Happy Thursday Church!
I hope your week is treating you well. Things have been a bit slow around the church so far this week … of course, now that I confessed that, we will probably start getting loaded. What a great feeling, knowing that our staff here is ready for action when action is called for. I want to especially lift up jazzmine farol (yes, she likes it spelled without capital letters). The music during our communion service was so moving. Indeed, “Lead Me to the Cross,” is a somewhat haunting tune with powerful lyrics. I look forward to us singing this song together soon. Thank you, jazzy for introducing it to us.
We have a special treat coming up Sunday morning. Our guest preacher will be, Kendra Kertson, Brandon’s spouse. Kendra is a gifted speaker and leader. She, along with Brandon, began a student ministry at SDSU. I encourage you, if you have Jr. High or High school family or friends, I know that Kendra’s words will ring true for them. She will be talking about the importance of deep listening and what deep listening can achieve. I am excited to sit and take in her words. It is time for us to hear from a female. I hope you will make plans to be here to support her and to hear a new word from a new voice.
Several of you approached me on Sunday for the lyrics to the chorus we sang at the end of the message, “Finding Leads to Losing,” by Ken Medema. I hope you take a chance and look Ken up on YouTube. His music is amazing and his lyrics are on point. I know you will be blessed by his praise and worship.
“Finding Leads to Losing”
By Ken Medema
Finding leads to losing,
Losing lets you find.
Living leads to dying
Life leads death behind.
Finding leads to losing,
That’s all that I can say.
No one will find life, another way.
The message still rings true, doesn’t it? These words seem to support the idea that has been marinating in my heart lately … The idea that Lent provides us with a season of binary choices. Jesus, as he was tempted in the wilderness after his baptism, was aware of where he stood on so many things. When offered food, fame, fortune, and land from the “evil one,” he immediately, without hesitation replies of course with scripture; scripture that presented the “other side of the coin” Oh that we could be that prepared for our everyday life.
Until Sunday, know that we are empowered to make good choices. The best choices in our lives, are the ones that bring us life, so choose wisely. I love being your pastor.
Holding you close and lifting you high!
Pastor Greg