit survey (available in English, Spanish, Korean, Mandarin and Traditional Chinese).
Humanity Matters Dialogue Series is Back
Starting Wednesday, September 1st, OHRE’s Outreach Unit is bringing back its Humanity Matters Dialogue Series. Through this award-winning series, participants learn how to authentically interact with people from different races and cultures through the sharing of dialogue, historical and socio-economic data, all while gaining effective communication skills with the intention of creating a more inclusive and supportive community. To register for this five-part series, click HERE. For questions and/or more information about this or future workshops and training opportunities, please contact OHRE at 410-313-6430 or email
Department of Planning and Zoning
Applicants Sought for Historic Preservation Commission
If you are interested in honoring and preserving our past as we grow and change as a community, I encourage you to apply today for the County's Historic Preservation Commission. Comprised of seven members, at least one of whom is a resident or property owner from Ellicott City and one from Lawyers Hill, the county’s historic districts, the Commission is responsible for providing advice on historical resources and reviewing applications for alterations to historic structures, among a list of other responsibilities. To learn more about the Commission, eligibility requirements and how to apply, click HERE today. Note, the application deadline is this Friday, August 13th.
Police Department
Police Ask for Information in Unsolved Murder of Mother and Baby One Year Ago
The Howard County Police Department (HCPD) is renewing its plea to the public for information about the shooting of a pregnant woman in Columbia on July 31, 2020, which resulted in her death and the death of her baby. Rabiah Ahmad was 28 weeks pregnant when she was shot while inside a residence in the 6600 block of Dovecote Drive. She later died at the hospital. Doctors delivered her baby girl, Ahja, who remained in critical condition until she died five days later.
HCPD detectives are re-releasing video of the car they believe was used in the murder, an older-model white sedan. The video shows the vehicle traveling along the 8000 block of Harriet Tubman Lane shortly after the shooting on the 31st.
Police believe that at this stage of the investigation, any small piece of information could help put together critical details in the case. The reward has been raised throughout the investigation to up to $30,000. Anyone with information is urged to please contact HCHD at 410-313-STOP or Callers may remain anonymous.
Department of Public Works
Caution, WET PAINT! As the County's Department of Public Works (DPW) continues to refresh lane line marking paint along County maintained roadways in an effort to ensure street markings are highly visible and our roads are safe, DPW is URGING motorists to show caution and patience when they come upon a paint truck convoy driving slowly in the roadway. To avoid wet paint:

  • NEVER pass the paint truck or trail vehicle;
  • NEVER change lanes behind the striping truck or trail vehicles;
  • DO NOT swerve back and forth to see around the paint truck or trail vehicle; and
  • If parked, wait five minutes before driving on the painted areas.
If you have questions and/or for more information, feel free to contact DPW's Bureau of Highways at 410-313-7450 or email
Department of Public Works Construction Report
Below are details regarding new, upcoming, completed and/or delayed Capital Projects and/or maintenance project(s) that have been announced.
Past Project Updates – Completed
Ellicott City

  • Woodcrest Drive Pond Improvement (Capital Project D-1178) – Project to improve a stormwater management pond near 6340 Woodcrest Drive. The project included the installation of a new concrete riser and a 24-inch reinforced concrete spillway pipe, the stabilization of the pond’s outfall using riprap and the relocation of the existing sanitary sewer line from within the pond’s embankment to along the toe of the embankment.

  • Port Capital Drive Extension (Capital Project J-4206-1A-2) – Project to provide roadway access to the future Waterloo Fire Station at 7645 Port Capital Drive with the installation of a new roadway to extend a portion of Port Capital Drive approximately 500 feet.
Past Project Updates - Completion Date Change

  • Calvert Ridge Pond Repair (Capital Project D-1177) – Project to repair and improve a stormwater management pond adjacent to 7078 Calvert Drive. The project includes installation of a new concrete riser and a 24-inch reinforced concrete spillway pipe, the removal of the existing auxiliary spillway, and the reconstruction of a portion of the embankment. Originally expected to be completed in late May, now, weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by early September 2021.
  • Anderson Avenue Water Main (Capital Project W-8303) – Project to replace approximately 1,000 feet of eight-inch water main with a new 12-inch main along Anderson Avenue between Mound Street and Hanover Road. Originally expected to be completed in late June, now, weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by late August 2021.
Ellicott City

  • Mount Hebron/Patapsco Park Pump Stations (Capital Project S-6600) – Project to upgrade components of the existing Mount Hebron sewer pumping station at 9260 Furrow Avenue and the Patapsco Park sewer pumping station at 2041 Eliza Dorsey Lane. Improvements include the replacement of pumps, valves, piping, electrical distribution, generators, instrumentation, and controls and various building upgrades. Originally expected to be completed by mid-February, now, weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by mid-August.
To learn about DPW projects currently underway, visit Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s (SHA) “Project Portal” website.
Department of Public Works Bureau of Environmental Services
Giving Old Mattresses a New Life
According to the Mattress Recycling Council, more than 50,000 mattresses are discarded in the U.S. each day. That’s more than 18 million mattresses a year. That said, did you know that more than 75 percent of a mattress can be recycled? Since 2013, our Bureau of Environmental Services has been doing its part to keep mattresses out of landfills through its mattress (and box spring) recycling program. Mattresses and box springs of all sizes are accepted and can be taken to our Alpha Ridge Landfill’s Residents' Convenience Center to be recycled.
Collected mattresses and box springs are taken to a distribution center where they undergo a chemical treatment to prevent potential infestations. They are then transported to a processing center where they are stripped of their different components, i.e. foam, fiber filling, metal, etc. The foam and fiber filling can be reused to manufacture new products, while all metal components are readily recyclable with other scrap metal. In 2020, the county recycled nearly 2,476 mattresses and box springs, diverting approximately 133 tons of material from the landfill.
Recycle Your #5’s
Tubs, cups, frozen food trays, reusable containers, takeout containers and even clamshells, marked with the #5 recycling symbol, can now be placed out for recycling in your blue bin! Like all other recyclables, these items should be empty, clean and dry before setting out for collection.
To learn more about the County’s recycling program, visit
Department of Recreation and Parks
Fall Activity Guide Registration for Howard County Residents Begins This Week
Registration for our Department of Recreation & Parks’ 2021 Fall Activity Guide is now OPEN for Howard County residents. County residents can register online, by mail-in, phone-in and in-person. Non-Howard County residents, online registration for you begins this Wednesday, August 11th at 6:00 p.m. on August 11th, with mail-in, phone-in and in-person the following day.
If you have not done so already, I encourage you to check out our Fall Activity Guide to learn more about all the fun activities, programs and events Recreation & Parks’ has planned for our residents and beyond this up and coming season. From sports, dance and cooking classes, and take home and online programs, to what to do when school's out, there is something for everyone in this guide.
Truck or Treat Tickets are Now on Sale
Tickets for Recreation & Parks 2021 Truck or Treat are now on sale! Set to take place Saturday, October 30th, this fan favorite event is once again bringing the family friendly spook and a "wheely fun" day back to the County’s Gary J. Arthur Community Center to celebrate Halloween. Come dressed in your favorite costume to trick-or-treat at all of the trucks, tractors, emergency vehicles and more, while meeting some of your hometown heroes. Take pictures, participate in an "I Spy" scavenger hunt and more!
For the latest updates, be sure to check and stay tuned to Recreation & Park’s event Facebook page
Traffic Heads Up Around Centennial Park for August 15th
Heads up, Howard County! Centennial Park will be hosting a triathlon this Sunday, August 15th from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. As a result, motorists in the area can expect increased vehicle and pedestrian traffic on and around this time.
Every Kid Sports Vouchers
In case you missed it, I am pleased to thank the Dick’s Sporting Goods Foundation’s for its generous support of Every Kid Sports, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, assisting qualifying families cover their child’s player registration fees for by a youth sports organization, such as our Recreation & Parks sports programs. To learn more about this program, for eligibility requirements and/or to apply, visit Applications are taken throughout the year. Every kid deserves the chance to play sports.
Creating Gig Volunteer Opportunities
Join Recreation & Parks tomorrow, August 10th for its latest 55+ Speaker Series lecture, Creating Gig Volunteerism Opportunities. During this online workshop, participants will learn how to become a freelance volunteer by creating short-term opportunities that leverage their skills, expertise and time through civic engagement. To register for this workshop, visit today.
Rockburn Open Car Show
Join Recreation & Parks and the Elkridge Adult Athletic Association this Saturday, August 14th for the return of the Rockburn Open Car Show at Rockburn Branch Park West! Bring out the family and come get a close up at an array of classic and modified cars. Food and beverages will also be available for purchase on site. For more information on this FREE event, click HERE.
Under Armour All-America Lacrosse Tournament
Recently, more than 1,300 athletes participated in the Under Armour All-America Lacrosse Tournament, in partnership with Corrigan Sports Enterprises at the County’s Troy Park at Elkridge and Blandair Regional Park in Columbia. Teams from across the country came to compete in this co-ed tournament on July 29th to August 1st. Congratulations to our winning teams, listed below:

  • Command Champions – Girls Division: Baltimore and Boys Division: Baltimore 
  • Highlight Champions – Girls Division: Long Island and Boys Division: DC
A Look at Recreation & Parks’ 2021 Summer Camps
Recreation & Parks campers have had a blast all summer long as they have had a chance to try new things, learn new skills and make new friends! I invite you to check out and enjoy this Recreation & Parks’ full gallery of photos from this summer’s camps.