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One of the benefits of being a Prestige member is our electronic newsletter, SUCCESS. Learn about our latest products, services, and issues affecting your overall financial wellbeing.

88th Annual Meeting of Membership

In Person - Thursday, April 25, 2024

Refreshments at 5:30PM

Meeting at 6:00PM

Main Branch: 15203 Knoll Trail, Suite 101 Dallas Texas 75248

Join us for the Annual Meeting of Membership. It is a great time to hear about what is new at Prestige Community Credit Union, get an update on financials from the previous year, as well as take a look ahead at our future initiatives to enrich your member experience. Plus, we will have light refreshments and a chance to win some great door prizes.

10 Financial Life Hacks

Financial life hacks can help with your financial well-being. During Financial Capability Month, our partner GreenPath offers you their favorite and simple “hacks” to put in action.

Click here to read full article.

Pay a Person

Splitting the bill can be challenging when everyone has their own way of settling up.

We're here to help. Pay a Person from Prestige Community Credit Union simplifies sending money regardless of where you and your friends bank or what apps they use.


Find it under the "Move Money" menu in Online Banking or on the options at the bottom of your screen on your Mobile App.

What Influences Your Money Habits?

Our money habits are built from a range of influences. Learn more about what impacts your money habits with these insights from our partner GreenPath.

Click to read full article.

Upcoming Holiday Schedule

We will close on the following Federal Holidays:

  • Monday, May 27th - Memorial Day
  • Wednesday, June 19th - Juneteenth National Independence Day
  • Thursday, July 4th - Independence Day

Complaint Notice

Privacy Notice

Co-Op Shared Branch

Documents Available to Members

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