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Earth Day / Sustainability Edition and Play of the Week
From the Council Office of Steve Rao
April 22, 2021
Affordable Care Act Open Enrollment Questions 4 to 7 pm Call 1-888-416-2120
Invitae announces $114 million investment in Morrisville
My Message:
Invitae announces $114 million investment in Morrisville and becomes first tenant in the Stitch. (Old Outlet Mall)
(See Morrisville news section for details on this exciting investment!)
Former Vice President Walter Mondale dies. We honor his service to our nation.
President Hosts Global Climate Summit Today!(See Biden Climate Plan Section)
WCPSS Virtual Academy for 2021-2022
Wake County Schools Approves Virtual Academy for 2021-2022 School Year.
Apr 22 Registration Begins and runs until May 2.
Wake County Schools Plans In Person Graduations for Graduations
(See North Carolina News)
My Message:
Chauvin found guilty on all charges for the death of George Floyd. Biden calls it a huge step forward in the March Towards Justice in America. Chauvin faces up to 40 years in prison for second-degree murder, up to 25 years for third-degree murder and up to 10 years for second-degree manslaughter.
Justice Amy Comey Barrett
Justice Amy Comey Barrett asked to recuse herself from Case involving Donor Privacy
Governor Cooper will ease all Covid 19 Restrictions by June 1, except Mask Mandate
(See News in NC Section)
Governor Cooper Announces Unemployment Help for Furloughed Workers
(See News in NC Section)
Check out Liz Johnson and me on The Policy Vibe Episode 4
Check out my WRAL Op ED on Public Private Municipal Infrastructure Partnerships.
My Position Paper on 0 Slater Road will be on my Council Site by the end of the week.
Hometown Heroes: BAPS Charities and Eastern Carolina Medical Center Hosts Successful Covid-19 Clinic
My Message:
Thanks to BAPC Charities and Eastern Carolina Medical Center for holding a COVID-19 vaccination clinic in Morrisville on Saturday, April 17, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The clinic was held at BAPS Charities, located at 1020 Aviation Pkwy.
During the clinic, 1,170 doses of the were given.
Thanks also to Morrisville Fire Department for being at the event!
“In the Joy of Others Abides our own Joy.” - Pramukh Swami
Walk In Vaccination Clinics at Durham County Apr 22-Apr 23!
Secure a vaccination appointment, please visit
Find a County Vaccination site at:
Wake County Testing Sites:
All North Carolinians over 16 are now eligible for Vaccination as well as all Americans in all 50 states. Pfizer is the only vaccine available for 16 year olds.
47.1% Partially Vaccinated and 35.8% Fully Vaccinated in North Carolina.
George Floyd Policing Act
President Biden calls for the Passing of the George Floyd Policing Act.
(See George Floyd Policing Act Section)
VP Harris pushes Biden Jobs Plan in North Carolina. Visits Greensboro and High Point.
(In Next newsletter, I will highlight NC Projects which could be funded if Infrastructure Bill Passes)
Wake Tech President Scott Ralls
Wake Tech President Scott Ralls addresses US Senate Committee on how community colleges can support workers and employers during and after Pandemic.
Since its inception in 1970, Earth Day continues to grow as a worldwide phenomenon focused on promoting clean living and a healthy, sustainable habitat for people and wildlife alike. Celebrating Earth Day serves as a conscious reminder of how fragile our planet is and how important it is to protect it. If it weren't for Senator Nelson taking a stand in the 1970s, we may be still producing lead guzzling automobiles and expanding industrial production via smog, smoke, and waste.
We celebrate Earth Day to continue promoting environmental awareness and to remind us that we can protect the earth in our everyday lives as well. I wanted to take time in this newsletter to highlight our Sustainability Initiatives for the Town of Morrisville.
President Biden gets Aggressive on Climate Change and Sets Bold Goals at Climate Summit.
My Message:
President Biden has made action on climate change a centerpiece of his presidency. He has also paused new oil and gas drilling on federal lands and proposed a $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan that would remake the U.S. power grid and add 500,000 charging stations for electric vehicles, among other actions intended to sharply cut fossil fuel pollution that contributes to global warming.
President Joe Biden continues his bold leadership on climate change by pledging to cut U.S. greenhouse gas emissions at least in half by 2030 as he convenes a virtual climate summit with 40 world leaders, according to three people with knowledge of the White House plans. The climate summit that Biden is hosting today is among his first international actions since the United States officially returned to the Paris accord.
The 50% target would nearly double the nation’s previous commitment and help the Biden administration prod other countries for ambitious emissions cuts as well. The proposal would require dramatic changes in the power and transportation sectors, including significant increases in renewable energy such as wind and solar power and steep cuts in emissions from fossil fuels such as coal and oil.
The nonbinding but symbolically important pledge is a key element of the two-day summit, which begins Thursday as world leaders gather online to share strategies to combat climate change.
The emissions target has been eagerly awaited by all sides of the climate debate. It will signal how aggressively Biden wants to move on global warming, a divisive and expensive issue that has riled Republicans to complain about job-killing government overreach even as some on the left worry Biden has not gone far enough to address a profound threat to the planet.
Biden has sought to ensure that the 2030 goal, known as a Nationally Determined Contribution, or NDC, is aggressive enough to have a tangible impact on climate change efforts — not only in the U.S. but throughout the world — while also being achievable under a closely divided Congress.
The climate target is a key requirement of the 2015 Paris climate agreement, which Biden rejoined on his first day in office. It’s also an important marker as Biden moves toward his ultimate goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Scientists, environmental groups and even business leaders had called on Biden to set a target that would cut U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50% below 2005 levels by 2030.
Town of Morrisville Sustainability Initiatives
At last Tuesday’s Council Meeting, Kimberly Conley, Sustainability Program Manager for the Town, presented to us on the Town Sustainability Initiatives.
The position was designed to help develop a platform to support sustainable clean energy, environmental stewardship, and community engagement in Morrisville.
Before joining the Town, Kimberly was a clean energy industry project manager for NC State University, working on a myriad of industry and local government projects.
Here are some highlights of our Sustainability efforts:
Morrisville Fire Department No. 1 Solar Panel System
Adding a renewable energy system is one of the best ways to demonstrate the Town’s commitment to sustainability because it directly offsets or replaces electricity generated and provided by our utility, Duke Energy. Solar is a powerful visual for progressive, future-thinking renewable energy technology that offsets Morrisville’s environmental impact. The dashboard monitor for the solar panel array will be another example of transparency and accountability through our Smart Cities initiative. The dashboard provides a way to engage with our residents and demonstrate, in real-time, what our solar array is producing or conversely, what it’s saving in emissions; the equivalent of trees planted or maybe even something specific such as fire trucks charged or first responders’ oxygen tanks refilled as a portion of the electricity we harness from the sun.
Smart Building Automation Systems Study
Optimize building HVAC, air quality and energy consumption based on the use of the building / occupancy. Sensors will help us monitor systems and make decisions in real time. RFP for a Study will be issued and Implementation of Study will begin in third quarter of 2021.
Electronic Vehicle Assessment Study
Assess Town of Morrisville as a corridor for EV charging stations considering location, access to highways and airport. Comprehensive study to assess strategic placement of charging stations on growth and EV adoption throughout the Town, including public / private partnerships that support Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. A vendor will be selected for this study, and the town will be looking at implementing this initiative during the next few months.
Recycling and Contamination Community Program
Work with Dedicated to Our Community NC (DOC NC) to provide opportunities for student leaders to engage in a real-world recycling campaign including a mailing and social media support. The Town received a grant for 10K for this program and will be implementing the community program in 2021- 2022.
Morrisville Upgrades to Hybrid Police SUVs
In 2020 Morrisville’s Fleet Division converted their police vehicle purchasing plan from gasoline powered vehicles to pursuit-rated hybrid police SUVs. The conversion started in the summer of 2020 with the purchase of Ford Police Interceptor SUVs that are a combination of gas engines and on-board electrical motors powered by lithium-ion hybrid batteries. Each SUV has factory default law enforcement specific options. The Town further upfits them to fit our local needs. Once they arrive from the factory, the Town installs all the lights, radios, radars, computers, cameras, and markings in the vehicles prior to their use. To date, the Town has nine Ford Police Interceptor Hybrid SUVs in the Fleet Division. The advantage of a hybrid vehicle over a standard vehicle comes from the savings while idling. Police vehicles sit idle for long periods of time. The hybrids use battery power to reduce the engine running time, saving both fuel and emissions.
Based on information from Ford’s Hybrid SUV savings calculator, the advantages of using hybrids versus nonhybrids in the fleet include the following annual savings and reductions per vehicle:
- 500 gallons of fuel at a cost savings of $1,200 and Potential reduction of 9,775 pounds of CO2.
The Town will continue working toward reducing our carbon footprint by exploring new technologies in our fleet.
How can Morrisville residents be involved in and support Morrisville’s sustainability platform and initiatives?
On an individual level, we can be mindful of the decisions we make daily. Those decisions include proper recycling, minimizing food waste, walking or biking, considering solar for your home, or buying an electric car. Additional opportunities include supporting the local vendors at the Western Wake Farmer’s Market, volunteering in the Community Garden, and taking part in the Morrisville Stewardship Program.
We are also currently participating in the Morrisville Stewardship Program, hosted by the Parks and Recreation Department. We are participating in the program by bringing together 25 community members which helps support our local parks, greenways, and water resources. We look forward to helping plant trees and flowers, pick up litter, and do other activities to beautify and protect these Morrisville resources in February and March 2021!
How do our sustainability efforts integrate Smart Morrisville and Smart City initiatives? How do these areas complement the Town’s strategic plan and goals to serve residents?
The Town’s Open Data Portal provides an opportunity to engage and learn about how we’re striving as a community to create a smarter and more sustainable Morrisville every day. The sustainability-focused projects will largely live under the “Environmental” tab being built, allowing residents to see insightful and actionable information. As an example, we plan on showing information on our electric vehicle (EV) charging stations so that EV owners can make decisions on where to charge based on their travel plans. Another example is the addition of sensors at Cedar Fork District Park, which has a history of flooding. Park sensors will feed data to a portal that residents can check before visiting the park. Those same sensors will automatically close the park gates so that a Public Works employee doesn’t have to jump in a truck (generating emissions) to close the gate.
Developing a Sustainable Innovation Strategy
PLAY of the Week:
Developing a Sustainable Innovation Strategy
In his book, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster, Bill Gates discusses the roles that philanthropists, investors, and governments can play in accelerating the innovation pipeline, from early stage research to the mass deployment of affordable, green, and reliable technologies. Gates, along with Mike Bloomberg is a principal investor in a $2 billion green innovation fund, which invests aggressively in green innovation. The portfolio companies of the fund range from Injecting Carbon from cement, plant based meats, protein based yogurts, and air filtration systems. Keep in mind that manufacturing results in about 80% of all Carbon Emissions.
Gates reminds us in his book that government policies and Executive Orders are not enough, but that we need to develop a pipeline of startups, all focused on assisting us in reducing the 51 billion tons of greenhouse gases that people add to the atmosphere each year. By 2050, if we don’t get to zero, the temperature rise will be so damaging that life will actually get worse for humans and most of the natural ecosystems.
The Green innovation Play Book
- My green innovation play for Morrisville is to encourage and develop social entrepreneurs to participate in the Innovate Morrisville program, which I shared a few weeks ago. The idea would be for startups, focused on sustainability, to partner and offer pilot programs for different Town Departments. We could begin to grow our own green innovation ecosystem, and become a destination in North Carolina for not only the data science and Technologists, but also for entrepreneurs, focused on reducing the carbon foot print in our Town and Region.
- Encourage with Smart City and Morrisville Environmental Recycling Committee to solicit presentations from Start Up Companies focused on Green and Sustainability. We need these committees to focus on an innovative approach to reduce our Carbon Footprint in Morrisville so that our Town can be a destination for investment and jobs in these areas.
- Welcome these green start ups to our Morrisville Innovation District so we can grow jobs in Morrisville.
Imagine Morrisville Listening Sessions/Focus Groups
Over the past few weeks, I have been hosting listening sessions and Focus Groups across the Town with the Business Community, Neighborhoods, Technology Leaders/CEOs, and entrepreneurs, and HOAs to get your feedback to develop a Long Term Vision for the Town.
I am still considering how I will continue to serve the citizens of Morrisville, either running for the same At Large Seat, and based on many citizens’ request across the Town, have put together an Exploratory Committee for Mayor as I explore serving in another role on the Council.
The election could be delayed until 2022, which will also affect my decision as I am weighing my options for the future in how I can continue to serve the citizens of North Carolina, whether in local or state government. I will make my final decision after the election date is set and would be honored to continue to serve the citizens of Morrisville and the Triangle region.
Either way, I want to thank all of the citizens for allowing me to serve you or the past decade, both as an At Large Council Member and a former Mayor Pro Tem (2015-2017)
Every week, I will be sharing a Play from the Morrisville Playbook which will transform us to be the number one Town to Live, Work, and Play in the country.
It is time to imagine what the Mosaic of Morrisville can be, a nonpartisan, coalition of diverse, engaged citizens, bringing out the best in each other, so we can be the Champions of the World!
Please email me to sr@steverao.com to set up a Listening Session and Stay tuned for our Play of the Week, over the weekend or early next week.
This Week in Morrisville Apr. 19 - Apr 25
Apr 22 Virtual Smart City Steering Committee 6:30 pm
Apr.27th Virtual/Hybrid Town Council Meeting
Morrisville Carpenter Road Project
Morrisville Carpenter Road Project: Work on the south side of Morrisville-Carpenter Road (between Town Hall Drive and Misty Groves Circle) in connection with the road widening operations will continue. Drivers should be prepared for flagging operations in this area between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Northbound traffic for Town Hall Drive continues to be redirected along the southbound side of the median.
Invitae calls Stitch new Home
Governor Cooper and Invitae Corporation, a life sciences company specializing in genetic testing, announced yesterday that it plans to make a $114.6 million capital investment in the Town of Morrisville!
Joining the more than 600 life sciences organizations in the Research Triangle region, the San Francisco-based company harnesses the power of genetics and technology to make medical genetics affordable and accessible. The project brings 374 jobs, with an average salary of $91,176.
Invitae will become one of the first occupants of The Stitch, the adaptive reuse project of the former Morrisville Outlet Mall. The up-fitted facility boasts 245,000 square feet of office and lab space minutes from Raleigh-Durham International Airport.
Partnering with the North Carolina Department of Commerce and the Economic Development Partnership of N.C. on this project were the North Carolina General Assembly, the North Carolina Community College System, the North Carolina Biotechnology Center, Research Triangle Foundation, North Carolina Central University, North Carolina State University, Wake Tech, the Capital Area Workforce Development Board, the Town of Morrisville, Wake County, the Morrisville Chamber of Commerce, and Wake County Economic Development and Triangle Diversity Equity and Inclusivity Alliance, programs of the Raleigh Chamber.
2021 Bond Referendum Public Comment Portal Open April 19-May 14
On November 2, 2021, the Morrisville Town Council will provide voters the opportunity to vote on financing up to $37 million in future capital projects that can be impactful for our growing community for generations to come.
Be sure to follow the Town’s social media accounts for additional engagement opportunities about the bond referendum through May 14.
Morrisville recognizes April 17 as Nepal Day
Town Council proclaimed April 17 as Nepal Day in Morrisville, in recognition that Nepalese citizens living in the Town of Morrisville and in Wake County comprise a significant portion of the Asian demographic, which makes up almost one-third of local residents. Nepalese citizens play a key role in Morrisville, by making significant contributions to the economic and social wellbeing of the Town. I was honored to attend the Nepal Day event at Church Street Park this Saturday.
Intersection Improvement Study Open House Set for April 19-23
A virtual open house that will inform the public about the Town of Morrisville’s Intersection Improvement Study will be available online Monday, April 19 through Friday, April 23. During that week people can click here to access the open house, provide input, and learn about the project, which involves a comprehensive study of more than 10 intersections. For complete details click here
Airport Boulevard Proposed Extension Public Meeting April 20
The N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) has scheduled a virtual public meeting on Tuesday, April 20, at 7 p.m. to present information on the proposed extension of Airport Boulevard from Garden Square Lane to Chapel Hill Road (N.C. 54), in Morrisville. During the meeting NCDOT staff will answer questions and accept comments before the project’s design plans are completed.
To join the virtual public meeting online or by phone and to provide input, visit the NCDOT public input page by clicking here.
Green Day set for April 24th!
Saturday, April 24 is Morrisville’s Green Day! From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Church Street Park, Morrisville will have a socially-distanced, touch-free collection event. Document shredding and an opportunity to recycle electronics (including laptops), fats, oils, grease and textiles will be provided.
Expired medications may be dropped off on-site with the Morrisville Police Department during the event as part of National Prescription Drug Take Back Day (April 24).
Morrisville’s Celebrates National Arbor Day April 30
Town Council recognizes April 30 as National Arbor Day and encourages all citizens to celebrate Arbor Day and support efforts to protect our trees and woodlands.
Morrisville’s Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources has organized a kids scavenger hunt in the park Saturday, April 24 through Friday, April 30; a special Storytime Anytime with Morrisville Community Library staff on the Town’s YouTube Page; and a tree planting event with Town Council, Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Advisory Committee and the Morrisville Environment and Stormwater Committee.
Town of Morrisville Launches Community Engagement Platform Pilot
The Town of Morrisville is excited to announce that a six-month pilot of a new community engagement platform, Engage Morrisville, has launched! Engage Morrisville is a place for residents and businesses to get involved by sharing ideas and feedback on a variety of projects and topics affecting the Morrisville community. The new platform allows members of the community to participate and contribute to important selected community decisions from anywhere at any time.
Active projects that have already launched on the new platform include:
- Morrisville Carpenter Road Improvements Project
- COVID-19 – Share Some Good News
- Social Justice and Equity – How Can We Make a Difference?
Town of Morrisville Senior Center is now Open!
The new Morrisville Senior Center, located in the McCrimmon Corners Shopping Center at 4117 Davis Drive, is now open! A variety of programs are offered, and walkthroughs are available during our standard hours of operation. Due to COVID-19, all visits and programs will be limited, requiring registration to maintain a safe environment for our participants. Programs through April 17 are listed. For details on the Center’s programs, hours, and sign-up options.
Governor Cooper will ease all Covid Restrictions by June 1, except Mask Mandate
Gov. Roy Cooper said Wednesday that he expects to lift almost all restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic on June 1 but will keep North Carolina’s mask mandate in place.
Restrictions limiting capacity at indoor restaurants, bars and concert venues are among those that will be lifted, as well as limits on indoor and outdoor gatherings.
The current existing order expires April 30. Cooper said he’ll issue a new order next week with safety restrictions for May.
The current order limits most outdoor gatherings to 100 people and indoor gatherings to 50 people. Retail establishments can operate at full capacity under the order, while restaurants are limited to 75% capacity inside. Bars, concert venues and sports arenas are limited to 50% capacity under the order.
North Carolina officials are planning to lift portions of the mask mandate on June 1 if COVID-19 trends remain generally stable.
Dr. Mandy Cohen, the secretary of the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services, said that while North Carolina is targeting continued stable case counts and increased vaccinations by June 1, parts of the mask mandate would remain in effect until the state reaches the target of two-thirds of adults taking at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
Wake County Schools Approves 2021-2022 Virtual Academy
The Wake County school board has approved the Virtual Academy for 2021-22.
The board approved the plan Tuesday. The academy will serve grades K-12 and there will be a separate virtual learning option for Pre-K students.
The registration window will open on Thursday, April 22 and close May 2.
Wake County Schools Returns to In Person High School Graduations
High schools were supposed to tell parents and students about graduation plans by April 9. Information will also be posted online at https://www.wcpss.net/graduation.
Wake County high schools will offer something closer to a normal graduation ceremony this year for seniors, while still following North Carolina health rules about masking and social distancing.
Wake high schools are planning to hold in-person graduation ceremonies at their football stadiums and gyms this spring. High schools will typically hold multiple in-person ceremonies to maintain social distancing while also offering opportunities for seniors who don’t feel it’s safe to be at a large event.
This year’s events will be larger than last year’s graduation ceremonies, where more restrictive state rules led to drive-through ceremonies or timed individual walk-throughs in the auditorium. Graduation will come for seniors after more than a year of their education being disrupted by the pandemic.
Brian Pittman, Wake’s senior director of high school programs, said they’ll monitor whether changes in restrictions will allow them to increase attendance even more at graduations.
- Schools must implement health screenings and procedures related to visitors on campus for all indoor events.
- Tickets will include an attestation of self screening of guests for outdoor events.
- Schools will maintain a list of attendees for each graduation to support contact tracing if necessary.
- All guests / visitors will be required to wear a mask at all times.
- Students must be seated at least 6 feet apart to observe social distancing.
- One step Wake is not requiring is having students and staff pass a rapid COVID test before the ceremony. The state Department of Health and Human Services is encouraging schools to use the free test kits as a way to screen people before large events like graduations.
Governor Cooper Signs Executive Order Providing Unemployment to Furloughed Employees
Cooper announced he signed an executive order on Tuesday to help workers furloughed due to COVID-19 qualify for unemployment benefits. Before the order, employees who had been paid severance or furloughed by employers were ineligible for unemployment. Cooper said the state has issued $580 million in unemployment funds to 257,000 people since the start of the pandemic and will ask the General Assembly for increasing unemployment when they go back in session next week.
Focusing federal help
Cooper says his team and legislators are working to decide how federal relief funding for North Carolina will be allocated. Cooper says his budget proposal focus on three broad areas: immediate public safety needs such as testing and personal protective equipment; funding for schools and other core government services; and small business and local government assistance.
Cooper says many North Carolina hospitals have the supplies they need due to public response, but PPE is still needed to frontline workers such as EMTs, etc. and for some medical providers.
Wake County Schools Asking for 5.5% Increase in Funds from County
Wake County Public School System Superintendent Cathy Q. Moore is recommending a $28.2 million budget increase from Wake County commissioners, what would amount to a 5.5% county funding increase, mostly to address students’ emotional health.
The school board will consider Moore’s $1.9 billion budget proposal over the next month before submitting a final proposal to the commissioners. The budget is mostly state funding, accounting for nearly $1.1 billion next year. The county’s contribution is about 28% of the proposed budget, or $544.2 million. Other local funds comprise $63.6 million, and federal funds make up $259 million.
More than a third of the county’s more than $1.4 billion budget goes to the school district.
The school board will consider Moore’s $1.9 billion operating budget proposal over the next month before submitting a final proposal to the commissioners. The county's current contribution to the budget is $527.9 million.
Moore wants to make permanent a one-time $11.9 million budget increase the county gave the school district last spring during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. She also wants to add $16.3 million to, among other things, increase the number of school counselors, psychologists and social workers.
39 Community Centers in NC to Receive Covid 19 Vaccination Funding in April
Thirty-nine community health centers in North Carolina will receive $161,988,125 in American Rescue Plan funding to support COVID-19 vaccination and services for vulnerable populations, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced.
Health centers will be able to use the funds to support and expand COVID-19 vaccination, testing, and treatment for vulnerable populations; deliver needed preventive and primary health care services to those at higher risk for COVID-19; and expand health centers' operational capacity during the pandemic and beyond, including modifying and improving physical infrastructure and adding mobile units. This investment will help increase access to vaccinations among hard-hit populations, as well as confidence in the vaccine by empowering local, trusted health professionals in their efforts to expand vaccinations.
George Floyd Policing Act
My Message:
The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act is the first-ever bold, comprehensive approach to hold police accountable, end racial profiling, change the culture of law enforcement, empower our communities, and build trust between law enforcement and our communities by addressing systemic racism and bias to help save lives.
The Justice in Policing Act would:
- establish a national standard for the operation of police departments;
- mandate data collection on police encounters;
- reprogram existing funds to invest in transformative community-based policing programs; and
- streamline federal law to prosecute excessive force and establish independent prosecutors for police investigations.
The language of the bill is identical to the version passed in the 116th Congress with the support of the entire Democratic Caucus and three Republicans.
The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021 will:
Work to End Racial & Religious Profiling
- Prohibits federal, state, and local law enforcement from racial, religious and discriminatory profiling
- Mandates training on racial, religious, and discriminatory profiling for all law enforcement
- Requires law enforcement to collect data on all investigatory activities. Save Lives by Banning Chokeholds & No-Knock Warrants
- Bans chokeholds and carotid holds at the federal level and conditions law enforcement funding for state and local governments banning chokeholds.
- Bans no-knock warrants in drug cases at the federal level and conditions law enforcement funding for state and local governments banning no-knock warrants at the local and state level.
- Requires that deadly force be used only as a last resort and requires officers to employ de-escalation techniques first.
- Changes the standard to evaluate whether law enforcement use of force was justified from whether the force was “reasonable” to whether the force was “necessary.”
- Condition grants on state and local law enforcement agencies’ establishing the same use of force standard.
- Limit Military Equipment on American Streets & Requires Body Cameras
- Limits the transfer of military-grade equipment to state and local law enforcement.
- Requires federal uniformed police officers to wear body cameras and requires state and local law enforcement to use existing federal funds to ensure the use of police body cameras.
- Requires marked federal police vehicles to have dashboard cameras. Hold Police Accountable in Court • Makes it easier to prosecute offending officers by amending the federal criminal statute to prosecute police misconduct. The mens rea requirement in 18 U.S.C. Section 242 will be amended from “willfulness” to a “recklessness” standard.
- Enables individuals to recover damages in civil court when law enforcement officers violate their constitutional rights by eliminating qualified immunity for law enforcement. Investigate Police Misconduct
- Improves the use of pattern and practice investigations at the federal level by granting the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division subpoena power and creates a grant program for state attorneys general to develop authority to conduct independent investigations into problematic police departments. Empower Our Communities to Reimagine Public Safety in an Equitable and Just Way
- This bill reinvests in our communities by supporting critical community-based programs to change the culture of law enforcement and empower our communities to reimagine public safety in an equitable and just way.
- It establishes public safety innovation grants for community-based organizations to create local commissions and task forces to help communities to re-imagine and develop concrete, just and equitable public safety approaches. These local commissions would operate similar to President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing. Change the Culture of Law Enforcement with Training to Build Integrity and Trust
- Requires the creation of law enforcement accreditation standard recommendations based on President Obama’s Taskforce on 21st Century policing.
- Creates law enforcement development and training programs to develop best practices.
- Studies the impact of laws or rules that allow a law enforcement officer to delay answers to questions posed by investigators of law enforcement misconduct.
- Enhances funding for pattern and practice discrimination investigations and programs managed by the DOJ Community Relations Service. • Requires the Attorney General to collect data on investigatory actions and detentions by federal law enforcement agencies; the racial distribution of drug charges; the use of deadly force by and against law enforcement officers; as well as traffic and pedestrian stops and detentions.
- Establishes a DOJ task force to coordinate the investigation, prosecution and enforcement efforts of federal, state and local governments in cases related to law enforcement misconduct. Improve Transparency by Collecting Data on Police Misconduct and Use-of-Force
- Creates a nationwide police misconduct registry to prevent problematic officers who are fired or leave one agency, from moving to another jurisdiction without any accountability.
- Mandates state and local law enforcement agencies to report use of force data, disaggregated by race, sex, disability, religion, age. Stop Sexual Assault in Law Enforcement Custody • Makes it a crime for a federal law enforcement officer to engage in a sexual act with an individual who is under arrest, in detention, or in custody. It prohibits consent as a defense to prosecution for unlawful conduct
President Joe Biden on Wednesday introduced a sweeping $2 trillion infrastructure and jobs package that looks to reshape the American economy and make the most significant domestic U.S. investments in generations.
His far-reaching American Jobs Plan includes spending to repair aging roads and bridges, jump-start transit projects and rebuild school buildings and hospitals. It would also expand electric vehicles, replace all lead pipes and overhaul the nation’s water systems.
But the plan goes far beyond infrastructure.
It’s as much a jobs program – one that looks to build the nation’s clean energy workforce, expand manufacturing and boost caregiving as a profession to serve the elderly and disabled.
What is in Biden's plan?
The plan, the centerpiece of Biden’s economic agenda, will next need to pass Congress, where Republicans are already lining up against it.
According to White House, the plan is divided across four main areas. Here is how the money would be spent:
1. Transportation infrastructure: $621 billion
The plan would make a massive investment in America's roadways, railways and bridges with a focus on clean energy.
It would spend $174 billion, or about 28% of the transportation portion, on electric vehicles. That includes a network of 500,000 electric vehicle stations, using electric vehicles in bus fleets, and replacing the federal government's fleet of diesel transit vehicles with electric vehicles. It would also offer tax incentives and rebates for electric cars.
About $115 billion would pay for fixing roads and bridges, chosen by those in most need of repair. That includes 20,000 miles of highways and roads, the 10 most "economically significant" bridges in the U.S. as well as 10,000 smaller bridges.
Another $85 billion is set aside for modernizing transit systems and $80 billion for a growing backlog of Amtrak repairs as well as improvements and route expansion. Airports, ports and waterways would also receive improvements.
2. Quality of life at home: $650 billion
The largest part of the plan focuses on American homes, school buildings, underground water infrastructure and broadband expansion.
The plan would spend $213 billion to build, preserve and retrofit more than 2 million affordable homes and commercial buildings. This includes the construction or rehabilitation of 500,000 homes for low- and middle-income owners. An additional $111 billion would go toward clean drinking water, including replacement of all lead pipes and service lines.
The plan sets aside $100 billion for constructing or modernizing public schools, while another $100 billion would be used to build high-speed broadband networks throughout the country. The goal would be for broadband to become universal for all Americans and to drive down the costs for internet.
The plan also calls for $40 billion to improve public housing, $18 million for Veterans Affairs hospitals and clinics, $12 billion for community college infrastructure and $16 million to plug oil and gas wells and reclaim abandoned mines.
3. Caregivers for elderly and people with disabilities
Biden wants to pump $400 billion to improve access to quality, affordable home or community-based care for the elderly and people with disabilities. It would expand a Medicaid program to make more services available and eliminate a backlog that prevents thousands from getting care.
It would also boost pay for care workers, who are disproportionately women of color and typically earn about $12 an hour.
"For too long, caregiver have been unseen, underpaid and undervalued," Biden said.
4. Research, development and manufacturing
About $300 billion in the plan would be invested in manufacturing, including support for domestic production of technologies and critical goods. Around $50 billion would go toward semiconductor manufacturing and research.
The plan would spend $180 billion on new research and development with an emphasis on clean energy, fewer emissions and climate change research. That total includes $100 billion for worker training and an increase of worker protection systems.
"We've fallen back," Biden said of U.S. investment in research and technology. "The rest of the world is closing in and closing in fast. We can't allow this to continue."
How it will be paid for
Biden wants to raise the corporate tax rate to 28% to pay for the plan. That's the percentage corporations paid before President Donald Trump's tax cuts in 2017. Biden also wants to increase the minimum tax on U.S. multinational corporations to 21%.
The tax overhaul, dubbed the Made in America Tax Plan, seeks to incentivize job creation and investment in the U.S., end profit-shifting to tax havens and ensure large corporations pay "their fair share," according to the White House.
The plan would eliminate a rule that allows U.S. companies to pay no taxes on the first 10% of returns when they locate investments in other countries.
Under the tax hikes and other reforms – eliminating tax loopholes for intellectual property and denying companies deductions for offshoring jobs, for example – the White House projects the spending would be fully paid in 15 years and reduce deficits in the following years.
Wake County Vaccinates 3,801 at PNC Arena yesterday!
Total Doses Administered: 6,594,886
- First of Two Doses Administered: 3,649,789
- Second of Two Doses Administered: 2,692,023
- Single Shot Doses: 253,074
Wake County: Wake County Public Health Vaccine Hotline 919-250-1515. It is now available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or visit website at https://covid19.wakegov.com/vaccine!
Duke Raleigh Hospital at (19) 620- 5167.
Process is to Call or visit website, join the waiting list, receive notification, and get your Vaccination Appointment!
Walgreens will offer Covid 19 Vaccine in 300 Stores (31,200 doses) in North Carolina starting on Feb 12 as a distributor under the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program and is planning to distribute 1 million doses of the Moderna Vaccine. For more information, sign up at walgreens.com/findcare/vaccination/covid-19.
Morrisville Walgreens is taking appointments at 3601 Davis Drive, Morrisville, NC 27560 and call (919) 468-6880.
Vaccination Reminders and Clinics
Central NC Locate a Vaccination Clinic by County
Select North Carolina Publix pharmacies have open COVID-19 vaccine appointments.
Vaccinations are provided to people ages 18 and older. Publix pharmacies in Buncombe, Cabarrus, Catawba, Forsyth, Gaston, Guilford, Haywood, Iredell, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Wake and Watauga counties will open up appointments for the Moderna vaccine.
Morrisville Pharmacy and Compounding
Morrisville Pharmacy and Compounding Walk In Vaccination Appointments
Morrisville Pharmacy and Compounding has offered J&J and Moderna vaccines for walkins Friday 9-1pm Sat 9-1pm
3500 Davis Drive, Morrisville NC 27560
919 463-7991 919 961-0715.
Call to check to see if they are taking any this weekend.
Wake County Regional Vaccination Clinics
Wake County will not Administer J & J Vaccines at Public Sites.
Wake County Public Health will not administer Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines at any of its four mass vaccination sites. (PNC Arena, Departure Drive, The Human Services Center on Departure DriveArena;Wake County Public Health Center on Sunnybrook Road; and Wake County Commons Building.
However, the health department will instead be utilizing smaller strike teams to distribute the one-shot vaccine strategically throughout the week.
This announcement comes a few days after Wake County paused the use of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine after a handful of allergic reactions to it. The CDC has since reaffirmed the vaccines safety.
Appointments are available in Halifax County for anyone ages 18 and older who wants a COVID-19 vaccination. Appointments are preferred however, walk-ups are accepted.
- For a Johnson and Johnson (J&J) vaccine event Thursday at the Old Commissioners' Meeting Building, 2 North King Street in Halifax, sign up here. The clinic is from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m
- For a first-dose Moderna vaccination event Saturday at the Tillery Chapel Missionary Baptist Church at 40 Community Road in Halifax, sign up here. The clinic is from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- For a second-dose Moderna vaccination event on April 29, 2021 at the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church at 4531 NC 43 in Hollister, sign up here. The clinic is from noon to 7 p.m.
Cape Fear Vaccine Supply Exceeds Demand
The Fayetteville-based health provider said this week's COVID-19 vaccine appointments are only 15 percent filled. These are appointments to get the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines. Johnson and Johnson vaccine supplies are more sporadic, so Cape Fear Valley Health has been using them at walk-in clinic when available.
North Carolina Veteran Business Association Annual Meeting
Thanks for attending our April 21 at 2pm for the North Carolina Veteran Business Association Annual Meeting.
I enjoyed Moderating this event, and am honored to serve on the Board!
I will post the Recording in a few days.
April 23 at 2 pm for a Community Colleges Month Virtual Fireside Chat with Keith Babuszczak
Join us on Friday at 2 pm for a Community Colleges Month Virtual Fireside Chat with Keith Babuszczak on the exciting growth and opportunities at Wake Tech RTP!
Stream Live on https://www.facebook.com/steve.s.rao And Aired on Sunday 4 pm. Radio Nyra on 99.9FMHD4, 101.9 FM and 1490 AM.
Register for Webinar Here:
Apr 28th at 8 am Celebrating the Town of Cary 150 Years at the Cary Chamber Eye Opener!
The Town of Cary is turning 150 years old! Mayor Harold Weinbrecht & Town Clerk, Virginia Johnson will be joining us to discuss the history of Cary, the celebrations the Town has in store and how you can participate!
Join me Sunday 4 PM on Radio Mirchi for another update on local issues.
99.9FM HD4, 101.9 FM and 1490 AM!
Join us every Friday on World Edition at 10 am for the Great America Project Panel where we discuss how we rebuild Americas' image with leaders from around the country and world.
- For latest Covid 19 information, please dial 2-1-1 or 888- 892-1162.
- Get Updates by texting COVIDNC at 898211.
- For unemployment insurance, please visit NC Dept of Employment Security at https://des.nc.gov/.
- 1,480,900 NC citizens have applied for UI Benefits, 980, 322 have been paid benefits, and $11.1 billion of benefits have been issued. Appeals of denied jobless benefits are taking many months.
Apply for Wake Forward program at https://covid19.wakegov.com/wakeforward/.
1,200 new COVID-19 cases were reported in North Carolina on Tuesday.
That's the lowest number of new cases since last Tuesday, but the number of completed tests was also low.
The percent of positive tests is at 7.4 percent.
1,170 people are currently hospitalized in the state with COVID-19. That's the highest number of hospitalizations in a month.
1,963 Newly reported Cases
+ N.C. = 952,529 Cases (Deaths = 12,480)
+ 1,168 Hospitalized
+ 7.0% Positive Rate
+ Wake County = 90,190 Cases (Deaths = 714)
+ US = 31,821,943 cases/568,131 deaths
+ Worldwide = 140,849,925/3,013,027 deaths
Council Member Rao holds office hours on Friday from 12:00-1:00 PM by appointment only at 100 Town Hall Drive in Morrisville.
Council Member Steve Rao
Town of Morrisville
Dedicated to transforming Morrisville into an ideal place to work and raise a family!
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