Kroka Expeditions Trip - Covid Expsoure

Dear Third grade parents,

Good Afternoon.

Many of you will already be aware that earlier this week, a student in the third grade class was exposed to a family member who tested positive for COVID-19.

Much consideration has been given to the situation to establish the level of risk associated with the student’s exposure, in relation to the safety of the whole class. We have consulted with Kroka Expeditions, and most importantly, our COVID Consultant, who is an Infectious Disease Specialist, dealing with COVID-19 every day. 

Monday, 9th May is considered the exposed student's day 6. Most people will turn positive by day 5. Our school policy, which aligns with that of NYS and Ulster County Department of Health, allows students who have tested positive for COVID-19 to return to school on Day 6 as long as they wear a mask for days 6-10. In this situation, we are talking about an exposure rather than a positive case. Mitigation measures were immediately put in place, including:

  • the student testing (negative) every other day
  • wearing a mask around others 
  • the infected family member isolating from others at home to minimize the risk of ongoing exposure
  • family members masking at home and testing (negative) regularly

In addition, the student has tested negative with a PCR test today and will be taking a rapid test tomorrow and another one on Monday, prior to departure. 

Given the above, the conclusion is to allow the student to attend the Kroka trip as risk of infection is low. We recommend they wear a mask as much as they can. 

Kroka has confirmed they are comfortable wth the student attending and our COVID-19 Consultant supports the student's attendance.

As parents ourselves, we understand there may be concerns and we assure you this decision has not been taken lightly. If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch at Covid Confidential

***Please note that all 3rd grade students are required to take a rapid at-home COVID test prior to their departure to N.H. on Monday, May 9th***

Wishing the third grade class an inspiring and joyous week in New Hampshire!



Susan Ramaty

on behalf of the MLWS COVID-19 Health & Safety Task force