The Weekly Net
June 18, 2021
From our Priest-in-Charge

Dear Friends in Christ,

We were blessed by the Rev. Sureshkumar’s preaching and teaching this past week. He spoke of the seeds of the kingdom being planted in each of us and in the church. Our Vestry studied and discussed this same Gospel lesson in our meeting on Monday. How can we cultivate and grow the seeds of the Kingdom in our lives and in the church?

Our continued regathering provides an opportunity to share the light of Christ in a world that needs it? We are a church with a service mentality, with dedication to worship and fellowship. Each one of us has this seed that can grow the kingdom and share God’s love with the world.

Look at the many signs of the kingdom in this email. These are seeds planted, cultivated, and which need continued nurturing to share the Kingdom. From VBS, to the Juneteenth commemoration, to Shrine Mont and so much more. Where do you see the Kingdom and how can we share it with the world?

I look forward to seeing you in person and online this weekend and for our continued work to grow the Kingdom at St. Andrew’s!

Faithfully yours,
The Reverend William L. Packard
(571) 449-7438
Online Worship Services
Saturday, June 19th
@ 6:00 p.m. – Taizé

Sunday, May June 20th
@ 8:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist: Rite I
@ 9:00 a.m. – Bible Study (mtg: 142 074 0872 | pwd: CMrCxTkf488)
@ 10:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist: Rite II
@ 11:00 a.m.*See note about Coffee Hour below*
@ 9:00 p.m. – Compline with St. Phoebe's (via Zoom)

Wednesday, June 23rd
@ 9:30 a.m. – Holy Eucharist: Rite II

Note: When joining any of our Zoom meetings, please make sure your name is displayed.
2nd Note: If any of the service links above don't work, check our website for updated links.
Note the 3rd: All of our services are also available on our Facebook page.
In-Person Worship Services

Click one of the services below to register for that service. There is a limit on how many people can attend our indoor services, so don't wait until the last minute to sign up.

Masks are required for all indoor services.

When registering for a service, please use the drop-down box on the second page to indicate if you are a parishioner (by choosing Parishioner) or a volunteer for that Sunday (by choosing Worship Team). This is extremely important, please do not skip.

If you don’t receive a confirmation email after you register, you are not registered. If you have to cancel, please email Emily (

Saturday, June 19th
Sunday, June 20th
*NEW* Wednesday, June 23rd
Guidelines you must follow to participate with onsite events:
  • You must register (includes people participating in the service.)
  • Step-by-step guide on how to register
  • Everyone two years and older must wear a mask
  • In-Person services are limited to 80 people
  • Keep 6ft apart from people not in your family group at all times
  • If you are feeling sick, or have any COVID-19 symptoms, stay home
  • If you are in an at risk group, strongly consider staying home

Contact: Emily Nein (

We are providing childcare during our 10:00 a.m. Sunday services again. The two classes that will be open will be the Nursery (ages 1-3) led by Emily Nein, and our Pre-K class (ages 3-5) led by Laura Sabo.

Classes will be limited to 10 children/class, so you must register ahead of time. All children over the age of two must wear a mask while inside. The Pre-K class may take advantage of the playground, and if they are outside, children can take their masks off.

How to Register:

  1. Register yourself (parent) in addition to your children
  2. Select which class your child(ren) will attend
  3. Review that your choices are correct
  4. Click Register
In order to provide this to all of our young families, we will need help staffing the classrooms. Laura and Emily will need at least one helper each week. Helpers must be 16 years or older, fully vaccinated, and wear a mask. 

You can sign up to volunteer here:
Please be patient as we try to get back into the swing of things. Requirements may change as we see what works and what doesn't.

Thank you all, and we hope to see a lot of you in the coming weeks.

Contact: Emily Nein (
Regathering Update

The health metrics in Fairfax County are extremely good! We are currently measuring 0.1 average cases per 100,000 people and vaccination status in the county continues to increase with those eligible. 73.4% (61% of all residents) of residents 18 and older have received at least 1 dose and 64.3% (52.5%) of all residents have received both doses. Our Vestry has asked the regathering committee to continue to lay out the gradual reopening plan, keeping an eye on health metrics, other risk factors, and the comfort of our congregation. We will meet early next week. Please stay tuned for further updates!
Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School (July 26th-30th) is our camp for kids ages 3½ to rising 4th graders. We start each morning at 9:00 a.m. and spend the day making crafts, playing, and listening to Bible stories until pick-up at 12:00 p.m. Classes will mostly take place outside, each class in a different area each day. Cost is $30/child ($65 family max). Money & registration due by June 30th.

We only have 10 spots left, so sign up now.
If you don’t receive a confirmation email after you register, you are not registered. If you have to cancel, please email Emily (

Contact: Amy Dutton (
Shrine Mont Parish Retreat

This fun-filled weekend retreat (Oct. 29th-31st) is an all-inclusive stay in the picturesque Shenandoah Mountains. Shrine Mont is home to the cathedral of The Diocese of Virginia, unique in that it is an outdoor cathedral.

This is not a camping trip to the woods (sorry, scouts). We stay in cottages with heating and bathrooms, meals are provided in their cafeterias (Friday dinner through Sunday lunch), and there is an unlimited supply of beautiful nature, fun fellowship, and good old-fashioned family time. This year we will have some Halloween activities as well as our yearly favorites: hikes, S’mores around a campfire, and plenty of time for relaxing and visiting with each other.

We have a limited number of spots available this year, so if the registration is full when you go to sign up, add your name to our Waiting List. We will contact you if/when a spot becomes available. No payment is needed until then.

When Registering:

  • Check the drop downs. There are two options for adults: with a roommate (spouse, partner, family, friend, etc.) and without a roommate (room to yourself). Prices vary depending on which you choose.

  • Even though kids 17 and under are free, you still need to register them under their age group.
  • There is a $6 fee if you need a crib. Make sure to click that option when it comes up.

  • Payment is separate from registration and can either be done online or by check. If you are paying online, you will need to click on a link provided in the Confirmation Email. If paying by check, make it out to St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church with "Shrine Mont Retreat" on the memo line.

  • If you do not receive a Confirmation Email, you did not register correctly. Please go back and make sure you click "register" on the final page. Contact Emily Nein ( if you have trouble with registering.

Contact: Amy Dutton (
Virtual Coffee Hour Moving to Monthly

As we move into the summer and continue the process of regathering in person, we are shifting our virtual Coffee Hours from weekly to once a month, with the next virtual event to be held on July 11th. There will be no virtual Coffee Hour this Sunday (6/20). We will reevaluate our plans after July, based on participation levels and your feedback.

Contact: Jen Koerner and Woody Browne (

Yesterday, President Biden signed the bill to make Juneteenth a Federal Holiday! Have you ever heard of Juneteenth? Juneteenth is celebrated June 19th marking the date the last enslaved people were notified, 2 1/2 years after the fact, of their freedom through the Emancipation Proclamation. Although slavery was abolished through the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment, the US has continued practices and legislation to oppress the black community and all people of color.

Juneteenth is not a Black holiday, but an opportunity for us all to reflect on the ideals of freedom. “For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” - Nelson Mandela.

How are we as a community and individuals working to respect the dignity of all human beings? The following links give more information about Juneteenth.

Contact: Colleen Schiefelbein (
Name Tags

Now that we are back in the church for all of our services, remember to wear your name tag! We have temporary sticker name tags, but if you would like an Official St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Name Tag™ we have order envelopes available in the Narthex. They are $12 each, and you can choose from either a magnetic or a pin backing.
Online Giving

During these unprecedented times, we are called into community in unprecedented ways. Your financial gifts to St. Andrew’s are of vital importance to support our ongoing ministries and our outreach to the most vulnerable among us. Please continue to offer your faithful gifts by:

  • Mailing your check to our church office (6509 Sydenstricker Rd, Burke VA 22015)
  • Hand delivering cash or checks to the church mailbox (cash or check should be sealed in an envelope marked with your name)
  • Using your bank’s online bill-pay feature
  • Using St. Andrew’s online giving feature. You will be asked to provide your email address, an amount, date of gift, whether it is one-time or recurring, and a fund. In the fund box, you can click the arrow at the right-hand side to see the drop-down menu (the current options are Pledge and Plate Offering). The next page will give you the option of paying via your bank or debit/credit card. Please note that St. Andrew’s will pay fees on these transactions and you will be asked if you would like to increase your donation to offset these fees.

Contact: Michelle Ramsdell (
Prayer List

Please keep these members of our community in your prayers: 
Pam, Larry Dickerson, Carol Cobb, Linda and Ed Hunter, Dale Dickey, Heiki Mayer, John and Janet Carver, Susan Henderson, Douglas Taggart, Chris Conrad, Bill Hartig, Lori Hardin, Lloyd Sterling, Nancy Knight, Janet Keyser, Katie Durso, Mary J. Moses, Terry Peel, Charles Petty, Gloria Covington, Tina Boyd, Theresa DelConte, Jack Keyser, Ann Riley, Mike Tapper, Claire Johns, Tom Kelly, Lisa Lavery, Garson, Hugh Brian Henderson, Jen Blair, Marie Lichaa, Edward, Anne Huss, Theo Pickeral, Olivia Kertesz, Carol Matovick, Connie W., Sheri Cizek, Rachel Gordon, Nan Little, Cyndi Wildberger, Doris James, Dave Lewis, Phil Purdom, Karan Wright, Brendan Cizek, Marian Cannell, Jane Girondo, Candi James, and Wally Morgan

Contact: Deborah England ( |
(703) 455-2500