In This Issue
-Quick Links
-Happening Soon
-Upcoming Service
-This Sunday in CYRE
-Young Adults
-UUA General Assembly
-Property Work/Fun Day
-LFP Needs You!
-Donate with Text Message
-In Case You Missed It!
-COVID-19 Relief Funds
-Care List
-Upcoming Events
-Minister Info
-UUCH Board Members
-Church Info
Happening Soon
Sunday, June 20
All AL Young Adults Group
12:30 PM
Social Justice Meeting
2:00 PM
June 23-27
Saturday, June 26
Property Work/Fun Day
10:00 AM
For ALL of the upcoming events, please see the "Check Events" button at the top of the newsletter or see the upcoming week's list near the end of the newsletter.
“Rest and Play”
Rev. Jaimie / Multigenerational
Sunday, 10:45 AM
Sometimes in worship, every word and sound and song builds to a central theme. And other times we wander through worship, finding meaning in different themes and moments. This Sunday we will honor the Summer Solstice, celebrate Father’s Day, learn about Juneteenth, and remember that going into the hot summer months there is good wisdom to be found in rest and in play! With so much to explore, we can all be sure to find something inspiring to take with us into the week ahead.
This Sunday in Children and Youth
Religious Education (CYRE)
This Summer UUCH CYRE is offering some special in-person events and will participate in regular online zoom classes with UUs at other local congregations. CYRE Families will receive detailed information and zoom links in separate family emails. If you would like to get on the list and learn more about our summer offerings, please reach out to Rev. Jaimie at
All Alabama Young Adults Group
12:30 PM
UUA General Assembly 2021 is nearly here! Join with thousands of UUs across the nation, to learn, grow and do the work of our association. You can find out more information and how to register at This is a great year to attend GA because the online format is more accessible, plus there will be excellent programming, including the Ware Lecture keynote address, offered this year by Stacey Abrams and Desmond Meade.
Submitted by the Denominational Affairs Committee & Minister
Property Work/Fun Day
Saturday, June 26
10:00 AM
As we approach the return to in-person activities at the church some "sprucing up" will help to get the building ready. There are several indoor and outdoor tasks where your help is needed.
Indoor tasks will proceed regardless of the weather: replace lights and paint the corner RE classroom ceiling.
Outdoor tasks will depend on the weather: trim shrubs and do some cleanup.
For most tasks no special skills are needed, just willing hands for a couple of hours, to ensure that the building is ready for when activities resume.
Date: Saturday, June 26, 2021
Time: 10:00 am to ??
Bring: Work gloves if you have them (but some will be available if you don't have any)
Submitted by the Property Committee
Little Food Pantry
We need signups!!
Please sign up to fill the LFP. It’s odd, but folks aren’t taking lentils or black beans. The canned black beans are being donated to needy Hispanic families.
If you can’t fill a M, W, F or Sunday spot on the sign up genius, you can always drop food by on T, T or Sat. Thanks for everyone who is lending a helping hand.
Submitted by the Social Justice Committee
Donating by Text or Online
By Text:
To give a plate offering to UUCH from your mobile device, text the amount (without dollar sign) to 833-559-0257, and follow the instructions. Text giving is by debit or credit card only.
Like our other online and mobile giving options, this option is through Vanco, is secure, and has a good option for "plate" donations as well as "pledge" and "AHA".
Submitted by the Finance Committee
"Pride Service: Redefining Family
Through Adoption"
Deb Delacey
June 13, 2021
Have you missed a past virtual worship service? Want a midweek re-watch?
Fear not, you can visit here to watch a recording of most the service.
Remember, the building is closed,
but CHURCH is open!
Submitted by the Worship Committee
COVID-19 Relief Funds Available
Funds are available for members of the congregation who have been negatively impacted financially by COVID-19.
Care List
This Sunday at Our Circle of Candles:
Paul & Bridgit lit a candle of joy: We love the rainy weather but it is SO NICE to see the sun again.
Deborah Delacey lit a candle of joy: My surgery went very well and I am healing nicely. THANK YOU to everyone who reached out with thoughts, prayers, and MEALS for my family! I love you all!
Kathy Fisher lit a candle of sorrow: Over the death of an elderly friend to COVID-19.
Brad & Pam lit a candle of joy: That we were able to attend our nephew's wedding in Michigan last weekend.
Heather Kyemba lit a candle of joy: Sophia's jaw surgery went well.
Jefflyn and Bob Weed lit a candle of joy: Our granddaughter turned 5 today.
Angela Arnold (she/her) lit a candle of sorrow: For my BFF Rita's loss of her little Yorkie, Sadie, mixed with joy for the sweet light of Sadie's loving spirit which warmed everyone one knew her.
Sarah Coble (she/her) lit a candle of joy: There was a Pride Festival on the campus of Ole Miss yesterday (I'm in a summer program here). I got to meet some members of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Oxford!
Andy Durbin lit candles of joy: First, we submitted an offer on a house in Colorado, and hopefully, it will be accepted. Second...this past Tuesday I came out to my wife Miranda as pansexual. She still loves me and supports me 100%. We're going to be fine.
Ari, Justine, Audrey, and Vera lit candles of gratitude: We are grateful for our Auntie Debbie and for organizations like this that exist in the world. Thank you for honoring where we have been as a society historically, and manifesting a brighter, more informed, more accepting, more inclusive future for our children. We are not part of your church, yet we feel blessed to be with you today. Thank you.
Kathy Fisher lit a candle of joy: I was able to socialize with a friend and have a patio meal while enjoying Microwave Dave's beautiful and soulful music.
Angela Arnold lit a candle of joy: For everyone who loves today, whomever and however they love!
Upcoming Events
Please note that all meetings, worship services, and gatherings will be held online until further notice. Please check our Facebook page and website for updated information and links
Sunday, Jun 20
Soul Circle Group D
9:30 AM
9:30 AM
Worship Service
Rev. Jaimie Dingus
10:45 AM
All Alabama Young Adults Group
12:30 PM
Social Justice Meeting
2:00 PM
Wednesday, June 23
Susan's Happy Hour
5:00 PM
Choir Practice
7:00 PM
Saturday, June 26
Property Work/Fun Day
10:00 AM
Sunday, Jun 27
9:30 AM
Worship Service
Rev. Jaimie Dingus
10:45 AM
Rev. Jaimie Dingus
Office Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday by appointment.
UUCH 2020-21
Board Members
John Schulz
Vice President:
Nick Wilbourn
Nancy Finley
Bob Locklear
Suzey Delacey
Jack Long
Bryan Walls
Rev. Jaimie Dingus
Do you have an agenda item for the Board?
The Board respectfully requests that all agenda items for the meeting be submitted to Board President John Schulz via email no later than one week prior to the meeting (i.e. the Tuesday before). The next board meeting is scheduled
for Tuesday, June 29, 2021.
Office Administrator
Holly Hinkle
Main Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday
9:30 AM – 1:30 PM
*Please email office if you need building access.
For more info on any event, contact the church office or visit our website.
The Overlook is a publication of The Unitarian Universalist Church,
3921 Broadmor Rd., Huntsville, AL 35810
Laurel Bollinger
Holly Hinkle
PO Box 5545
Huntsville, AL 35814
(256) 534-0508
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