Sunday Worship:
In Person and
at 10:00 am
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This Week at Pender
March 28, 2024
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By following Jesus
and reaching out to others,
we seek God's transformation
of ourselves and our world.
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Maundy Thursday, March 28
Holy Thursday, Communion and foot-washing tonight at 7:30 pm.
Holy Thursday, or Maundy Thursday, commemorates the events that occurred in the Upper Room.
Good Friday, March 29
Step into the solemnity of Good Friday with Pender UMC on March 29, 2024 at 7:30 pm, for a night that will stay with you long after the candles are extinguished. Our Tenebrae service, an ancient tradition steeped in deep reflection, will feature the stirring "Tenebrae service for three voices" by Renae Meredith.
In the hushed ambiance of our sanctuary, three distinct voices will weave together the poignant narrative of Christ's Passion, with each voice adding depth to the story of sacrifice and salvation. As the lights dim, experience the powerful symbolism of the Tenebrae—a gradual extinguishing of candles—mirroring the fading light of the world as Christ journeyed to the cross.
This unique and contemplative service is an invitation to meditate on the gravity of Jesus' sacrifice and the profound stillness of Holy Week. Join us as we honor the shadows of Good Friday with a ceremony that dates back centuries, yet speaks directly to the heart of the modern faithful.
Prepare for an experience of reflection and reverence as we remember the night that changed the course of history.
Easter Sunday, March 31, 10 am
Celebrate the pinnacle of the Christian faith with us on Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024, at Pender UMC, during our special combined service. Experience the power of resurrection and redemption as Pastor Bruce delivers a compelling message titled “God’s Best Sermon,” drawing from the heart of the Gospel in Acts 10:34-43, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, and Mark 16:1-8.
This extraordinary service will not only explore the profound depths of Christ's resurrection but will also invite you to partake in the sacred act of Holy Communion, connecting us all in a moment of divine unity and grace. As we reflect on the scripture's revelations, we'll journey together through the awe-inspiring narrative of Jesus' victory over death, illuminating the path of faith, hope, and eternal life.
The crescendo of our Easter celebration will be the triumphant strains of the Hallelujah Chorus, filling the air with joyous praise and worship, symbolizing our collective rejoicing in the resurrection of Christ. This is not just a service; it’s a spiritual journey that promises to uplift, inspire, and renew your faith.
Be part of this glorious Easter celebration at Pender UMC. Make sure to subscribe and turn on notifications for our channel to experience the power of Easter like never before. Let's come together to honor the resurrection of Jesus, embracing the message of hope and salvation that defines this holy day.
Read the Sunday Bulletin for more information.
We look forward to seeing you!
All of Pender's services are streamed live and in person.
Join us live at Pender UMC
12401 Alder Woods Drive, Fairfax, VA US 22033
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The Good Friday Service March 29 at 7:30 pm will be in person and live-streamed. | |
The Easter Sunday Service March 31 at 10:00 am will be in person and live-streamed. | |
"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Jesus Christ. " 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Pender is a church committed to the power of prayer. Our "prayer chain" is a group of church members constantly in prayer for the needs of our congregation. To make your prayer needs known, you may email the prayer chain by clicking here to send an email to our group of prayer warriors.
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Dear Church Family:
A blessed Maundy Thursday to you. Unfortunately, before I can send the message that I wish to relay to you, I must first alert you to the fact that early this morning fraudulent emails were sent to several church members using a fake address with my name. The false address is: If you receive anything from this address you should assume that it is a scam. If you receive anything else from me or anyone associated with the church that doesn’t seem right or asks for money, please exercise caution, and notify us in the church office.
On a brighter note, starting this evening, we will engage in various activities and services that will help us remember the final hours before Jesus’ cross and contemplate its enduring meaning for our life together in the Risen Lord.
I am grateful for all those who have contributed to help us experience again these vital moments in Jesus’ redemptive ministry and to receive the grace he has brought us. I hope you will plan to join us for our service of Communion and foot-washing in the Gathering Place tonight (7:30).
Tomorrow, Good Friday, we will gather at 7:30 in the sanctuary for special music and a dramatic presentation that will help us to reflect on the sacrifice of Christ. Tonight’s service will not be live-streamed, but tomorrow’s Good Friday service will be.
At 6:45 on Easter Sunday, we will gather by the church main entrance to celebrate the first moments of Christ’s rising, followed by a hot breakfast at 8:00. At 10:00, we will sing our praises and rejoice in the Lord’s victory and our place in his kingdom.
Ours is a turbulent world, and Christians know that the holy season we engage intentionally each year was not born in times of peace and stability. It is my prayer for each of us that we find once again in the saving mysteries of in Holy Week the grace of the crucified and risen Lord for our lives, for the church, and for our witness in the world Jesus came to save.
Pastor Bruce
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Holy Thursday, Communion and foot-washing tonight at 7:30 pm.
Holy Thursday, or Maundy Thursday, commemorates the events that occurred in the Upper Room.
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Good Friday Drama The Passion of Jesus March 29 at 7:30 pm | |
The Easter Egg Hunt is free, but we can only accommodate 150 children plus their parents.
We need volunteers to help distribute the eggs during the Easter Egg Hunt.
Please let us know you're coming!
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Prayer is the Language of Faith
Talking and listening to God is the oldest form of communication. It is before any known language or means of conversing. We can even go back as far as Adam and Eve; for in the Garden of Eden we are taught that God walked with them in the cool of the day; a clear Scriptural image that God routinely walked and talked with the first couple.
It is also recorded in Scripture that the ancient people of faith prayed for forgiveness, reconciliation, spiritual comfort, physical health, and deliverance from brutal and fierce enemies. Jesus prayed more often than any living soul. He also taught his apostles and disciples to pray. And when He was taken up into heaven, they made prayer their highest calling. And through the centuries we have continue to mediate, speak, and listen to God.
Faith is in the heart. The language of the faith is prayer, either silent or vocal, which pleads and confers with God to take hold of the benefits of faith. In the Book of Mathew Jesus said ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened. In this passage the asking, the seeking, and the finding are distinctive qualities of earnest and persistent prayer. We know there will always be insincere prayer that wants to be seen, or for some other unsuitable motive; yet we should also know that no one will earnestly ask, seek, or knock, without faith. And without faith no one will pray earnestly. So when we pray earnestly we should have confidence that we will be heard because of our faith; for God will teach us that earnest prayer is the language of faith.
It is true that God knows our needs before we pray. Yet prayer is also a way we receive more specific needs. God graciously provides for the people of faith along with all of the world’s citizenry; for we are taught in Scripture that the rain falls on the just and the unjust alike. This verse and others like it testify that many of God’s physical and natural provisions are given to all regardless of faith; yet the Scripture also teaches us from Genesis to Revelations that specific provisions are for people who have faith.
When an infant cries when hungry or tired or cold it is natural for a parent to provide what is lacking. So it is for all the living to receive fatherly care. Yet when children mature they become more specific with their requests in which a learned language will clearly communicate their needs. In this likeness prayer is the language of faith in which the people of faith clearly and earnestly bring their specific needs to God.
Prayer is a heavenly language that God has ordained and promised to hear. It is a language that is peculiar to some and doubtful to others, but for the people of faith they know if they seek God in earnest and for the right reasons, they will be heard; not because they deserve to receive anything from God; for it is only because they have faith.
Written By Joseph Hutchison
February 28, 2024 joehutchison Seed Thoughts Home Page, Short Christian Essays
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Finance Chairman David Kinard brings an exciting update to the Pender community about our dynamic financial endeavor, the "Bridge of Hope" campaign. This initiative isn't just a campaign; it's a journey towards a brighter future for our church, and every member's contribution is a pivotal step on this bridge.
As of March 28, 2024, our collective efforts have already amassed a remarkable $161,285! What's even more heartening is that $10,000 of this is a matching grant from a generous member of our church family. This means every contribution to the "Bridge of Hope" is effectively doubled, up to an astounding $92,000. Every penny you give becomes two, making your impact even more significant.
Pamela and I are personally committed to this cause. All our weekly offerings are now channeled directly to the "Bridge of Hope," ensuring we fully leverage this matching opportunity. We encourage you to consider doing the same. Remember, undesignated funds go into our general fund, so let's be intentional with our giving. It's as simple as marking "Bridge of Hope" on your check, envelope, or selecting it from the dropdown menu when giving online.
Our goal is to maximize this matching gift and double our financial strength. This campaign is more than just numbers; it's about sustaining our beloved church's future. Over the past few years, our savings have dwindled as we've struggled to cover monthly expenses. The "Bridge to Hope" is our path to financial stability, ensuring we don't deplete our reserves.
To help everyone understand the depth and importance of this campaign, we've prepared informative handouts and giving cards available in the Pender narthex. These include answers to frequently asked questions and contact information for any further queries you might have.
Join us in this remarkable journey of faith and generosity. Let's seize this opportunity to double our impact and secure our church's financial future. Your participation in the "Bridge of Hope" campaign is not just a donation; it's an investment in the heart and soul of our Pender community.
To give, click here and choose "Bridge of Hope" - thank you!
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Liliana and Beth made 100 cookies for the youth and staff at the Fairfax Juvenile Detention Center (JDC).
They delivered the cookies and the blessing cards to the students at last Sunday’s worship service on Palm Sunday.
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Hello Pender Family!
We're excited to see all the wonderful meetings and gatherings being planned within our community! To ensure everything runs smoothly, we kindly ask that all Pender meetings, whether they're happening on-campus, off-campus, or virtually via Zoom, be included on the church calendar. This little step helps us all stay connected and informed.
If you're looking to request a meeting, it's super easy! Just fill out this form, and voilà, you're on your way. We'll send you an email to let you know once your event is approved. Just a heads-up: if a room is already booked, we won't be able to schedule your event there, but we'll do our best to find a great alternative for you.
We appreciate your patience in waiting for the approval of your meeting. We know you're eager to get together, but it's best to hold off on resuming meetings until you get the green light. This ensures that your space is confirmed and ready for you. Remember, completing the form is the first step, but your room isn't booked until you receive that approval email.
Thanks for helping everything run like clockwork at Pender! We can't wait to see all the amazing things you'll be doing in your meetings.
Questions or need help? Email
Blessings and Happy Planning!
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No meeting Saturday 3/30/2024
All are welcome to join us for a discussion to consider “Questions in Faith” that pertain to us all, no matter our station of life or faith.
We will meet in the library at 10:30 to talk about biblical answers to questions about God, faith, and life that relate to us all.
If you plan to come, contact me to make arrangement to get you a study book that will be the basis of our discussion.
Bring your Bible with you and invite a friend.
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Support our First Responders by helping us restock our Rest Stop.
The following donations are currently needed: 16 oz bottled water and energy drinks.
Donations can be dropped off in the Church Office.
Our officers continually let us know how blessed they are to have a safe place here at Pender! In turn, we are safer because of their presence!
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BlackGirlScientist, LLC. will sponsor a FREE STEM Workshop (Lava Lip Gloss Lab) at Pender UMC for the maximum of 30 middle school age girls. The goal will be to expose young girls to STEM through an interactive workshop.
STEM is an acronym for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. It's a term used to group together these related technical disciplines. STEM is often used in the context of education policy and school curriculum choices.
Register today!
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Children's Sunday School meets Sunday in person from 10:15 - 11am.
Welcome to Sunday School!
Any questions? Please speak with Miss Jane or Miss Maya!
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Hi Sunday School Families & Friends,
There are some wonderful family/children's activities happening ithis year. Please come and enjoy! All are welcome -- and invite a friend!
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Discover a supportive space for new beginnings! Join us every Wednesday at 6:00 PM in the serene ambiance of Pender UMC's Library.
At 5:00 PM there is a time of casual chat, known as the "meeting before the meeting".
Engage in meaningful conversations and find camaraderie at our AA meetings, guided by the experienced Tom O, a dedicated long-term member.
These are open meetings.
OPEN (Open to anyone interested in Alcoholics Anonymous' program of recovery from alcoholism)
DISCUSSION (Group participation in discussion of topic relevant to the AA program)
STEP (Group discussion of the 12 steps of AA)
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Pender VBS Registration is open!
VBS will be the week of June 24 through June 28
In the bustling, whimsical world of Hero Hotline Headquarters, superheroes of every shape, size, and superpower come together under the watchful eye of the wise Professor and the legendary Super Meer, a daring Meerkat hero.
Here, in this vibrant hub of heroism, young and old heroes alike answer the call of duty, joining forces to lend their extraordinary talents to Hero Teams across the globe.
Whether it's solving perplexing puzzles, battling dastardly villains, or rescuing those in peril, these superheroes are always ready to save the day with a dash of fun, a sprinkle of humor, and a whole lot of heart.
Register at
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Western Fairfax Christian Ministries ("WFCM") Current Request for Donations
WFCM has been providing food and services to the community for 35 years. Pender was one of the twelve founding churches that set the path and began the journey. Becky Bryan is our current liaison with WFCM.
Thanks goes out to all of you who continue to support WFCM many programs.
The WFCM blue cart is outside the church.
WFCM pantry needs:
- Canned peaches and canned fruit cocktail, no sugar added
- Oatmeal, grits
- Canned tomatoes, stewed or crushed
- Risotto
- Brown rice
- Toiletries: toothpaste, lotion, toilet paper
All donations of food and toiletries are welcomed and needed.
Please no:
* Expired food
* Glass jars
* Egg Cartons
Thanks to all of you who faithfully extend your loving mercy to those in our community who may face food insecurity without the donations we make to WFCM. Usually this Pender weekly email does not contain the entire letter from WFCM with their monthly update. Since it may have been awhile since you’ve seen how your contributions make a difference, please take a couple of minutes to read this. You’ll also learn about the various ways WFCM gets food to those who need it.
Below is an excerpt from the letter which I want to bring to your attention.
Please consider a recurring monthly donation. How does this help? We are able to turn your monthly donation of $50 into $300 of groceries.
When you give a cash donation to Pender designated for the WFCM Food Pantry, Pender will forward the donation to WFCM with the restriction to use it for the food pantry. In March we have sent $1,000 – which multiplies into $6,000 worth of food when WFCM makes bulk purchases.
If you have any questions, please contact me, Becky Bryan, or you may contact WFCM directly.
Again, thanks to each of you who continue to support this important ministry.
Read this month's WFCM Newsletter.
The WFCM Food Pantry is accepting outside donations at their address below. There is a greater need for food but fewer donations.
You can also help by ordering from Amazon for delivery to WFCM. Rice, beans, canned fruit, diapers (Sizes 4, 5, 6), pasta, pasta sauce, etc.
4511 Daly Drive, Suite J
Chantilly, VA 20151
Financial contributions are also accepted (cash, check or through our website). Please mark your tax deductible donation "WFCM Food Pantry." This will be recorded on your giving statement.
Thank you for your continuing support of WFCM. In 2021, Pender donated 6,128.74 pounds of food and personal care items to help the needy in the community. Thank you for your ongoing and generous support of WFCM.
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Pender is an open and welcoming church. We accept and embrace all persons, period. All people are blessed children of God. Pender is a caring and praying church community; we believe as Christians that we are called to follow and practice the ways of Jesus Christ, who is our ever present and living God.
Our mission is to practice and embrace, providing unconditional love and acceptance of all of God's children as He loves and accepts all of us.
We do not discriminate based on age, mental, physical, or intellectual ability, culture, gender, race, religious belief or unbelief, or sexual orientation.
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Tonight - March 28, Holy Thursday Communion and foot-washing at 7:30 pm
March 29, Good Friday, Stations of the Cross, daytime
March 29, Good Friday, Drama of the Passion of Jesus 7:30 pm
March 30, NO Questions in Faith
March 30, Holy Saturday Easter Egg Hunt 10:30 am
March 31, Easter Sunday sunrise service at 6:45 am, followed by breakfast at 8:00 am
March 31, Easter Sunday one combined service at 10:00 am
March 31, No Youth Meeting
April 1, The Church Office will be closed
April 11, Missions Potluck
April 20, Dick Busby Funeral at 11:00 am
April 21, Woman of the Year Tea
April 21, Lava Lip Gloss Workshop, Register here
April 23-May 3, General Conference
April 27, Game Night
May 5, Graduate Sunday
May 18-19, Faith Promise Missions Celebration
May 19, Pentecost Sunday
June 20-22, Virginia Annual Conference
June 24-28, VBS. Registration open now at
July 21-27, Philippi Youth Missions Trip
Weekly Events
- Sunday
- Children's Sunday School Class at 10:15 am.
- Youth Sunday School Class meets at 10:15 am.
- Connections Adult Class meets at 10:15 am
- The Seeker Sunday School Class meets at 10:15 am.
- Pray for Pender, 10:15 am
- The Turning Point Youth Group at 4:00 pm
- Monday
- Fun with Music
- Mary Martha Circle, online
- Tuesday
- Recorder Consort or Flute Choir rehearsal
- Handbell rehearsals
- Pastor Bruce Bible Study at 7pm on break
- Wednesday
- Ruth Circle meets in person the second and fourth Wednesday of each month
- AA Meetings at 6pm
- Thursday
- Pastor Bruce Bible Study at 10 am on break
Lectio Divina Prayer Group Learn more here
- Choir Rehearsal at 6:30
- Praise Band Rehearsal at 7:30
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