HMIS News Alert
July 2, 2021
Updated Paper and HMIS Assessments Posted!
Paper Assessments are ready to Print!
If you use Paper Assessments to record client information, there's a new version available on the NCCEH Data Center and NC DHHS ESG websites. If you need help finding the forms your project uses, please reach out to us at the Helpdesk!

The Paper Assessments have been updated to match HMIS@NCCEH's ServicePoint Assessments, which were also updated. If you find that any forms don't match, please let us know! They should all be aligned as of July 1.
For SSO, CE, SO, RRH, PSH Projects: minimal updates
For Supportive Services Only (SSO), Coordinated Entry (CE), Street Outreach (SO), Rapid Re-Housing (RRH), and Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) projects there are three changes to your paper and HMIS assessments:
  1. On the paper forms, "Date of Data Collection" is now "Date of Project Start" for Intakes
  2. On paper and in HMIS, County of Residence before enrollment has been removed/retired.  
  3. On paper and in HMIS, City of Residence before enrollment has been removed/retired. 

If you have any questions about these changes or need assistance to make the transition, please let us know at the Helpdesk!
For ES, TH projects
For Emergency Shelter (ES) and Transitional Housing (TH) projects, there are four changes to your paper and HMIS assessments:
  1. On the paper forms, "Date of Data Collection" is now "Date of Project Start" for Intakes
  2. On paper and in HMIS, County of Residence before enrollment has been removed/retired.  
  3. On paper and in HMIS, City of Residence before enrollment has been removed/retired.  
  4. On paper and in HMIS, the Current Living Situation sub-assessment has been added to the Project Start, Interim, and Exits assessments.
What does the addition of Current Living Situation mean for ES and TH projects?
The Data Center strongly recommends using this data element to confirm where adult clients are sleeping at:
  • Intake (to confirm that no matter where the client was yesterday, they are now sleeping at your ES or TH)
  • CE Assessment or Event (whenever you complete the VI-SPDAT Assessment or a Referral Event, confirm the client's up-to-date living situation)
  • Exit (or to put it another way, when the client's sleeping situation changes)
The Data Center also strongly recommends completing Current Living Situation for all adults beginning now. 
By confirming Current Living Situation at as Intakes, CE Assessments or Events, and Exits occur, you will support the gradual integration of this data element. The goal is to have at least one confirmed Current Living Situation for all active ES and TH adult clients by October 1st, 2021. 

**BoS and Orange Coordinated Entry systems need your help to meet HUD CE grant requirements. ES and TH projects have a pivotal role in CE and sometimes have the most contact with clients directly. Following the above guidance supports critical resources for your local community!**
How should ES and TH projects complete Current Living Situation?
There are several parts to this data element but Emergency Shelter and Transitional Housing projects can complete them without asking clients any questions!
  1. Find the sub-assessment in the Start, Interim, or Exit Assessment (on the Entry/Exit tab in HMIS)
  2. Select "Add"
  3. Confirm the date for this record (start date, end date, and information date will be the same.)
  4. Select the Current Living Situation (matching the project type)
  5. Confirm who verified this (whichever project the client is enrolled in and you're using EDA mode for)
  6. Respond to "Is client going to have to leave their current living situation within 14 days?"
  • For 99% of clients, the answer is "No". While a client may leave the ES or TH project, they will not be forced to leave in two weeks.
  • The purpose of this question is to support a more nuanced understanding of clients experiencing Category 2 Homelessness (Imminently At Risk). 
  • If the client will be forced to leave within 14 days, then ask the additional questions.

Then Save and Exit to submit the response!
If you'd like to see Current Living Situation in action, visit the Data Standards Trainings on the NCCEH website for a review in the last training!
This HMIS News Alert is also saved to the Data Center's News Archive for your reference.
NCCEH Data Center | 919.410.6997 |