This year’s Bulky-Item Cleanup Day will be on Saturday, October 1st from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM in the La Colonia Community Center parking lot at 715 Valley Avenue. The Bulky-Item Cleanup event will have garden mulch available for self-load/self-haul, certified shredding trucks that will shred all items on site, and will also be collecting unwanted electronic and universal waste, which includes batteries, fluorescent lamps, mercury thermometers, and other mercury containing equipment, and non-empty aerosol cans.
In addition, residents can schedule a curbside cleanup which allows residents to place trash, green waste and up to four bulky items at the curb that would be too large or too heavy to put inside collection carts. Registration for the curbside cleanup begins next week, the week of September 19th by calling (858) 350-8544.
Bulky-Item Cleanup Day is a free event and is open to Solana Beach residents only.