39,362 Personal, Pivotal Steps
Quantifiable Impact
Our passion is to effect behavior for good. To that end, we've joined Navitent as the point person for Social Impact, a national public-private co-op that effects measurable, sustained benefits for the most vulnerable among us, a goal we believe ultimately elevates all of us. Through intelligence augmentation, we've guided traumatized teens step by step toward competency in key aspects of life. So far teens have taken 39,362 of these steps! Social Impact gives us the capacity to assist so many more at deeper levels of engagement. We're looking for sponsors to help fund this giant social-technological leap forward through a $450,000 Capital Campaign meant to effect lasting change for many more of our most vulnerable and those who lead them. Contact us to learn more.
Join Us in Sonoma
Cars, Coffee and Wine Country! Join us at Sonoma Plaza (City Hall) on Saturday, July 31, from 9 AM to 1 PM. Sonoma Auto Spa is hosting the event and is featuring Jeremiah's Promise as the nonprofit to benefit through a fundraising opportunity held on site. Stroll through rows of exotic cars with a great cup of joe! We'll be there to greet you and explain more about JP and our role in Social Impact. And maybe, just maybe, we'll give you a tip for a fabulous winery you can try out later. Or just come, relax and say hello!