A resource for families in Santa Cruz County
...because parenting is the most important job on earth...

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Take a Tiny Walk

Have you noticed how creatively our Museum of Natural History is helping us learn about the beauty and miracles of our environment? Read Andrea Dingeldein's comments about her "Lovely Liverworts."

"As my eyes scan the mossy banks along trailsides, I look for changes in color and texture. I zero in on a patch of dark green and find myself face to face with some of the most ancient plants still alive on earth: the liverworts. Now that I have an eye for finding them, I've seen over 10 different species in the Santa Cruz Mountains alone. Represented here are two species: one native and one non-native. Look closely and you might just find some yourself!"

"Lovely Liverworts" by Andrea Dingeldein, The Local Naturalist

"Lovely Liverworts" by Andrea Dingeldein, The Local Naturalist

First, visit this year's "The Art of Nature" exhibit to see this piece and many more.

Next, pack up your backpacks with supplies you will need in your quest for the tiny among the huge: phone or camera, sketchpad, colored pencils, soft eraser, and of course snacks and water. You can always do more drawings at home, adding colors with paints of your choice.

Create a "tiny walk" weekend with the children, Parmalee

What percent of the eclipse will we see in California

and the other continental states?!


Celebrate National Library Week April 7-13

Stop in, see what's going on, peruse the books and videos and thank a librarian for all the services libraries provide us and go home with adventures in your arms!

"Libraries give us a green light to experience something truly special: a place to connect with others, learn new skills, and pursue our passions through book clubs, storytimes, movie nights, crafting classes, lectures, and more. All ten branches offer a wide array of programs, classes and support including in-person Tech Help, conversation clubs for English learners, and resources such as lendable items including laptops, STEM kits for kids, telescopes, ukuleles, and more!

Libraries play a pivotal role in economic development by providing resources and support for job seekers, entrepreneurs, and small businesses.

No matter where our users find themselves on the roadmap through their life’s journey—preparing for a new career, launching a business, raising a family, or settling into retirement—Santa Cruz Public Libraries offer the resources and support they need in an inclusive and supportive community where they belong."

Ask Nicole: 30 Days of Quality Time

By Yesenia Gomez-Carrillo and Nicole M. Young, MSW

As parents, we know how easy it is to get caught up in everyday life. Whether it’s chores, homework, kids’ activities, or work, some days it seems like we only see our children in the early hours before they go to school or we go to work, and at night before they go to bed. But as long as we remember to spend quality time with them, we stay connected as a family.

The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program defines Quality Time as brief and frequent amounts of time with children, focused on something they’re interested in. Quality time can also be for longer amounts of time. The key is to show you’re available when your child needs you. This builds positive relationships and helps prevent challenging behaviors.

In recognition of April as Month of the Young Child and Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month, we're sharing 30 ideas for Quality Time -one for each day of the month. These ideas work for kids of all ages, and cost nothing but time. Get all 30! > > >

What to Do After Losing Your Temper

It’s not unusual to lose your temper from time to time or raise your voice in moments of frustration. But it can be scary or unsettling for children to witness. To feel secure again, they may need some time and reassurance from you, which is a great opportunity to teach them about the importance of apologizing. How to restore trust after losing your temper > > >

Parenting Support

Parenting Workshops for inspiration, finding ways to help with parenting challenges, tweaking our skills and support from leaders & fellow travelers in this incredible and important journey....

April Calendar

Always check for new posts!

Check out our FB page for events not yet on our Calendar!


These schools invite you to visit!

Explore your options.

Visit websites.

Go to Open Houses & Tours

Make appointments to visit schools.

Save the Date; Ducky Derby is ONLINE April 27! Details

Santa Cruz County Youth Art Exhibit, Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm through May 3

Reception: Friday, May 3, 5-7pm, More than 400 works of art created by Santa Cruz County students are on display at the Government Center on Ocean Street.

Student art is amazing. Visit the show for inspiration. Imagine which works of art you would love to have in your homes.


Advisory Council of Teens (ACT) Aptos Library, April 7, 11am – 1:00pm, ACT is the SCPL young adult advisory group. ACT is open to all Santa Cruz County young adults, ages 12-18. The main focus of the ACT is young adult services, including programs, events, spaces, and policies. This is a good opportunity for students to fulfill community service credits, obtain job skills, develop leadership abilities, and acquire college extracurricular experience. Details

Creative Art Workshops for Teens, April 18: Gelli Printing, Join local artist Ruth Dailey at the Scotts Valley library for workshops where teens can learn new skills to express their creativity! Ruth has been creating art for most of her life and is excited to pass on what she has learned. Each month of this pilot series will feature a different art skill:

Only 12 seats available per session so come quickly, it’s first come first serve! Hope to see you there! Details

Home Depot Kids Workshops, Saturday, April 6, 9am – 12pm, Join us for free in-person Kids Workshops, Learn how to make things! 2600 41st Avenue, Soquel or S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville,  Details

Eclipse Stem Camp, April 6, 12 – 4pm, Join the Cub Scouts for a half-day eclipse camp, where we will learn about the solar system and eclipses. We shall have some out-of-this-world fun just in time for the total solar eclipse with fun crafts and games. The Santa Cruz Astronomy Club will be here with their portable planetarium, and a speaker from the NASA Eclipse Ambassador program will be hosting an eclipse-themed activity. Welcome non-scouters: you can attend this event if you are 6-10 years old. 6 year olds will need to have an adult accompanying them the entire time while at the event. Details

Concert V – J.S. Bach Cello Suites Featuring Erik Andersen, Saturday, April 6, 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm, Join us for the rare opportunity to experience the brilliance of Bach’s timeless compositions, Cello Suites performed by Erik Andersen, with unique historical accuracy. From the intricate melodies to the rich harmonies, each suite promises to captivate listeners and showcase the depth of Bach’s genius. Following the mesmerizing performance, season ticket holders and donors are invited to join us for a special meet-the-artist reception. Details

The Odd Couple, Oscar & Felix ~ April 6, 7, 12, 13, We promise you will laugh at the classic characters as a group of the guys assemble for cards in the messy apartment of divorced Oscar Madison.

The Odd Couple, Female Version ~ April 5, 6, 13, 14 ~ Instead of a poker party, messy Olive Madison has invited the girls over for an evening of Trivial Pursuit, and fastidious Florence Unger comes to share the apartment. Details

Familypower: Introduction to Physical Self-Defense for 9-14 year olds with their adults, Sunday, April 7, 10 – 11am, In our Familypower Introductory Self-Defense online program, youth ages 9-14 together with their adults learn 7 physical self-defense skills to escape an attack – plus age-appropriate strategies to avoid needing to use them. Details

ParkStage Youth History Performance, Mondays and Thursdays, April 8 – May 16, 3:30-5pm, ParkStage Youth is a new program for 8-13 year olds to learn and share history through performance. Students will meet at the Santa Cruz Mission State Historic Park to learn and rehearse an original story of local Santa Cruz history. Students will research, rehearse, and perform a short play telling a story from Santa Cruz history. By the end of the process, they should be comfortable understanding the motivations of their historical character, and some of the pressures of life in a past time period. They will also be able to pass this story on in a complex and collaborative manner, by performing the story clearly and honestly together, for audiences in two performances.  Details

Cybersecurity Club, March 18 - April 24, Wednesdays 4:30 - 5:30pm, All Santa Cruz County students in grades 6-12 are invited to join a free, virtual Cybersecurity Club to learn how to identify and solve cybersecurity threats. Students are encouraged to join anytime through the end of the session April 24. Participants in the club are eligible to compete in the National Cyber League event at no cost. No prior experience necessary.



Make sure you get a spot at popular events!

Tales to Tails Downtown, 2nd & 4th Tuesdays , 4:30 – 6pm through June 25, Tales to Tails is a literacy program designed to help children improve their reading skills by providing them the opportunity to read aloud to certified therapy dogs. Programs like Tales to Tails have been implemented nationally in both libraries and schools and have proven to be extremely effective in increasing the self-confidence and reading abilities of the participants. This program is for established readers struggling with reading aloud, not reading tutoring. Details

Inaugural SC County Youth Poet Laureate 2024-25 Celebration, Wednesday, April 10, 4-6pm, Join us in celebrating Santa Cruz County’s Inaugural Youth Poet Laureate 2024-25 celebration at the Kuumbwa Jazz Center This is a joyful opportunity to appreciate our county’s youth and let their unique voices shine. The program will include readings by the three finalists as well as the inaugural Youth Poet Laureate. Details

The 14th Annual Whalefest Monterey’s Symposium will take place on Sunday April 14, 2024 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm at the Stanton Center next to Custom House Plaza near Old Fisherman’s Wharf. This year’s program once again offers an exciting lineup of speakers from the world of marine science covering whales, sharks, sea otters, as well as climate change, sustainable practices in packaging and agriculture. There’s lots of information at and