June 15, 2021
On June 14, 2021, an orange postcard was mailed to all Active and Inactive Members via U. S. mail. The postcard contains instructions on how to complete reporting and pay fees for the 2021-2022 fiscal year. The deadline for reporting and paying fees is on or before midnight, September 1, 2021. For more information on how to complete the reporting process go to and click on the Membership Reporting and fees 2021-2022 tab. NOTE: If you have not received the postcard by June 21, 2021, contact the Bar to obtain information on reporting and fees.

The time schedule to follow on Keller issues is available on the State Bar’s website or  Click here for Keller Notice . If any member has questions concerning this matter, please contact Anita Casey at The West Virginia State Bar at 304-553-7228 or by email at  
Challenges should be directed to Executive Director Anita Casey and may be submitted by mail: 2000 Deitrick Blvd., Charleston, WV 25311 or email:
Request for Public Comment on Proposed Amendments to 
Rule 7.0(c) of the Rules of Admission to the
Practice of Law in West Virginia
By order entered on May 17, 2021, the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia approved a 30-day period of public comment on amendments to Rule 7.0(c) of the Rules of Admission to the Practice of Law in West Virginia. The attorney oath is being amended to included a civility pledge. The Court provisionally approved the amendment to Rule 7.0 of the Rules for Admission to the Practice of Law in West Virginia and is publishing the amendment for comment.  All comments must be filed in writing with the Clerk of the Court on or before June 16, 2021.
On July 19, 2021, the United States District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia is scheduled to “go live” with the Next Generation of CM/ ECF (“NextGen”), the latest iteration of the national case management and electronic case filing system. All CM/ECF filing attorneys must take steps to continue to file electronically in the United States District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia on or after July 19, 2021Filers will use one singular username/password (aka Central Sign-On) to access PACER to electronically file documents in our CM/ECF system. Attorneys are encouraged to visit the Court’s website at to determine whether they are prepared for NextGen.

22nd Bar Foundation Fellows Dinner
2020 Fellows Class and 2021 Fellows Class
June 24, 2021 beginning at 6:00 p.m.
Host:   WV Bar Foundation
Location: 4 Points Sheraton Hotel, Charleston
Cost: $150 per person or $2,000 reserved table for ten.
Please contact Tom Tinder to make your reservations - 304-343-9823, or WV Bar Foundation, P.O. Box 4845, Charleston, WV 25364.
Hot Topics in Family Law and Evictions
Live and via Video Conference
July 21, 2021
Host:   Legal Outreach Committee of the West Virginia State Bar
Location: West Virginia Bar Conference Center - Charleston, WV and via video conference.
Date and Time: July 21, 2021 - 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Cost: Free
CLE: 3 credits
Speakers/Topics: Family Court Circuit Judges, Patricia A. Keller, 6th Circuit, and Deanna R. Rock, 23rd Circuit will lead a discussion on recent changes in family law and recent case law. Followed by Katheryn E. Marcum and Susana Campos Duarte's presentation on eviction and housing issues.

The Bar Conference Center is open for 35 participants who are fully vaccinated or agree to comply with CDC face mask requirements. All others may participate via the webinar.


Attention: The seminar will be held in the new lower level conference room. If you are unable to use the stairs from the first floor to the lower level, please drive down the driveway on the far side of the Bar Center and enter the building at the bottom of the driveway. There are also handicap accessible restrooms available. If you need other assistance, please contact the State Bar at 304-553-7220 in advance of the meeting so arrangements can be made to accommodate you.  

Bridge the Gap Program
July 23, 2021
Rescheduled from our Spring event
Host: West Virginia State Bar Young Lawyer Section Bridge the Gap Program
About: Each new lawyer admitted to practice after July 1, 2018 through December 31, 2020 will have thirty-six months after their date of admission to complete the program. All new lawyers admitted on or after January 1, 2021 will have twenty-four months after their date of admission to complete the program.
Location: The Summit Bechtel Reserve – Glen Jean, West Virginia
Date and Time: July 23, 2021, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Cost: Free

The Summit Bechtel has rooms available for the night of July 22. The cut-off date for reservations is June 30. Reservations may be made by contacting Curtis George at reference BTG2021 when making your reservation. Room rates are $125 for a king or queen room or $140 for a room with two queen beds and a sofa.  *

Only attorneys admitted after July 1, 2018 OR attorneys admitted prior to July 1, 2018, who have not previously completed the Bridge the Gap requirements, may attend the live course and satisfy the mandatory Bridge the Gap requirements.

View information on the outdoor recreational activities available to those attending the program and their guest by clicking here.

Last day to register for the Bridge the Gap Program is July 14, 2021.

Click here for more information on Bridge the Gap

The West Virginia State Bar
Eliminating Obstacles in Mediation with Effective Communication
July 29, 2021
Location:  Bridgeport Conference Center, Bridgeport, WV
Host: State Bar ADR Committee
Cost: $100.00
A block of rooms has been reserved for the night of July 28 at the Bridgeport Wingate Inn at the discounted rate of $96.00 plus taxes & fees. To receive the discounted rate, call reservations at 304-808-1000, inform the hotel that you are attending the WV State Bar's event, and reference block code 072821WVS when making your reservation.  The cut-off date to reserve a room at the reduced rate is July 15. Rooms will be released and go to full rate after July 15.  
CLE Announcements
Temporary Waiver of Online and In-house
Continuing Legal Education Credit Limit

Due to ongoing concerns associated with the COVID-19 virus, the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia has granted a request from the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Commission for a temporary waiver of current CLE rules and regulations which limit the CLE credits for online and in-house credits to 12 credits, or half of the mandatory continuing legal education requirements FOR THE 2020-2022 reporting period.

Extension of the Bridge the Gap Requirement
Attorneys admitted to the WV State Bar between July 1, 2018 and December 31, 2020 have been granted a one-year extension of time to complete the mandatory Bridge-the-Gap Program.
The extension was based on a determination by the Court that attorneys within that time frame were adversely affected by the cancellation of the Bridge-the-Gap program scheduled in April 2020 due to COVID.