In a time of rapid change, increasing polarization of society, & breakdown of institutions, how can you find solid ground upon which to base your life, guide your decisions & plan when the world as you knew it is gone & the future is very much in flux?

What is the rock you stand upon? How can you regain your sanity when you start freaking out? Or release anger without killing anyone? How can you take the stress of massive change to grow & heal, & by extension to help to heal the world around you as well? In short, how can you take the chaos as motivation to tap into the wisdom within, work on what needs to be addressed starting with the self, & to find & enhance the strength inside to ultimately turn it into a blessing?

At age 4 like the Lucy of Peanuts cartoon fame, Roxanne Louise started counseling playmates, & was overheard telling another 4 year old that she was “Master of Herself”. Roxanne’s life since has been a personal & vocational quest to understand people, & for various methods that can help especially in the realm of mental & emotional healing & stress management. As in the saying “be careful what you ask for”, much of her knowledge & wisdom has been gained the hard way. During this presentation, she will go over many quick & easy ways she has found effective to reduce stress & turn problems into compost for personal healing & growth.


Roxanne Louise is a Hypnotherapist, Dowser, Stress Management Expert & Reiki Master, who divides her time between private practice, teaching classes on the internet & at multiple national hypnosis & dowsing conferences yearly. She has received 7 awards for her work in hypnosis (including 2 for Lifetime Achievement) & 2 in dowsing including Educator of the Year Award in 2018, & Special Recognitions Award in 2019 from the American Society of Dowsers.

Roxanne is a Past Board Member & later President of the American Society of Dowsers, conducted 47 informative ASD teleconferences for more than 2 years. She is known for her ability to integrate multiple modalities which enables profound healing not possible with one modality alone, & in a way not previously done by others.

She specializes in mental & emotional healing, stress management, mind-body healing, & creative problem solving. Roxanne is also the author of 10 books, 7 of which are still in print. A full bio is here: Her websites are,, her books are here: and her prodigious blog of over 170 articles is . 

with Due Quach

Build Brain 3.0 to be the change you want to see in the world.

When you activate and strengthen Brain 3.0:
• you feel grounded, aligned, and whole.
• you can see and change limiting patterns, rise to challenges, and
collaborate effectively.
• you inspire others and co-create healthy and vibrant relationships,
teams, organizations, and communities.

Use this practical guide to jump-start your journey to becoming the fullest and highest expression of yourself.


Due Quach (pronounced ‘Zway Kwok’) is an inspiring social entrepreneur and the author of Calm Clarity: How to Use Science to Rewire Your Brain for Greater Wisdom, Fulfillment and Joy, one of Fast Company’s best business books of 2018.

Due’s journey as a traumatized refugee in inner-city Philadelphia carving a path through Harvard, Wharton, and the business world to become an American success story shows how genuine healing and transformation is possible using neuroscience-based "mind-hacking" techniques to steer brain development.

She created Calm Clarity in 2013 to improve collective well-being by making her mind-hacking techniques accessible to disadvantaged communities.

Calm Clarity has trained inner-city high school students, first-generation college students, people in workforce development programs, as well as professionals and senior executives across many sectors, to use neuroscience to develop inclusive leadership, address unconscious bias, heal trauma, and transform their lives and communities.

Women's Group
Sunday, April 14th
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM (PDT)

"Gardens invite us to re-member our true role in the natural realms around us."
Mare Cromwell

Did you know that April 14th is National Garden Day?

A week before Earth Day is celebrated, let's explore our relationship with Mother Gaia and with the unseen realms of the Nature Spirits.

An evite has gone out to the women on the women's group list. If you did not receive an evite and would like to, please email me:
Atala Toy

The Eco-Art of Earth's Non-Human Intelligences

Christine Norton, MD

Ancient Wisdom, Modern Technology