Message from the Associate Dean - BCH Oakland
April 2024
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April Showers Bring May Flowers!
The BCH Dean’s Office has relocated to Emeryville. Feel free to reach out if you want to meet in person at the hospital and we will find a place to touch down.
The BCH Associate Dean has a renewed charge for the next couple of years. We will focus on fostering continued collaboration and communication with BCH Oakland-based physicians and UCSF School of Medicine in support of the clinical and academic mission. We will continue to assist academic departments with recruitment and space needs and advocate for improved processes on behalf of the faculty. Many initiatives are forward-facing on our website and recent recordings are available on our website.
Congratulations on a fabulous Match Day! Our expanded pediatric residency will welcome 32 interns this summer.
And congratulations to BCH Oakland-based recipients of the UCSF Health Exceptional Physician Awards! Chau Tai, MD, Alison Reed, MD, Bella Doshi, MD, and Lela Bachrach, MD- you are all amazing. And another congratulations goes to Dayna Long, MD recipient of the 2024 Edison T. Uno Chancellor Award for Public Service.
A couple of reminders:
- Mask mandate is in effect in all patient-facing areas through April 30, 2024.
- The NPS survey is in your inbox as of March 18. Please complete it before April 10th.
The 8th Annual UCSF Health Improvement Poster Symposium will be held on Friday, May 31, from 3-5 pm at the Mission Bay Conference Center. See below under announcements.
Check your calendars for a wonderful BCH Faculty seminar on May 8th at 5:00 pm (via Zoom) focusing on cross-bay clinical trials.
I hope to see many of you at PAS Toronto May 2-6!
Be well,
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Match Day 2024 - Welcome! | |
We are thrilled to announce the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland Pediatric Intern Class of 2027!
This year our program expanded by 4 categorical residents!
This talented group of 31 categorical pediatric interns and 1 joint BCH-Oakland-UCSF Child Neurology resident are from medical schools in every region of the US.
Please find the attached photo roster and demographic information.
We would like to thank so many of you for your dedication and commitment to recruitment during our interview season.
- Thanks to our faculty and alumni interviewers, members of our Selection Committee and colleagues who helped cover them clinically during the process.
- Residents, thank you for your commitment to applicant social events, social media team and other recruitment efforts.
- Thank you faculty, alumni and residents who joined our Evening Open Houses and to our Child Neurology colleagues for working together for our joint Child Neurology position.
- And a huge thanks to our GME staff, chief residents and Associate Program Directors who made our interview days run smoothly.
We can't do this without all of you!
In gratitude,
Celeste and our GME/Residency Program Team
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Marla Ferschl, MD, has been appointed as executive vice chair for Pediatric Anesthesiology and division chief of Pediatric Anesthesiology at Benioff Children’s Hospital, San Francisco.
Read More
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UCSF Summer Student Research Program (SSRP)
We are excited to share a recent publication that evaluated the UCSF Summer Student Research Program (SSRP) and showed the gains we made in scientific identity & engagement with our under-represented learners over an 8-year pre-pandemic period (publication attached). A previous report described how a group of programs including ours successfully transitioned in the COVID era, but this is the first paper to focus solely on SSRP. We feel this is a great progress report on our continuing commitment to health education through a lens of social justice & equity.
David, Ellen & Marsha
Ellen Fung, PhD, RD, CCD
Co-Director, Summer Student Research Program
Principal Investigator
Marsha Treadwell, PhD
Co-Director, Summer Student Research Program
Principal Investigator
David Killilea, PhD
Program Manager – Summer Student Research Program
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Voalte Training for Clinical Communication | |
Voalte is a HIPAA-secure, two-way texting/calling, application that is the primary clinical communications platform for all UCSF Health campuses including BCH Oakland. Communication is key to our daily operations and patient safety. The Voalte solution can help but only if everyone is using the app appropriately. We acknowledge that certain functionality in Voalte requires training and practice, so we are pleased to announce that a new e-learning video is now available to supplement the already released enhanced tip sheet. | |
8th Annual UCSF Health Improvement Symposium:
Call for Poster Submissions!
Deadline for Submission: Wednesday, May 1st
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Information from the UCSF Health Continuous Improvement Department
We are delighted to announce the 8th Annual UCSF Health Improvement Poster Symposium. It will be held on Friday, May 31st, 3-5 pm at the Mission Bay Conference Center. Please save the date!
Why are we hosting our 8th Annual Improvement Poster Symposium?
The opportunities to learn from each other, share best practices and innovations, and build a community for improvement work are critically important for our patients and the success of UCSF Health. This is true now more than ever as we reconnect and design new workflows. An annual poster symposium provides a vehicle to recognize great work and foster our culture for continuous improvement.
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Upcoming UCSF BCH Faculty Seminar Series:
"Initiating Cross-Bay Clinical Trials"
Wednesday, May 8, 2024 | 5:00 - 6:00 PM via Zoom
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Please Join Us!
Our next UCSF BCH Faculty Seminar Series:
“Initiating Cross-Bay Clinical Trials”
Wednesday, May 8, 2024 | 5:00 - 6:00 PM via Zoom
Our Presenters: (TBC)
Liz Garnett
Jackie Grupp-Phelan, MD
Mark Walters, MD
Roberta Keller, MD
More Info to be announced once confirmed!
All seminars are recorded and made available on our website
Hosted by the UCSF BCH Oakland Dean's Office
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We Hope You Enjoyed the National Doctors Day Appreciation Snacks! | |
We hope you had the opportunity to enjoy the Doctors' Day appreciation snacks sponsored by the BCH Oakland Dean's Office last Thursday. Tracy Cummings of our office meticulously put together baskets filled with healthy snacks along with beautiful faux flowers and a lovely thank you card.
Baskets were left at the doctor's lounge main hospital, Residents lounge, OPC, Primary Care, and Walnut Creek.
We would love to hear your feedback!
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Differences Matter: Invitation to Become a Dean’s Diversity Leader | |
Differences Matter is a multi-year School of Medicine initiative that provides leadership and resources to design, accelerate, and support diversity, equity, belonging, and anti-oppression work across campus and in the communities we are honored to serve. Our goal is to make UCSF a destination for diverse minds who seek an equitable environment in which to help solve healthcare’s most challenging problems. | |
The Chancellor Awards for Diversity
Nomination Deadline: May 10, 2024
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The Chancellor Awards for Diversity
Each year, the awards recognize the outstanding efforts of individuals who demonstrate a strong dedication to diversity. Faculty, staff, and student recipients are leaders and pioneers in their respective fields and to the communities in which they serve.
Online nomination portal:
Awards Information:
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ICYMI: Physician Burnout at UCSF: Addressing the Crisis
Held on March 21st
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This event was held on: March 21, 2024, 3:00 – 5:00 PM PST
Full Faculty Meeting of the UCSF School of Medicine, 2023-2024
Physician Burnout at UCSF: Addressing the Crisis
This was the second of a special three-part town hall series, exploring UCSF’s response to the crisis of faculty physician burnout. We reviewed U.S. academic physician burnout data, got an understanding why UCSF physicians are leaving, and examined the growth of physician unionization nationally. We discussed the important role of organizational leaders in combating burnout and building a clinician wellness-centered culture.
Co-Sponsored By
UCSF School of Medicine Faculty Council
UCSF Academic Senate Clinical Affairs Committee
UCSF Physicians for Engagement Representation, and bidirectional Communication (PERC)
UCSF Physician Experience Council
Link to the Recording (MyAccess login required)
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Register Now for Teach for UCSF Certificate tracks, including Educator Essentials, Simulation Teaching, Clinical Teaching and Education Leadership. | |
UCSF CTSI SFBayCRN IMPACT Annual Meeting | |
UCSF Clinical & Translational Science Institute (CTSI) Blog | |
The Edward Chu Diversity Scholarship Program | |
February 8, 1924 - February 8th, 2024
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Easier and Cheaper Access to Data for Health Services and Population Health Research | |
Release of the UCSF Changemaker Series | |
The UCSF Changemaker Series, created by Professor of Medicine Hilary Seligman, MD, MAS, is a four-part video series that seeks to build the capacity of UCSF researchers to generate scientific evidence that is responsive to the needs of real-world decision-makers. Each 10-15 minute video highlights a UCSF researcher in conversation with an interdisciplinary panel of non-academic experts discussing how investigators at all stages of their careers can more meaningfully inform policies, systems, and structures in order to create social or policy change.
Read more
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From Marsha J. Treadwell, PhD
DEI Co-Chair BCH Oakland
Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics, UCSF School of Medicine
Jordan Fund Endowed Chair, Department of Hematology/Oncology
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UCSF is an institutional member of the National Center on Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD).
Follow these links for a full list of all NCFDD programs including additional Covid-19 Resources.
To gain access to these resources sign up for NCFDD membership by clicking here or contact Irené Merry –Coordinator for the Campus Council on Faculty Life.
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Foundations of DEI Trainings | |
UCSF Cultural Groups and Resources | |
UCSF’s PRIDE Values and how they can be enacted through our daily lives are:
P - Professionalism: To be competent, accountable, reliable, and responsible, interacting positively and collaboratively with all colleagues, students, patients, visitors, and business partners.
R - Respect: To treat all others as you wish to be treated, being courteous and kind, acting with utmost consideration of others.
I - Integrity: To be honest, trustworthy, and ethical, always doing the right thing, without compromising the truth, and being fair and sincere.
D - Diversity: To appreciate and celebrate differences in others, creating an environment of equity and inclusion with opportunities for everyone to reach their potential.
E - Excellence: To be dedicated, motivated, innovative, and confident, giving your best every day, encouraging and supporting others to excel in everything they do.
Download a copy of the PRIDE Values
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COVID-19 & Vaccine Updates | |
Pediatric Grand Rounds
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Did you miss Grand Rounds?
Visit and use password CHRCO
to view recorded Grand Rounds presentations.
Please contact the Chief Residents,
for Case Conference information:
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Pediatric Grand Rounds
San Francisco
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ACGME Funding for Resident/Fellow Projects | |
Frontiers in Child Health Research Seminar Series | |
The Frontiers in Child Health Research Seminar Series
Every 2nd and 4th Monday via Zoom only, from 12-1 PM
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Stad Center of Pediatric Pain, Palliative and Integrative Medicine Global Lecture Series | |
Seminars are the 1st Thursday of every month 3:00-4:00 pm
To receive a Zoom invitation for virtual lectures, please contact
You must register in advance for each lecture.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining this webinar.
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The REGISTRATION LINK for the 26th Become an EPEC-Pediatrics Trainer plus optional Professional Development Workshop [Education in Palliative and End-of-Life Care (EPEC)-Pediatrics] is now available. UCSF Mission Bay Conference Center. San Francisco, CA. May 1-4, 2024
15th Pediatric Pain Master Class. UCSF Stad Center for Pediatric Pain, Palliative and Integrative Medicine. Mission Bay Conference Center at UCSF. San Francisco, CA. December 7-13, 2024 Contact:
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Pediatric Pain Fellowship
Child Life Specialist (Oakland)
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Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting (PAS) 2024 | |
From the UCSF Research Development Office | |
Do you have ideas or suggestions for newsletter content?
If you have an idea or suggestion for content that you feel would be helpful,
please let us know. We would love to hear your ideas.
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Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland Dean’s Office
UCSF School of Medicine
Mailing Address:
747 52nd Street, Oakland, CA 94609
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