
Research News & Funding Opportunities for Tulane Cancer Researchers - April 9, 2024

Time-Sensitive Announcements


 Wednesday, April 17, 3 - 6 PM 

Diboll Gallery, 1st Floor Tidewater Building, 1440 Canal St. 

Join researchers of Tulane Cancer Center and Tulane University School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine for collaboration-driving conversations. Connect with your research colleagues around the following themes: Health Disparities, Environmental Exposure, Lifestyle and Health Policy & Management. Light food and beverages will be served.


Plan for Success:

June R01 Deadlines

8 Weeks Away!

The next round of new R01 applications aiming to hit the June 5, 2024, deadline need to have "everything but the science" finalized and submitted to SPA by Wednesday, May 29. 

The finalized proposal, including the science, ready for submission, must be received by SPA no later than June 3, 2024, for it to be submitted through the NIH portal.

If you miss the Wednesday, May 29, deadline and the June round of submissions, your next chance to submit a new R01 to NIH isn't until October (with all but the science due to SPA 9/26/24).


School of Medicine Picture Day

Friday, April 12, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Hutchinson, Room 1551

Free to all Tulane School of Medicine faculty, staff, residents, fellows and students.

Sign up for a time here and bring your white coat if you have one.

Tulane Survey Request: 

Research Interests & Potential Funding Sources


The Office of Research, in partnership with the Tulane IT Department, is requesting your assistance to complete a survey regarding your current and potential future research activities. They are seeking information about the area(s) of research on which you currently focus, areas you may have interest in focusing, and current and potential research funding sources. This survey is also seeking to assess current and future potential for multi-disciplinary collaboration and synergies.

Click here to take the survey.


Tulane Research, Scholarship and Artistic Achievement Awards




The Research, Scholarship and Artistic Achievement Awards honor outstanding scholars and recognize exceptional research achievement and impact on advancing knowledge, innovation, or creativity in science, engineering, health, arts, humanities, education and other academic fields of study. Click here for award criteria. Click here for the nomination form. 

Educational Research Day

Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 1 - 4 PM

Murphy Building, 131 S. Robertson

5th Floor, Leone Learning Center


The Office of Medical Education encourages all School of Medicine faculty, staff, residents, and students to participate in Educational Research Day by presenting their medical education research, in poster format and/or attending the event to learn about the work of others in the New Orleans Health Sciences community. Three finalists will be asked to present their research in a 12-minute oral presentation. 


Posters will highlight Medical Education research in areas such as:

  • Active or Team-Based Learning
  • Faculty Development
  • Curriculum Design & Assessment
  • Simulation
  • Technology Enhanced Learning


Seminars, Webinars & Workshops

Family Medicine in Humanitarian Action: The Work of Doctors Without Borders in Areas of Conflict - Dr. Marc Levin

Tuesday, April 9, 6:30 - 9:00 PM

Hutchinson - Room 7062

Marc Levin, MD, is an Owl Club award-winning Family Medicine preceptor and outstanding, full-spectrum/full-scope physician who teaches at Mount Sinai in New York City; in Nome, Alaska, and some of the surrounding villages -- where he directs the student and resident rotations through Norton Sound Health Corporation, a tribally owned non-profit entity which has hosted many Tulane students for their 3rd-year family medicine clerkship and 4th-year electives and acting internships; and since 2007, with Doctors Without Borders, most recently having traveled to Malawi as part of his work.

Tulane Innovation Institute presents Copyright Unveiled - A Free Webinar with Chuck Valauskas

Wednesday, April 10

11 AM - Noon

Learn about the nuances of copyright law and discover essential principles for protecting original works, understanding fair use, and navigating copyright infringement issues. Whether you're an artist, content creator, or legal professional, this session offers invaluable insights into preserving and managing intellectual property rights. Click here to register for the event.  

Tulane University Brain Institute Seminar Series

Neuroimaging in Freely Moving Animals & Other Adventures

Arvind P. Pathak, PhD

Professor, Department of Radiology, Biomedical and Electrical Engineering

The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, the Institute for NanoBio Technology, and the Institute for Computational Medicine

The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Wednesday, April 10 - 4:00 PM

Jones 102, Uptown Campus

Howard-Tilton Memorial Library Workshops

Zine Your Thesis

Thursday, April 11, 11 AM

Room 602, Howard-Tilton Memorial Library

Zines can be a radical and community-minded way to circumvent the often siloed and opaque world of academic publishing. In this workshop, learn about the benefits of creating an easy-to-read zine version of your thesis. Afterwards, take some time to craft using provided materials, or bring your laptop to make a digital zine.



The Politics of Citation

Thursday, April 11, Noon


Citation, in all its dimensions—who we cite, what we cite, how we cite, and how we assign citation “impact”—is not neutral. There are politics and ideologies baked into academia’s citational ecosystem. This workshop, offered as part of the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion's EDI and Research Series, will consist of two parts:

  • A presentation providing an overview of the concept of citational politics and its evolution, as well as existing tools and resources to address citation inequities.

  • A discussion, brainstorming, and resource-sharing conversation among participants about the impact citation politics has on our work and the changes we can make to address citational inequities and problems in our research and teaching.


Program in Medical Ethics and Human Values presents the

J. Richard Williams, Sr., MD, 1931 Lecture:

Moral Distress in Clinical Practice

Denise Dudzinski, PhD

University of Washington School of Medicine

Friday, April 12, Noon

via Zoom

Register here.

Tulane Career Development Club presents

Finding Your Funding:

Where to Find the Right Grant Funding Source for Your Project

Kathleen Kozar

Director, Sponsored Projects Administration

Monday, April 15

Noon - 1 PM

via Zoom

Register here.

Office of Graduate Medical Education School-Wide Grand Rounds

Gen Z in Medical Education: How Generational Reference Points Have Shaped Expectations for Professionalism, Teaching, Training & Learning

Tuesday, April 16, Noon

Hutchinson Auditorium

Boomers. Gen X. Millennials. Gen Z. Who are they? How are current Gen Z learners experiencing our medical education paradigms? And what strategies can we utilize to engage, teach, train and learn alongside them? Light refreshments provided.

Tulane Institute for Physician Scientists (TIPS) Seminar

Meds Don't Work in Patients Who Don't Take Them: Insights to Optimize Adherence in Practice?

M.A. "Tonette" Krousel-Wood, MD, MSPH Professor of Medicine & Epidemiology

Jack Aron Chair in Primary Care Medicine

Tuesday, April 16, Noon

Tidewater Building, Room 1208

1440 Canal St., New Orleans

Attendance also available via zoom:

Light refreshments will be served.

Louisiana Healthy Communities Coalition 2024 Annual Summit -

Community Unmute: Finding Your Voice

Thursday, April 18, 1:00 - 4:00 PM

Register and Participate by ZOOM Here

Louisiana Cancer Research Center's community partner Louisiana Healthy Communities Coalition (LHCC) is holding its Annual Summit. This year's theme is "Community Unmute: Finding Your Voice!" Hear from experts in the field of public health, community development, advocacy, entrepreneurship, local governments and more. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with fellow participants, make connections, and form new collaborations.

Tulane Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations Hosts

Russell Sage Foundation Program Officer Stephen Glauser

Thursday, April 18, 1:00 - 4:00 PM

Albert & Tina Small Center for Collaborative Design

1725 Baronne St., New Orleans

There are two sessions available for faculty participation:


1:00 PM          General Information Q&A – Open to all faculty

This is a rare opportunity to have a face-to-face Q&A with a program officer. Review the RSF grant programs in advance of the meeting and prepare questions to promote a candid discussion. We encourage you to submit questions in advance of the meeting to offer the program officer the opportunity to prepare. 

2:00-4:00 PM          Project Pitch Session – Advance registration is required

An opportunity for a brief (10-min) review and discussion of proposals under development. Please email an executive summary about the project to your CFR school representative (listed below) no later than April 12.

Convenient free parking is available at adjacent lot, as well as non-metered street parking.

To register for the visit, please complete the online form. We request that you do not contact the program officer independently. If you have additional questions, please contact your school/unit CFR representative:

Chritina Carr: SLA/Cowen Institute/Law –

Howard Davis: SPHTM/SSE/Law/Bywater–

Laura Decuir: SSW –

Anthony Enterante: SoM -

Tulane Center for Public Service Symposium: Community Power Building and Social Justice in the Gulf South

Friday, April 19, 9 AM - 4 PM

Tulane Uptown Campus

A.B. Freeman School of Business

Goldring/Woldenberg Business Complex

Room 170, 7 McAlister Drive

New Orleans, LA

The focus of the event is on community organizing and empowerment through learning, tool sharing, skill building, and networking. Sessions will be geared towards community members and organizations, as well as faculty, staff, and students who are interested in learning more about how to get involved. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on activities.


Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology's

22nd Annual George Adrouny Memorial Lecture  

Synthetic Molecular Evolution of Peptide Antibiotics

William C. Wimley, PhD

George A. Adrouny, PhD Professorship in Biochemistry

Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Tulane University School of Medicine

Tuesday, April 23 - 10:00 AM - Noon

Hutchinson Memorial Building Gallery & Auditorium

Tulane Innovation Institute Faculty Innovation Research Mixer

Tuesday, April 23, 5:00 - 7:30 PM

Qatar Ballroom, Room 212, Lavin-Bernick Center, Uptown

Attendees will enjoy a lively cross-learning opportunity to hear about the innovative research and initiatives Tulane faculty peers are leading in their respective fields and identify connections for potential partnership. All schools and disciplines welcome! Refreshments will be provided. If you would like to sign up to present, please contact Jillian Delos Reyes at For more information and to RSVP, click here.

Tulane Research, Innovation & Creativity Summit (TRICS)

Wednesday, April 24 &

Thursday, April 25

Lavin-Bernick Center for

University Life - Uptown

This event will showcase the breadth and depth of research, innovation and creativity from disciplines, departments, units and schools across Tulane University. Graduate students, undergraduate students, trainees (postdocs, residents and fellows), faculty, and research staff will present their research, scholarship and achievements. The event will also include distinguished lectures and affiliated workshops.

More Information

Open MIC Night Sponsored by the Tulane Innovation Institute

Wednesday, April 24, 5:30 - 8:00 PM

Qatar Ballroom, Room 212, Lavin-Bernick Center, Uptown

Do you have an idea for solving a medical or wellness problem? Participate in Open MIC (Medical Innovation Challenge) Night. This event encourages participants to innovate and think of creative solutions to complex problems. Click here to learn more about pitching or attending as a spectator.

Save the Date:

Louisiana Cancer Research Center Scientific Retreat

Friday, May 17, 2024

Xavier University of Louisiana

Additional details and registration information coming soon!

Funding Opportunities

CDMRP / FY24 Breast Cancer Research Program


CDMRP / FY24 Lung Cancer Research Program


CDMRP / FY24 Ovarian Cancer Research Program


CDMRP / FY24 Peer-Reviewed Medical Research Program


Tulane COBRE in Sex-Based Precision Medicine (SPM)

Pilot Project Program

Now Accepting Letters of Intent - Due by 5:00 PM on April 30

Email to Dr. Weiwei Xu (

The COBRE-SPM anticipates awarding three pilot projects for the 2024-2025 funding period. The purpose of the award is to provide critical start-up funds to catalyze innovative, groundbreaking research that leads to the submission of successful NIH R01 or equivalent grant applications in the SPM area. The COBRE-SPM will solicit one basic sciences pilot project (total budget $50,000 direct costs), one clinical pilot project (total budget $75,000 direct costs), and one transdisciplinary project of convergence research from a transdisciplinary research team involving several schools/universities (total budget $75,000 direct costs). There are no indirect costs associated with this award.

For more information on eligibility, the application process and timelines, please contact the Pilot Project Program Director, Dr. Vivian Fonseca -

Request for Solutions: ARPA-H Sprint for Women’s Health

Solicitation # ARPA-H-ICHUB-24-101

Solution Summary (3-Page Template Form)

Deadline: April 15, 12:00 p.m. ET.

Instructions for the BID submission platform

The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) launched the Sprint for Women’s Health on February 21, 2024, which commits $100 million towards transformative research and development in women’s health. The Sprint for Women’s Health’s new request for solutions (RFS) funding opportunity seeks unconventional approaches and innovative new avenues to push high-impact biomedical research forward to improve women’s health outcomes.

ARPA-H is seeking proposals across six women’s health topic areas, including:

Women’s Health at Home

• Preserving Ovarian Health Through Mid-Life to Prevent Disease

• ARTEMIS – Advancing Research Through Enhanced Models for Investigating the Influence of Sex Differences on Health Outcomes

• Modulating Women’s Brain Health Via Lymphatic Targeting

• Objective and Quantitative Measurement of Chronic Pain in Women

• Wild Card: Revolutionary Breakthroughs in Women’s Health

For more information about ARPA-H see

NCI Cancer Control and Population Sciences

New Notices of Special Interest

The Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program in NCI's Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences is sharing information about new Notices of Special Interest, listed below. The NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts notices provide more details and contact information for inquiries.

NOT-CA-24-030: Administrative Supplements for Contemporary Modifiable Exposures and Cancer Across the Life Course and Cancer Control Continuum


NOT-CA-24-032: Administrative Supplements to Understand Effects of Within-group Heterogeneity on Cancer Control Outcomes in Underrepresented Populations EXPIRATION DATE: APRIL 30

NOT-CA-24-031: Validation of Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Tools for Improved Assessment in Biomedical and Behavioral Research EXPIRATION DATE: JULY 6, 2025

2024 Hevolution Foundation Geroscience Research Opportunities (HF-GRO)


The Hevolution Foundation Geroscience Research Opportunities (HF-GRO) will provide up to $25 million USD in 2024 (the total budget planned over 5 years is $115M USD) to fund projects in Aging Biology or Geroscience (no clinical trials). Hevolution envisions funding approximately 40-60 projects in Aging Biology or Geroscience in 2024. Projects are 4 to 5 years in length, and with a budget range of $300-500k USD direct costs/year. Funding will be made available to independent investigators with labs in the USA, Canada, Europe and the UK. Applications for HF-GRO will be submitted to Hevolution Foundation as described in the Grant Guidelines. Questions about HF-GRO may be directed to

NIAID Notice of Special Interest: Inborn Errors of Immunity / Primary Immunodeficiencies (R03, R21, R01 mechanisms)


This notice applies to due dates on or after June 5, 2024, and subsequent receipt dates through March 16, 2027.

The purpose of this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) is to support research on the discovery and characterization of Inborn Errors of Immunity (IEIs), also referred to as Primary Immunodeficiencies, to understand the causes and mechanisms of disease, enable early detection and molecular diagnosis, and support the development of strategies to treat and eventually cure these disorders.

More Information

NIH: New Approaches for Measuring Brain Changes Across Longer Timespans (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)


STANDARD DUE DATES: 6/5, 10/5, 2/5

Funds Available and Anticipated Number of Awards: The number of awards is contingent upon NIH appropriations and the submission of a sufficient number of meritorious applications.

Award Budget:  Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.

The brain is a highly dynamic and consequential organ that undergoes dramatic shifts in cellular composition, connectivity, and activity patterns across the lifespan. A key factor limiting our understanding of these changes, particularly over longer time periods, is the paucity of methods to study longer-term trajectories. Better approaches are needed to link nervous system structure and function, as well as genetic and environmental influences, across time periods and levels of temporal and spatial resolution. This notice of funding opportunity encourages multidisciplinary collaborations to develop novel approaches or improve existing ones for longitudinal or cross-sectional brain measures across the lifespan. The ultimate goal of this funding opportunity is to improve our understanding of how each stage in brain development, starting from prenatal origins, leads to the next one, and how the parameters that are set at each stage predict later brain health or disease.  

More Information

Center of Excellence for Systems Modeling of Infection and Immunity Across Biological Scales (U54 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)


Deadline:  July 30, 2024


Funds Available and Anticipated Number of Awards: NIAID intends to commit $3.125 M in FY 2025 to fund 1 award and includes total cost of $0.3M to support an Infrastructure and Opportunities fund.

Award Budget: Application budgets are not expected to exceed $3.125 million in direct costs per year, which includes an expectation that the budget for the Opportunity Fund will not exceed $0.3 million in direct costs per year. Application budgets need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.


Applicant organizations may submit more than one application, provided that each application is scientifically distinct.

This initiative will support the establishment of one Center of Excellence (CoE) for Systems Modeling of Infection and Immunity across Biological Scales to coordinate the community of IID modelers and advance and integrate models across scales for infectious diseases. The CoE must include at least two (2) and no more than three (3) Research Projects. The Research Projects must model at least one pathogen, HIV and/or AIDS (HIV/AIDS), the immune response to infection, and/or allergic or immune-mediated diseases. The CoE will perform activities to coordinate the modeling community through Coordinating Cores and conduct Research Projects to advance modeling across and between scales of IID. The CoE should be prepared to rapidly pivot research and coordinating activities to respond to community needs during infectious disease outbreaks, epidemics, or pandemics.

More Information

Recent Member Publications

Assessing Adequacy: A Meta-Analysis of Rapid Onsite Evaluation of Thyroid Nodules. Issa PP, McCarthy C, Hussein M, Albuck AL, Emad E, Shama MMoroz K, Toraih E, Kandil E. J Surg Res. 2024 Apr;296:523-531. doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2024.01.018. Epub 2024 Feb 7. PMID: 38330678

Alterations in gene expression and microbiome composition upon calcium-sensing receptor deletion in the mouse esophagus. Abdulnour-Nakhoul SM, Kolls JKFlemington EKUngerleider NA, Nakhoul HN, Song K, Nakhoul NL.

Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2024 Apr 1;326(4):G438-G459. doi: 10.1152/ajpgi.00066.2023. Epub 2024 Jan 9. PMID: 38193195

Microvascular surgery using surgical loupes versus operating microscope-A single head and neck reconstructive surgeon's experience. Grewal JS, Williams AM, Alamoudi U, Shama M, Ghanem TA. Head Neck. 2024 Apr;46(4):884-888. doi: 10.1002/hed.27641. Epub 2024 Jan 11. PMID: 38205684 

Survival Outcomes of Medullary Thyroid Cancer With and Without Amyloid Deposition. Toraih E, Hussein M, Anker A, Baah S, Pinion D, Jishu J, Sadakkadulla S, Case M, LaForteza A, Moroz KKandil E. Endocr Pract. 2024 Apr;30(4):311-318. doi: 10.1016/j.eprac.2024.01.001. Epub 2024 Jan 5. PMID: 38184237

Preclinical Targeting of the PGRMC1-CK2 Axis with Silmitasertib: A Potential Strategy for Lung Adenocarcinoma Therapy. Solaipriya S, Anbalagan M, Sivaramakrishnan V.

Drug Res (Stuttg). 2024 Mar 20. doi: 10.1055/a-2273-2389. Online ahead of print.

PMID: 38508228

Human endogenous retrovirus type K encoded Np9 oncoprotein induces DNA damage response. Chen J, Fan J, Lin Z, Dai L, Qin Z. J Med Virol. 2024 Mar;96(3):e29534. doi: 10.1002/jmv.29534. PMID: 38501356

Initiating Immunotherapy in the Treatment of Stage IV Cancers in the Month Before Death-A Health Care Disparities Lens. Hoerger M, Nair N, Malhotra S.

JAMA Oncol. 2024 Mar 1;10(3):297-299. doi: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2023.5932.

PMID: 38175660

In the News

Tulane Cancer Center eNewsletter - Inroads

Tulane Cancer Center Faculty In The News

Upcoming Events

Krewe de Pink's Pink Bra 5K Walk / Run & 8-Mile Bike Ride  

Saturday, April 20

Mississippi River Levee in Old Gretna near Rivershack, 714 1st St., Gretna

Krewe de Pink's Annual Pink Bra 5K Walk/Run & 8-Mile Bike Ride benefits Tulane Cancer Center's Breast Cancer Research Fund. The event takes place atop the Mississippi River levee in Old Gretna and offers participants some of the most picturesque views of the New Orleans skyline in the area. Show up in running gear or show up in costume! Remember, this is a PINK BRA Walk/Run/Ride….so go ahead and bedazzle that bra and come out and enjoy. Even the dogs wear bras!  

More Information

Support & Resources

Next Generation Sequence Analysis Core

The Tulane Cancer Center NGS Analysis Core team assists investigators with furthering their research through comprehensive processing and analysis of data obtained from widely used high-throughput sequencing applications.

More Information 

Cell Analysis Core

The Cell Analysis Core Facility is designed to collaborate with investigators and contribute to all aspects of the research process, including consultation in experimental design, data analysis and storage, troubleshooting, interpretation of results, and the preparation and production of presentation graphics.

More Information

Tulane Cancer Center's Website & Facebook Page

Subscribe to Nexus

If you know someone who is interested in subsribing to Nexus, a weekly round-up of news and information for Tulane cancer researchers, please have them contact Melanie Cross at

Send Us Your News / Share Your Feedback

Please share your feedback. Is this newsletter helpful? What other information should we include? And send us your news and announcements regarding seminars, workshops, funding opportunities, new grants, recent publications or events by emailing Melanie Cross at