Sunday, July 25 at 10:15 a.m. via Livestream

Join us this Sunday for a conversation between our Rev. Sally and Jewish UU minister Rev. Joanna Lubkin. Music, meditation, and reflection will invite us all to consider how Jewish practice and identity can intertwine with Unitarian Universalism, and what strength and wisdom each wellspring might offer to each other.

Please send your joys or sorrows to any time before the Joys and Sorrows portion of the service. They will be read aloud.
Join our online Zoom Fellowship Hour after the service on Sunday (around 11:30a.m.). Come chat with UUCUC members and friends! All are welcome.
Your contributions and support allow us to continue to respond with love and resources to the needs in our congregation and the wider community. We couldn’t do it without your support and we are grateful to each of you.

If you have missed any of the previous live streamed services, you can view them at our past streamed services page. You can also view previous live streamed services on our YouTube channel.
Sunday, August 1 at 10:15 a.m. via Livestream

As the centerpiece of our worship services this summer, our UU Church Worship Committee has crafted a Wellspring series that features other religious traditions and their connections to UU faith traditions. We view this series as educational and constructive; uplifting and inspirational. To continue this series, Julie Laut and Celia Barbieri share how atheism and humanism have been wellsprings in their lives.
Bookmark our UUCUC Events and UUCUC Calendar webpages for future reference.
TODAY at 5:00pm
Join us outside at Riggs Brewery!
Saturday, July 31, 2:00pm
Champaign County COVID-19 Risk Level Orange - Church Building Closed
As of July 21, the building is closed to public use for small group meetings per the Reopening Framework. We apologize for any inconvenience. Outdoor spaces at the church are still available for reservation (please use the room reservation form) and virtual meetings will continue. We strongly encourage everyone to wear masks in public settings, even if you are vaccinated.
Volunteers Needed for Moving Furniture at the Church
If you’ve got a strong back (and maybe a lumbar belt), Tim would love your help moving office furniture, some couches, and removing some things from the building. The date isn’t set in stone yet but aiming for August. READ FULL POST HERE.
Rev. Florence Summer Schedule

Rev. Florence will be taking vacation and study leave from June 27th to August 2nd, and will not be checking email during that time. Rev. Sally will also be taking vacation in the early part of July. During the time when both our ministers are gone, our UU Companion Ministry will be on call to provide support at
Please consider donating to the Little Free Pantries run by Julie Laut and AJ Herzog, which they have kept active daily since late spring. In order to address increased and unique needs this winter, they have created an Amazon wish list. All items will be delivered to Julie's house and shared between the two pantries. Donations of all items will continue to be accepted as usual at both locations, if you want to bring them in person.

Thank you for your support and generosity ~ Julie and AJ
JOYS AND SORROWS sent to last Sunday, July 18.
From Michele Grove: I am angry and saddened to learn that Dr. Althea Smith, a learning fellow of the Unitarian Universalist church in which I am a member, lost their son to gun violence this week. Here is a portion of the letter she wrote to our congregation: Dear Church, My son, Joshua David Smith, was a victim of gun violence early Monday, July 5th, and passed away as a result. Josh was 29 years old and in love with his 3-month-old baby girl, Riley. My heart aches at the loss of my son and the loss of possibilities he had with his daughter. This grief has connected me to every mother whose child has been ripped away from them, to every young man whose life was stolen, and to every baby that will not know the shelter of a loving parent. We have been held in love and prayers (Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Pagan, and Righteous Outrage). We pray that our faith in God, in its many shapes and names, in what is good, in justice, and in our worldwide community, will make us resilient. 

From Kathy Frizzell: Leon and Kathy Frizzell share with great sadness that Kathy’s younger sister, Patty, died suddenly and unexpectedly on July 9th in NH. Leon and Kathy were already out in NH on vacation and are so thankful they had recently spent a week with her on her favorite beach in Maine and that we could be with her and the rest of Kathy’s Mills family when she died.

From Andrea Herzog: Our kiddo, Emma, had to be admitted to the hospital due to severe abdominal pain when she was in California to attend camp. She ended up having surgery the next day to remove an extremely large ovarian cyst. AJ flew out right away and she and Emma spent a week in LA while Emma regained her strength. Emma continues to heal and is doing well! We are so very grateful for the excellent medical care Emma received, for modern medicine that could name and resolve the issue, and for the support we received from friends and family both in California and here at home.

Please send your joys or sorrows to any time before the Joys and Sorrows portion of the service. They will be read aloud.
UUCUC Social Action Offering. Each month a selected organization is chosen to receive offerings from our congregation. You may donate to the social action offering for the month in one of the following ways:

During the month of July, we will support First Followers, which is a community-based organization that operates a drop-in center located at Bethel A.M.E. Church, located at 401 E. Park Street in Champaign, IL.

Although they are not a faith-based program, Bethel's pastors welcomed First Followers into their home. ​

First Followers’ mission is to build strong and peaceful communities by providing support, guidance, and hope to formerly incarcerated people and their loved ones through peer mentorship. They offer: a safe stigma free environment; peer mentoring; assistance with employment searches; workforce development for emerging adults; advocacy for individuals with felony convictions; family reunification; service referrals.

During the month of June 2021, the Greater Community AIDS Project was selected to be the recipient of the shared offering. As of July 12, the UUCUC congregation contributed a total of $1,787.50!

Dates are subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, visit our UUCUC Calendar page.

Note: Parenthesized meetings/events are outside rentals. Asterisked meetings/events are closed.
As of March 2020, the UUCUC building closed as a preventative measure to minimize the spread of the COVID-19 virus in our community. All upcoming scheduled meetings and events at UUCUC listed on the calendar should be considered virtual unless noted otherwise. Please refer to the Building Reopening Framework for more information.
Next eNews: Thursday, July 29, 2021
Last day for content: Tuesday, July 27 by 5pm at the latest.

Don't forget to publicize your meeting/event!

Please send your submittals to and not to the admin email.

Regular Church Office Hours
Closed until further notice
Church Office
(217) 384-8862

Need reimbursement for a purchase made on behalf of a committee project? Fill out this online reimbursement form, which will go to the DCA, and submit your receipts via email, if applicable.
Rev. Florence Caplow
Rev. Sally Fritsche
Associate Minister for Congregational Life
Juan Camacho
Kendra Gibson
Religious Education Assistant
Michele Townsend Grove
Interim Director of Religious Education
Benjamin Hanson
Choir Director (August 2021)
Erinn Miller
Web & Communications Assistant
Adam Rahn
A/V Technician
Rose St. Clair
Coordinator, Religious Exploration & Engagement (August 2021)
Email TBA
Adrienne Summerlot
Consulting Director, Religious Exploration & Engagement (August 2021)
Email TBA
Zoe Valentine
Director of Congregational Administration
Shornor Vineyard
Building Caretaker
Tim Voelker
Director of Facilities