St Anthony Church Newsletter
In this week's Gospel, two women, both pregnant, are blessed and full of joy. Mary with Jesus in her womb visited her cousin Elizabeth who was six months pregnant with John. When the two crossed paths, the human beings inside them also met and made their presence felt. Elizabeth then exclaimed, “Blessed are you among women”. What is significant here is that Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, as she was able to recognize that Mary would be the Mother of our Lord Jesus. Mary is the ark, the one in whom God has truly become present. Her entire being testifies to her son, Jesus, God within all of us.
Please click on the links to familiarize yourself with the Hymns for this weekend:
Gathering: Immaculate Mary
Recessional: Hail, Holy Queen
Please register for the new year of classes for Faith Formation. All forms are on our website, There are also printed copies, on yellow paper, available in the magazine racks, both in the main church as well as the parish center. Please submit the completed forms in a sealed envelopeJ.
Catechists Needed!!

Please help us support our students and families by sharing of your faith! This role requires smiling a lot! Each adult is required by the Archdiocese to be in compliance with the Safe Environment requirements, which include a background check and a online Virtus training session. Please let us know if you would like to help out!
The church grounds are always beautiful, especially this time of year with roses, lilies, lantana, cone flower and daisies in bloom. Come and spend some quiet time in the meditation garden, by the pond or at the Marion garden. Bring the kids for a picnic and if we are here, we’ll gladly give you some fish food to feed the fish in the pond.  

PS: You don’t need to be a kid to request food for the fish!
2021 Marriage Anniversary Celebration
On Sunday, October 10, 2021, at 2:00 PM, the annual Archdiocesan Mass will be celebrated at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph in Hartford for married couples who have observed or will be observing 25th, 50th, 60th, and other special wedding anniversaries in 2020 or 2021. While typically only those celebrating special anniversaries in a given year are invited to this celebration, couples who had special anniversaries in 2020 are also invited this year in the hopes of recognizing those who could not be celebrated last year when the pandemic led to the cancellation of this annual Mass.
The liturgy will include a renewal of Marriage vows followed by an opportunity for couples to have a photograph taken with Archbishop Blair. Registration, both for couples who would like to participate in the event and for priests who would like to concelebrate, will be done online at This year, couples are asked to register themselves for the event.


Are you grieving the loss of a loved one? 

St. Anthony Church is offering a 9 week program where individuals can share their grief story and learn about the grieving process and its tasks for healing. 
The sessions are conducted by trained facilitators, who have experienced grief in their lives, and are able to help you move through the tasks of grief. It is not a therapy session, but an opportunity to share with others who have experienced losses themselves.
The sessions will begin Wednesday September 15, 2021 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. There is no cost for this program. Books used in the group are generously donated by Prospect Memorial Funeral Home.

Registration is needed, as space is limited. For information, please call Charlotte Scaviola 203-758-5711 or Claudette Decilla 203- 758-6283.
Multi-Parish Raffle
  • Thank you to all who supported the Multi Parish Raffle hosted by St. Roch in Greenwich. St. Anthony Church sold 910 tickets totaling $22,750.00 with a profit to us of $11,375.00. The raffle drawing can be viewed live on Saturday August 14th at 11:00 PM on

Our bingo games are off to a great start with more people in attendance than compared to last year. We appreciate our volunteers and can use more. If you are available one Monday night a month or have questions, please call the parish office.
We are grateful for all of our volunteers, no matter how large or small your task is, you are appreciated! Thank you!

Soul Core Class
  • First Saturdays - at 9:15 am (Weather permitting class will be held outdoors by Our Lady of Fatima statue.)
  • The other class is Thursday mornings at 8:45 am
The focus of Soul Core is the prayers of the Rosary with the “invitation” to integrate exercises and periods of meditative rest at each mystery.
If you are planning to attend, please call Barbara by 203-605-8354 by 6:00 pm the evening prior to class. 
Bingo is Back!

Our Next Bingo: Monday, August 16th, 2021
TWO Jackpot Games!
Jackpot#1  $625.00
Jackpot#2   $150.00 


VOLUNTEERS ARE ALWAYS NEEDED! If you can volunteer one Monday per month, please call the Parish Center at 203-758-4056
When shopping Amazon, you can choose to use Amazon Smile* and a percentage of your order will be donated to St. Anthony Church, specifically for the refurbishing of the Church hall.
Click on the photo to get started!
*We encourage supporting local businesses, direct trade and fair trade partners as well as environment considerations when making purchases. If you do choose to use Amazon Smile and you don’t need your item immediately, please don’t choose overnight/rush delivery because this often forces people to work on Sunday. 
Labonnes Cash for Charities Rebate Program
  • Please save your Labonne's cash register receipts. (Keep an envelope in your car to easily save them)
  • Every couple of months submit them to St. Anthony Church, via the mail or by dropping them off at the parish center. We will receive 1/2% back. 
  • You can put your receipts in the Parish Center mailbox, in the collection boxes or mail them to 4 Union City Rd, Prospect, CT.
  • Thank you to everyone who has been sending in their slips, keep them coming!

Please consider using online giving for your financial support.
The consistency from online giving is very helpful over vacation periods. You may still use your envelopes and mark “I gave online”. 
Thank you and God bless you for all you do for St. Anthony Church!
Parish Mission Statement
St. Anthony Church is a parish where God’s love nourishes the soul to actively minister to people and share the joy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

St. Anthony Church
4 Union City Road – Prospect, CT 06712
203-758-4056 .