
A Message from Fr. Mike

A Time of Anticipation

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On what or

on whom are you waiting?

Dear St. Mark's family,

Happy New Year! Tomorrow, on Advent I, we begin our new liturgical year, entering year C of our three-year liturgical cycle using the Revised Common Lectionary. Boring to some, perhaps, yet I'm always delighted by the newness of the season of Advent, the refreshing of our Bible readings, and what all of that means. I appreciate the fact our liturgical new year is a season of penitence, of sort. No, it's not Lent, yet the theme of anticipation, hope, and preparation for the coming of Christ certainly is a time of turning back to God and remembering what's most important—if we let it.

Advent is also peppered by the hustle and bustle of what comes along with getting ready for Christmas. And sometimes, if you're anything like me, you might forget to pause and remember why you're doing much of what you're doing.

For instance, if you're looking forward to participating in this Wednesday's Gingerbread House Decorating Extravaganza, you might have so much fun, you'll forget to remember that it's a gift, one your neighbor might also enjoy. So invite them! Or perhaps you'll be so busy this holiday season, you'll forget to take time and let the sounds of the season help you connect with God. Be sure to check out what Peter and the Friends of St. Mark's Music have planned for December. And of course, all of this is just more stuff. Though they may serve as opportunities for you to connect with one another and with God, may this season be one that's filled with a level of intentionality and contemplation as we prepare to usher in the joyful season of Christmas. Let us remember to take some time to pause and do what we need to do to quiet the noise and still the mayhem long enough to remember for whom we're waiting.

Advent blessings,


Week of November 28 at St. Mark's

Sunday, 11/28

  • Coffee Hour is in Gray Hall immediately following each service.
  • Gift Shop is open: Please stop by after both the 8:00 and 9:30 a.m. services to buy that perfect item for someone special, or just shop for yourself.

Monday, 11/29

  • Morning Prayer at 9:30 a.m. meets in Gray Hall

Tuesday, 11/30

  • Men’s Morning Fellowship at 10:00 a.m.: This is a weekly opportunity for Men’s fellowship. The meetings are currently held online via Zoom. Please contact the church office for the Zoom meeting details. This week's topic is "Christianity and Money."

Wednesday, 12/1

  • Morning Prayer at 9:30 a.m. meets in Gray Hall.
  • Wired Word Discussion Group at 10:30 am via Zoom; Lessons are based on the week’s news with scriptural references that usually spark stimulating discussions. For more information and/or to be added to the group list to receive the meeting link and discussion material, please contact the church office.
  • Wednesday Dinner and Gingerbread House Decorating Extravaganza: Dinner will be served at 5:30 p.m. in Gray Hall with the program following dinner. Please sign up for dinner; signup sheets will be in the narthex and Gray Hall, or you can call the office to sign up.
  • Youth Group: MS and HS hang out after the gingerbread house decorating in youth room
  • Choir Rehearsal meets in the choir room in Gray Hall at 7:30 p.m.

Thursday, 12/2

  • Contemplative Prayer at 4:00 p.m. meets in the narthex for quiet, meditative prayer.

Saturday, 12/4

  • Eucharist at 4:30 p.m. in the sanctuary

Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign has begun. The campaign will run from November 27 until December 24. If you would like to join us in this fun and very important ministry, please sign up in the narthex or Gray Hall, or by calling the office.  

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Looking Ahead

Tuesday, December 7: Episcopal Church Women (ECW) program will begin at

10:30 a.m. with a Christmas pageant presented by the children of St. Mark's Preschool, an annual tradition and delightful part of the Advent season, followed by Eucharist and Lunch. Lunch will be a catered meal prepared by Jo Jo and Dennis Keck. Sign-up sheets will be posted in the narthex and Gray Hall, or you may call the office to RSVP, beginning November 19. We look forward to seeing you there!

Wednesday, December 8: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Lessons and Carols at 6:30 p.m. after dinner.

Saturday, December 18-Sunday, December 19: Youth Advent Lock-in—All middle and high school youth are invited to join us from 4 p.m. on Saturday through Sunday at 10:30 a.m. for a fun-filled activities like bell ringing, our Advent party, and other shenanigans.


Sunday, December 19, part of the Friends of Music Concert Series, come join us at 3:00 pm for a concert celebrating the season with Siren Song. This group was founded in 2013 and has served the Sarasota/Venice communities by bringing the joy of music and memorable entertainment to concert stages across the country.

CALL FOR VESTRY NOMINATIONS: Parishioners can self-nominate or nominate other parishioners to the nominations committee. Submit nominations for the vestry by visiting or calling the church office, emailing, or dropping a note in the offertory plate during any service. All nominations must be submitted before December 7, 2021. The election will be held at the annual meeting on Sunday, January 30, 2022. Requirements for vestry include being baptized, confirmed, enrolled as a member in the register of St. Mark's, regular attendance at services, received Holy Communion at least three times in the past year, have made a stated contribution of record to the general support of the parish, and must be 18 years of age. 

For more information about any programs or upcoming events, to be added to the parish prayer list, or to schedule some time to talk with clergy or staff, please stop by the church office, call (941) 488-7714, or email