C i t y   o f   S o l a n a   B e a c h


S e p t e m b e r   1 4,  2 0 2 2

The following is provided as an update regarding City news, programs, and services.

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Community News & Updates

Solana Beach's Municipal Election

Have you heard about Solana Beach's Municipal Election on November 8th? On the ballot will be local Measure S and the opportunity to choose Councilmembers for Districts 2 and 4.

For more information on Measure S, please visit

For more information on voting districts and qualified candidates, please visit the City's election webpage

Poll Workers Needed for General Election

Be a poll worker and be part of American democracy in action. The Registrar of Voters is seeking poll workers for the Nov. 8 Statewide General Election. Poll workers play an essential role in elections and can serve their community. Rather than a single day of service, poll workers are now needed to staff vote centers up to 11 days in the two weeks before Election Day. 

To be a poll worker, you must apply online. For more information, email


Community Events & Programs

Bulky-Item Cleanup Day!

This year’s Bulky-Item Cleanup Day will be on Saturday, October 1st from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM in the La Colonia Community Center parking lot at 715 Valley Avenue. The Bulky-Item Cleanup event will have garden mulch available for self-load/self-haul, certified shredding trucks that will shred all items on site, and will also be collecting unwanted electronic and universal waste, which includes batteries, fluorescent lamps, mercury thermometers, and other mercury containing equipment, and non-empty aerosol cans. 

In addition, residents can schedule a curbside cleanup which allows residents to place trash, green waste and up to four bulky items at the curb that would be too large or too heavy to put inside collection carts. Registration for the curbside cleanup begins next week, the week of September 19th by calling (858) 350-8544. 

Bulky-Item Cleanup Day is a free event and is open to Solana Beach residents only. 


Virtual City Cycling Classes

Get ready to ride safely in the city! This free interactive virtual City Cycling Class, hosted by the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition, covers essential skills and rules of the road for bike/e-bike riders. In this 1-hour class we'll discuss where to ride, legal rights and responsibilities, emergency maneuvers, route planning strategies, basic bike maintenance and more valuable tips to make bike riding more comfortable and fun! Please register to join us on Tuesday, September 20th from 6:00 to 7:00 PM.

These classes are perfect for beginners and equally valuable for experienced cyclists who want to familiarize themselves with the “rules of the road". Parents and caregivers of kids or teenagers with bikes or e-bikes are encouraged to attend this virtual meeting to learn about important safety rules and guidelines to reinforce with their young riders to help them ride safely.


Annual Coastal Cleanup Day

Volunteer for the largest single-day environmental cleanup in San Diego County! The 38th Annual Coastal Cleanup Day encourages you to protect your happy place as part of a global environmental effort! Join I Love A Clean San Diego on Saturday, September 17th from 9 AM – 12 PM, and help us protect our oceans from litter and debris! This year, volunteers can choose their own cleanup location – whether that’s close to home, at your favorite spot in San Diego County, or help at a litter hot spot found on their online map. Volunteers of all ages can grab cleanup supplies - buckets, grabbers, and gloves to join in!

Registration is now open at Registered volunteers will receive important safety information, event resources and details on how to report total amount of trash collected back to the organizers. Let’s make sure we have a successful Solana Beach cleanup! 


Call for Artists: Temporary Public Arts Program

The City and its Public Arts Commission are accepting applications for the City's ongoing Temporary Public Arts Program. The Temporary Public Arts Program is a unique opportunity for artists to showcase their works of art in a high-traffic urban and ocean-view environment attracting Solana Beach residents as well as tourists from around the world.

Artists are invited to submit sculptures of various sizes for consideration for a one-year exhibition. The program aims to select five (5) pieces to be displayed at highly visible, designated temporary public art sites throughout our beautiful coastal community. If selected, the artist will receive a $1,500 stipend for each sculpture. Submission deadline is Wednesday, October 19th, at 5:30 PM. 


Public Meetings

Be advised that, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the spread of the Omicron BA.5 variant, all public meetings, including City Council and City Commissions, are still being held virtually through mid-September with no in-person attendance. All meetings are also subject to cancellation. Please refer to the City’s website for updates on whether meetings will be held virtually or in person.

City Council

Upcoming City Council Meeting

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Next Scheduled City Council Meeting

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

View Agendas

For meeting zoom link, directions on submitting public comment, or more detail please view the meeting's posted agenda on the Public Meetings webpage.

Current Employment Opportunities

Come join the City of Solana Beach Team and discover how you can make a difference. The City is currently recruiting for the following positions:

Part-Time Facilities Attendant
Senior/Associate Civil Engineer

Visit the City’s Career Page to learn more and to submit your online application!

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