I think we would all agree that nonprofit organizations help tackle the hardest problems facing society, improving the lives of hundreds of millions of people around the world.
Yet for many of these organizations, their ability to make this social change depends on a precious resource that is not actually a requirement: charitable giving.
Fortunately, generosity is a powerful force! According to the latest Giving USA 2024 Annual Report on Philanthropy (just released), individuals, bequests, foundations and corporations gave an estimated $557.16 billion to U.S. charities in 2023. The majority of this giving, 67%, came from individual givers—which is more than all other sources combined.
However, for the charitably inclined, what does impact really look like? Serious problems exist that philanthropic resources might solve, but not enough resources go where they are most needed. That's an issue.
Along comes a group called ideas42, which has three goals: 1) to help more people give, and give effectively, so their generosity translates to the social impact they envision; 2) to make it easier for non-profit leaders, regardless of their background, to get funding so they can spend their time on what they’re best at, which is pursuing social good; and 3) to strengthen and build critical infrastructure across the giving ecosystem.
Fifteen years ago, ideas42 started in a small office at Harvard University. Since then, they have partnered with foundations, non-profits, government agencies, and socially-minded companies to work on more than 600 projects in over 55 countries (!), using behavioral science to improve tens of millions of lives around the world.
Meet the team here that is making that kind of global impact happen: Our People | ideas42