We hope to be outside, but if needed, we will be able to pray in the sanctuary and Margolis Hall with the partition open. We will let you know our plan by 3 pm on each Friday by email, the website, and our outgoing voicemail message.
Of course, we want everyone to participate, including from home.
We will live-stream the service through our website and Facebook and have a Zoom available for folks to watch the service together. Shai Avny, our Congregation Engagement Director, will host the Zoom room. Birthday blessings will be celebrated whether in person or via Zoom on June 18.
We will be using a prayerbook for the service.
You can use this online "flipbook" of Mishkan T'filah or contact the office in advance to pick up a prayerbook to borrow.
We want our services in June to feel like a celebration, and we sincerely encourage you to attend.
We are asking you to RSVP so we can get a sense of numbers in advance, but we will not turn people away. While our expectation is that all adults attending will be vaccinated unless there are medical reasons one cannot, several Covid-19 mitigation steps will remain in place to protect vulnerable members of our community, particularly children and those who are immunocompromised.
- Masks will be required, even outside.
- Everyone should keep physical distance from anyone outside your household or self-identified pod.
- Children are welcome; masks required for ages 5 and up.
- You will be welcome to sing!
We will not be having “an oneg” (desserts), but definitely will experience the spirit of oneg (Hebrew word for “joy”).
As mentioned in our opening letter, we are returning to online services only for Friday Shabbat services on July 2 and 9. Very soon we will have to make decisions about how to conduct High Holy Days in September, and by collecting feedback about your reactions to both in-person and on-line services, we will have data on which to base our choices. Your input will be extremely important, timely, and helpful. We will likely return to in-person services for the rest of the summer.
Please be in touch with us with any questions, office@mzion.org. And please RSVP today. Thank you in advance.