HOVC Scouter Newsletter | September 16th, 2022

Now through October 15th, there are national celebrations acknowledging the history and contributions of individuals who trace their roots to Spain, Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Spanish-speaking nations of the Caribbean. [Learn More]

Hi Heart of Virginia!

Venturing Crew Interest Meeting - THIS SUNDAY!

We're excited to announce the development of a brand new Council-Sponsored Venturing Crew that will have an emphasis on shooting sports like archery, rifle, and shotgun.  Join us at Camp T. Brady Saunders THIS SUNDAY, September 18th at 2:00pm for our Venturing Crew Interest Meeting.  No registration or RSVP is necessary.

[Learn More]

In-Person Leader Specific Training

With a new year in Scouting comes new leadership! Every Scout deserves a trained leader, and we're excited to have In-Person Den Leader and Scoutmaster training available this fall! Unit Key 3, please pass along these dates and details to your brand new team members.

Scoutmaster Leader-Specific Training

[October 1st, 2022]

Den Leader-Specific Training

[October 6th, 2022]

Arrohattoc & Crater

Fall Camporee

Join Arrohattoc and Crater Districts for a weekend of outdoor activities at the Pirates of the Appomattox Fall Camporee on October 21st - 23rd at the Chesterfield County Fairgrounds.  Registration is open and closes at 9:00 pm on October 17th.  The cost to attend is $15 per Scout and $5 per adult.

[Register Your Unit]

Calling All Troops - Creepy Hollow Helpers

2021 Creepy Hollow was such a HUGE success due to Scouts BSA volunteers - and we want to ask Troops to help us again!  Troop Leadership, please let the Scouts in your unit know that we're looking for help and are more than happy to write service hour letters! Benefits include camping, fun, leadership skills, more fun, mentorship, unit recruitment, and (of course) fun! There are two weekends available: October 15th - 16th and October 22nd - 23rd.

[Get More Details]

Take the Mystery out of Den Meetings!

The Cub Scout Leader Forum is an opportunity offered by The Heart of Virginia Council’s Roundtable team. This series of virtual meetings will help Cub leaders find the resources to lead fun and memorable den meetings, and demonstrates technology tools to simplify den management in two sessions featuring guest speakers and veteran Cub Scouters. Join us virtually October 11th and November 8th.

[Solve the Mystery!]

“Never put passion in front of principle;

even if you win, you'll lose.

- Mr. Miyagi,  Karate Kid

Scout Shop Hours of Operation
Monday-Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Wednesday 12:00 noon - 6:00 pm
Thursday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon

Heart of Virginia Council, BSA

8090 Villa Park Drive, Henrico, VA 23228


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