Children, Youth and Family Newsletter April 2024

As we enter into 2024, things are really starting to solidify here in the world of Children, Youth and Family Ministry. After trying a new schedule and taking some time to evaluate and revamp - we are going to keep with the schedule we have been following.


Here is what is going on in the month of APRIL: Details for these events can be found below

  • April 03: Middle School Ministry Spring Term Week ONE
  • April 07: Childrens Ministry AND High School Ministry
  • April 10: Middle School Ministry Spring Term Week Two
  • April 14: Childrens Ministry AND Children and Prayer Milestone
  • April 17: Middle School Ministry Spring Term Week Three (SERVICE NIGHT)
  • April 19: Middle School Ministry Game Night
  • April 20: Childrens Ministry Parents Day Out
  • April 21: Childrens MInistry AND HIgh School MInistry
  • April 24: Middle School MInistry End of the Year Party
  • April 28: Children Ministry
  • TBD: High School Event


We have just two short months left of our School Year programming (but we will still meet occasionally in the Summer). Starting on Sunday, April 7th we will return to our regular Sunday morning schedule (leave after the Childrens Message and return after the Sermon) and remain in that schedule through Sunday, May 19th.


MIddle School Ministry is starting to wind down for the School Year with SPRING TERM and the End of the Year Party remaining. There is further information on BOTH of those events further down the Newsletter.

Our last official gathering of the school year will be Wednesday, April 26th from 6:30 - 8:00.


High School Ministry will meet two Sundays a month (FOR NOW) for High School Hangout from 6:00 - 9:00 PM. Church will be open and available for whatever your high schooler needs it to be. There will be a quiet place to study (YOUTH ROOM), a space to relieve some stress (CLC) a place to do Group Projects (Welcome Center) and a place to simply be. Katie will be here to talk if you need it, and will have devotionals ready to go that will correlate with that Sundays scripture.

APRIL NOTES: Our April Dates will be Sunday, April 7th and Sunday, April 21st


Childrens Ministry will be primarily focused on Summer Day Camp. You can find the full catalog for that here: DAY CAMP 2024. You can register for Day Camp here: DAY CAMP Registration

Middle School Ministry will be meeting on Wednesdays from 9-5, but you will be able to register for individual days. Our days will be spent doing Service Events or Fellowship Events. The full schedule and registration form will be available in late MAY.

High School Ministry will be sticking close to home this Summer (with two trips being planned for 2025) as we do some weekend camping trips and service work here in the Metro Area. The full schedule and registration form will be available in late MAY.

Middle/High School Summer Overview


As we get ready to wrap up our 203-24 Program year, we still have a few weeks left and we are changing things up a bit!

All 6th-8th graders (even if you haven't been coming regularly) are invited to join us for SPRING TERM 2024! This year there are two different tracks you can choose from: Catechism Track or God in Relationships Track. The Catechism Track needs to be taken ONE of your three years in Middle School Ministry. Each track is two weeks long and the third week we are having a service night at FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN (Coon Rapids). To see the full catalog with track descriptions, you can click SPRING TERM BROCHURE.

We do ask that you register for Spring Term (even if you are not able to participate every week). Spring Term meets on April 3rd, April 10th and then the Service Night is April 17th. To register click SPRING TERM REGISTRATION


Have you even been "scared" to pray outloud, or aren't sure how to start making prayer a part of your daily life? Maybe you are looking for more prayer options to mix it up a little bit.

All families are invited to join us for our Children and Prayer Milestone event on Sunday, April 14th after the 9:30 Worship Service. We will meet IN the Worship Center @ 10:45 AM. Throughout our morning we will experience different ways to pray, talk about times when we normally pray and practice praying together. If you are wishing to attend this milestone, please register HERE


Game Night is BACK! We had so much fun last time, that we are bringing back and making it an hour longer.

Join us on Friday night April 19th from 6:00PM - 10:00PM @ Prince of Peace.

We will have Large Group games (dodgeball, lightning) Church wide games (Chickens and Farmers, Hide and Seek) and Board Games (a large variety) to serve everyones needs. If your kiddos want a space to play a board game with friends - we are the place. If they want to gather some friends to run off some energy - we are the place.

The cost is $10/student that will help cover the cost of food and any game suppplies that need to be purchased. Please register HERE


Do you want to know what's better than a Parents NIGHT Out? A Parents DAY Out! That's right - a full day.

Have you ever wished that you had a day off of work where you kiddos weren't home? A simple opportunity run errands, clean the house, or SLEEP without your kiddos bothering you?

Join us on Saturday, April 20th from 10:00AM - 4:00PM for our Childrens MInistry Parents Day Out. You can register for all or part of the day! Register HERE. This event is a Free Will Donation Event

SPECIAL NOTE: This event is also being used as a Fundraiser (for WAPO ONLY)/Service Hour Event for Middle School or High School Students.


We have had a great year in Middle School MInistry as we have learned and grown together. Join us on Wednesday night, April 26th for our End of the Year Bash! WEATHER PERMITTING we will be OUTSIDE for a Bonfire, SMores, an Outdoor Games (Gaga Ball, Ghost in the Graveyard, etc) and Root Beer Floats!


We would love to do a Fellowship Event in April/May for our High School Ministry. And as much as Miss Katie knows that the High Schoolers would PROBABLY want another Lock-In, we don't have the time for that this year.

Therefore, Miss Katie is asking for input so that she can work on planning an event that High School Students and their families are looking for. Please take a minute and fill out this EVENT SURVEY to help her with her planning.


Here what is coming in MAY: Mark your calendars now and keep your eyes open for more information as it is released

May 01: Churchwide Service Night @ Second Harvest Heartland

May 05: Childrens Ministry AND High School Ministry

May 10: Plant Sale Delivery and Divide Day

May 11: Plant Sale Order Pick-Up Day

May 12: Childrens Ministry

May 19: Childrens Ministry AND High School Ministry (End of the Year Parties)

May 26: Memorial Day Weekend

Upcoming Church Wide Events

  • Join us on Sunday, April 7th for Ask the Pastors: A chance for YOU, the Congregation, to ask your questions about Faith and all that it encompasses
  • Join us on Sunday, May 19th for a special Pentecost Event (more details to come, but MARK YOUR CALENDARS)


Prince of Peace is currently in the process of updating their online giving platform to allow easier access. This is also allowing up to have an online payment option.

In case you did NOT receive it, HERE is a blast that was recently sent out that gives more detail on how to set up your new account, as well as cancelling your previous account (if you had one through VANCO).