Monthly Bingo
Due to the Independence Day holiday, the July 5th Bingo game will not happen. Our next game is scheduled for August 2nd.
It's time for fun, fellowship, and prizes.
New Direction Support Group Picnic!
July 9th: 12PM to 2PM
The picnic will be held at the agency, during the support group meeting. Bring your snacks and join in the fun. To RSVP call 313-272-3900.
Movie Day!
July 12th: 1PM-3PM
Movie: A Fall from Grace
Book Club
July 23rd… 12PM to 2PM
The book club picks for the next three months are the Say Amen Series, by: Reshonda Tate Billingsley
July - Book 1: Let the Church Say Amen
August - Book 2: Everybody Say Amen
September - Book 3: Say Amen, Again
For more information or to RSVP for activities and events call 313-591-3786.