Happy Earth Month!
Parks are amazing, wonderous and essential places for recreation, community, respite, learning and exploration. They provide immeasurable benefits to our health, our region and our planet. The Allegheny County Parks Foundation celebrates our planet every day by working to preserve your parks. Join us in support of Earth Month as we come together and celebrate what matters most - our parks and our planet.
Help us reach our goal of raising $30,000 by Earth Day on April 22! We are grateful that Parks Foundation supporters and North Park users, Karen and Shawn Hanlon, have provided a matching fund to match all Earth Day donations in hopes of inspiring you to support the Parks Foundation. All funds will go directly to supporting your county parks.
We Celebrated
Ruth Patrick in March for Women's History Month
Stream Study Results Available for Deer Lakes, Round Hill and Settlers Cabin Parks
The Parks Foundation is working with the Penn State Extension Master Watershed Steward Program of Allegheny County to complete ecological stream assessments in all 9 County Parks over a three-year period. From 2022-2023 the streams in Deer Lakes, Round Hill and Settlers Cabin Parks were analyzed and the results are now available on our website!
Round Hill Allée Restoration
The iconic allée (a French word for a straight path lined with trees or shrubs) of maple trees by the Visitors Center in Round Hill Park has contracted a deadly disease from a fungus living in the soil. Known as verticillium wilt, this disease can infect woody plants, like the maple trees. Unfortunately, there is no cure, and if left alone these trees will deteriorate and fall.
If you would like to provide additional support for this important project, please consider a donation to our Tree Fund.
Park 'til Dark & Pour at the Park | South Park
Saturday, May 18, 2024 | 7:30am - 8:30pm
Once again this year, we have FREE and fun activities planned for you to enjoy throughout South Park! You can rise early for morning yoga, participate in a tree planting, experience a forest bathing meditation, take your children to a dek hockey clinic, learn to mountain bike and more! Check out the full day's activity list and register now.
The day is capped by our 8th annual Pour at the Park event from 5:30-8:30 at the Museum Building. This year's event will feature live music by the Bindley Hardware Company, sponsored by the Friends of South Park. This year we will welcome back Coach Dave for children's activities during the tasting. Check out all our great vendors and buy your ticket!
Park 'til Dark & Pour at the Park South Park are presented by:
Park 'til Dark and Pour at the Park Sponsors Needed
We are looking for sponsorships for our upcoming Park 'til Dark and Pour at the Park events. In addition to some of the great sponsorship levels that we have always had, we are proud to announce the addition of a Community Champion level this year. Businesses, organizations and individuals are encouraged to sponsor with us. Please let us know if you have a perk in mind that is not listed; we are always happy to build the perfect sponsorship for you and your needs.
Earth Day Event
Join the Township of Pine at their Earth Day event on Saturday, April 27 at the Pine Community Center. This is a free, family-friendly event for all ages and features a local vendor market, environmental workshops and activities, recycling, food trucks and more! Be sure and stop by the Parks Foundation table to say hi!
GCXC has graciously chosen the Allegheny County Parks Foundation to be the beneficiary of two of their races this summer. Learn more about the races and start training today!
On Sunday, June 2, the South Ridge Trail Challenge will take place in North Park. The trail challenge offers an array of trails for runners and hikers of all abilities.
This year's Two Face 10K will take place on Saturday, August 3, in North Park. The event is a dual race combining a 10K road race and a 10K trail race.
Friends of South Park Plant Sale
In need of plants for the Spring? Order from the Friends of South Park Plant Sale by April 19 for pick up on May 4! All plants are supplied by Gumpto's Greenhouse. Proceeds will go directly to supporting projects in South Park. Learn more or place your order HERE!
April Park Ranger
Featured Event
Learn more and register for all Allegheny County events HERE!
Celebrate Earth Day with a Donation to the Parks Foundation
Join us in support of Earth Day as we come together and celebrate what matters most - our planet! Help us reach our goal of raising $30,000 by Earth Day on April 22! We are grateful that Parks Foundation supporters and local North Park users, Karen and Shawn Hanlon, have provided a matching fund to match all Earth Day donations in hopes of inspiring you to support the Allegheny County Parks Foundation. All funds will go directly to projects such as:
- Conducting an ecological assessment of Deer Lakes Park and implementing critical projects from the Harrison Hills Park ecological assessment and action plan
- Installing a rain garden at the Round Hill Park Visitors Center to manage stormwater runoff by capturing and treating rainwater from the building’s roof
- Studying the conditions of our streams in Boyce, North and South Parks (the last three parks to be studied) to help guide decisions in land use, land management and restoration activities
- Restoring the riparian buffer of the North Fork of Pine Creek in North Park, which will increase the longevity of the lake by reducing sediment and mitigate flooding of downstream communities
- Planting a 3.5-acre wildflower meadow in Deer Lakes Park to reduce stormwater runoff, provide critical pollinator habitat, and reduce the need to mow
Your Allegheny County Parks make up a treasured part of our planet. We hope that you will join us in supporting your parts by donating to us this Earth Day. Donate now!
Boyce Park | Deer Lakes Park | Harrison Hills Park | Hartwood Acres Park
North Park | Round Hill Park | Settlers Cabin Park | South Park | White Oak Park
Allegheny County Parks Foundation | 675 Old Frankstown Road | Pittsburgh, PA 15239