Attendance Awareness Campaign Update
A project led by Attendance Works
August 3, 2021
Welcome Families Back to School!

As we all shift from summer to the start of school, finding ways to welcome and support families is more essential than ever, even with the continued uncertainties created by Covid-19.

Organize community-building activities to help foster connections between students, families and staff and to celebrate the first day of school. Use home visits, online meetings and phone calls to strengthen positive relationships with students and families who struggled with absences in the prior school year, and ensure they have the supports they need to participate in learning. Help families understand how the school community can work together to keep everyone healthy and safe!

Help keep Attendance Works resources free for everyone. We rely on contributors like you to help us share strategies that improve student attendance and achievement. Donate today!
We are finalizing new materials for our Pathways to Engagement: A Toolkit for Covid-19 Recovery Through Attendance. Download our just released Create Community at School multi-tiered sample handout for ideas and actions that your school or district can take to create community at school.

The American Academy of Pediatrics updated its Covid-19 interim Guidance for Safe Schools recommending that schools create plans for outreach to families whose students do not return for various reasons. The guidance supports daily monitoring of attendance of all students for in-person and virtual settings, and suggests schools use multi-tiered strategies to proactively support attendance for all students and to identify and support those at higher risk for absenteeism. Read AAP’s guidance.
Use our 2021 promotional materials for your campaign. Find posters, coloring sheets, images, Facebook covers, and sample newsletter messages and tweets on the AAC website.
Attendance Tools
Parent Teacher Home Visits has created resources to support effective, authentic home-school partnerships, as part of a new Back to School Campaign. Resources include a toolkit, webinar and blog posts. Find them on the PTHVP website.

Everyone can use the AAC Key Messages to rally their school communities to engage and support students and families in order to improve attendance and achievement. The Key Messages for 2021 support this year’s theme, Rebound with Attendance! Email them to your families and community partners. View and download a copy.

Did you know that Attendance Works offers personalized, high-quality technical assistance to states, districts, schools and communities? We can help you to unpack the causes of chronic absence and create solutions. Learn more.

School and district teams! Register for the Attendance Works Professional E-Learning series and learn evidence-based interventions.

Community schools can address barriers to learning, teaching and promoting well-being. A new report from the Center for Mental Health in Schools & Student/Learning Supports at UCLA examines the challenges many of these schools face and offers recommendations for those committed to developing comprehensive and equitable community schools. Read Evolving Community Schools and Transforming Student/Learning Supports.
Policy Tools
New America and EducationCounsel have a new toolkit for state and local officials focused on children’s transition to school. The toolkit examines student transitions from a home or community-based early childhood setting to pre-K, kindergarten, or early elementary grades, and their transition into the post-Covid learning environment this fall and beyond. Find the toolkit.

One day until AAC webinar #3! Join us tomorrow for Welcomed: Embracing Students, Families and Educators in the New School Year. Speakers will share essential strategies designed to forge relationships as well as rebuild routines and rituals that create community at school. Everyone who registers will receive a link to the webinar recording, presentation slides and discussion guide. Register here!

On Thursday, August 5, join Remind and Attendance Works for a webinar about using effective communications that promote engagement and attendance for the 2021 school year, including simple two-way texting strategies you can implement as your community returns to school. Register here.

On Wednesday August 11, join us and the Marysville School District for a webinar sponsored by the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). We’ll discuss key schoolwide practices, including attendance teams and the messages and mindsets that make a difference. Register!
Partner Spotlight
The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading (CGLR) is a collaborative effort by foundations, nonprofit partners, states and communities across the nation to ensure that more children in low-income families succeed in school and graduate prepared for college, a career, and active citizenship. CGLR’s Grade-Level Reading Week 2021 (July 26-30) opened with a Virtual Gratitude Reception celebrating the many ways its partners, and United Ways in particular, have advanced the issue of early school success. Click on the reception and scroll to minute 54 to hear about chronic absence.
Corporate Sponsors

A big thank you to this year's Attendance Awareness Corporate Sponsors: French Toast and Kaiser Permanente.
Spread the Word!

Sample Tweets

There is still time to register! Join @attendanceworks, @AmericasPromise @UnitedWay @readingby3rd@JHU_EGC @FutureEdGU @healthyschools @IELconnects @MENTORnational on 8/4 for AAC Webinar #3! Learn more & sign up: #SchoolEveryDay

Taking steps that help ensure students, families & school staff are physically & emotionally healthy supports strong attendance! #SchoolEveryDay
Campaign Convening Partners
See the full list of Attendance Awareness Partners here.
Attendance Works is a non-profit, national and state initiative. Our mission is to advance student success and reduce equity gaps by addressing chronic absence. Find free downloadable resources, research, consulting services and more on our website:

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